

‘He wouldn’t let anyone near it' Resident objects to the removal of hazardous tree, hugging it in attempt to prevent machinery from cutting it down

‘He wouldn’t let anyone near it': Resident objects to the removal of hazardous tree, hugging it in attempt to prevent machinery from cutting it down

There are a lot of scenarios in movies and TV shows in which a person is opposed to the removal of some kind of landmark, like an old tree or a historical building, and to stop the destruction of it, they do something extreme. Something like tying themselves to said landmark, or organizing a protest with other people in order to stop its removal. Though it might be a funny moment for television, it is intriguing to know whether this types of situation actually happen in real life. Well, I can g…
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Company suffers massive financial hardship after forcing out irreplaceable worker: 'The [department] racked up eight-figure losses'

Usually, it's wise to have multiple persons capable of maintaining the continuity of the important areas of your organization. This means not having a single employee who knows essential company processes, secrets, codes, and passwords that can't otherwise be found, learned, or replicated by someone else. If you happen to have one of these workers in your organization or someone who is otherwise essential to the operation of your business, you will do well to treat them well. It would certainly…
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'This went on and on for weeks': Guy gets even with non-stop partying neighbors by hiding their extra keys

Guy gets even with non-stop partying neighbors by hiding their electric key: 'Two days later [...] they ran out of electricity'

Nine times out of ten, neighbors who call in noise complaints are usually the problem, but every so often that neighbor is in the right. You can usually tell when you read them recount their story if they are attempting to hide the crazy or if they truly are the voice of reason in the conflict. Here, we have a resident of an apartment building who allowed their new neighbors a grace period to make some noise for the move itself and for their housewarming party. However, as time progressed, it b…
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‘I hope you enjoyed all my tip money': Brewtender uses a thrifty gift card worth $0.75 to get payback on a tip-stealing coworker

Do you ever wish you could take karma into your own hands? Unfortunately, life doesn't always give us opportunities to play with our tormentors, but for the brewery bartender in our next story, the karmic cookie crumbled in his favor after he caught a coworker red-handed stealing his tips.
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'BOOM, nothing but Bluey': Petty bestie gets revenge on her friend's cheating ex-husband by 'babyfying' his Netflix account

There are few luxuries that a cheating ex can remain privy to after a divorce… and free-reign of the communal Netflix account is NOT included in this alimony.
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pro revenge salary boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses revenge work coworkers finances workplace Horrible Bosses - 24811269

'Revenge on a horrible boss that cost me $10k': Analyst poaches numerous employees from former boss

It didn't take long after leaving a job before this employee began plotting their revenge . If your boss cost you roughly $10,000, you'd probably feel the same way! As you rise through the ranks of your career, you might spot opportunities to prove yourself. Maybe your boss is going on vacation, and they ask you to keep an eye on things until they're back. Or maybe your supervisor wants you to take on extra responsibilities to help you better understand the industry. Employees will often take o…
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pro revenge bnb hotel guest hotel petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge Airbnb hotel room Travel hotels traveling revenge-stories-reddit - 24453125

AirBnB host refuses to fix wifi, disgruntled guest changes settings and locks them out: 'I simply reset the router and changed everything'

There are few things less mildly infuriating when traveling than ending up with accommodation where the wifi doesn't work. For one thing, if you're traveling internationally you're going to be on one of various cellular data roaming plans, which are usually overly expensive for the limited amount of data they offer, leaving you dependent on reliable wifi to take care of data-intensive tasks—and for your daily TikTok doomscrolling session. With this in mind, it's wild how many top-tier hotels (a…
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snitch work workplace coworkers coworker worker employee employees manager managers supervisor ethics job trap reddit petty revenge

'Lie about me at work and you'll suffer the consequences': Employee frames the office snitch to give them a taste of their own medicine, sparking heated controversy

When was the last time you got tattle-tailed on?
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americana mailbox revenge petty revenge pro revenge malicious compliance great stories revenge-stories petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories-reddit - 24767237

'Want to play mailbox baseball? Fine it will cost you one window': Mailbox vandals and their vehicle lose to reinforced mailbox

“Mailbox baseball,” the act of hitting an unsuspecting mailbox with a baseball bat out of a moving vehicle, is a niche yet important part of the mythos of American life—a relic of Americana that lives on in classic coming-of-age stories and family folklore. If you've ever poked and prodded an older member of your family who grew up as a bored child back in the days when kids and teens roamed wildly unaccounted for, you've probably heard some of these stories. Beyond that, if you're living in a…
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bad landlords pro revenge landlord petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories tenant landlords petty revenge rent renting revenge-stories-reddit - 24663557

'The police were also automatically called...': Landlord gets a surprise when they can't disable their tenant's alarm after turning up unannounced and uninvited

One of the core principles of renting a house is that it might be your landlord's house … but you're paying for it to be your home . This is something that gets missed, soaring right over their heads… and smacking into the poorly painted white wall behind them. Of course, there are laws in many (many) places regarding the rights that your landlord has to enter their property, and the rights that you have to privacy. Many jurisdictions will require the landlord, or property manager, to give a ce…
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roomie roomies roommate roommates toxic best bestie friend friends friendship homie payback revenge petty reddit relationship girlfriend boyfriend karen breakup epic roomie

‘[She was] trying to turn him against us’: Loyal roommate breaks up with Karen-ish girlfriend after she tries to get his roomies evicted, epic showdown ensues

There's no relationship more complicated than that of a person and their roommate's significant other. Like the parasitic third wheel in the house, even the nicest boyfriends and girlfriends can quickly become unlikeable, clogging up the fridge, leaving their belongings in communal spaces, and stealing the quality time you once had with your house-bestie.
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breakup parasite meal ticket mortgage boyfriend girlfriend revenge payback pro-revenge reddit petty-revenge sugar-daddy cheater cheating cheat ex

‘Your new squeeze Darren can pay [the bills] now’: Meal-ticket boyfriend gets the ultimate payback on a cheating ex, leaving her with 3 months of unpaid bills

Financial parasites can hunt for prey in a lot of ways, but the easiest targets are always the ones with generous spirits and a bleeding heart. While not everyone is wary of their romantic suitors in this department (especially if you're not particularly wealthy), disillusion doesn't mean that you're safe from a parasitic girlfriend or boyfriend.
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school schools teacher teachers funding class classroom work field-trip funding funded principal admin story penny-pinching credit taking-credit  payback revenge malicious compliance reddit

‘No photos for [you]’: Penny-pinching school admin tries to take credit for a field trip they refused to fund, teacher that paid €360 claps back

When the school principal is the first person to deny funding for any extra projects but also the first in line to reap the benefits, teachers can get a little fiery in the teacher's lounge.
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'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

'Old boss told me to contact his lawyers... So I did': Worker fired for workplace injury, sues for commission they weren't being fairly paid

Oftentimes, in life, it can be startling just how incompetent some people are, they may be incompetent even to the point of cruelty and you may be convinced that cruelty is their base and driving function. However, as Hanlon's Razor reasons for us, we should “ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Of course, this doesn't always apply when greed and lust for power are driving forces, though stupidity often plays into these decisions too. Stupidity or cruelty…
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College student exposes professor's favorite for doing zero work on their group project: 'Giovanni didn't show up'

College student exposes professor's favorite for doing zero work on their group project: 'Giovanni didn't show up'

Some people are highly skilled at getting out of doing any actual work… that is, until they meet their match. We're used to seeing this dynamic play out in work environments or in certain relationship dynamics, but one of the earliest examples of this kind of flawed collaboration is the group project. Group projects don't necessarily teach you about collaboration; if anything, they teach you about how to deal with the givers and takers of this world. That is the only silver lining with a group…
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Hotel worker fired for using multiple guests' credit card information: '[His] manager just exploded in anger'

Hotel worker fired for using multiple guests' credit card information: '[His] manager just exploded in anger'

This employee's extracurricular activities were not a good look for the hotel's reputation. What's particularly funny about this story of an unprofessional employee getting justly fired is that it wasn't a coworker or manager who figured out what he was doing. In fact, it was another front desk agent at a totally different hotel. This agent was contacted by the bad employee, who was trying to book a 20-day stay using someone else's credit card information. The agent started to sense that someth…
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