

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job revenge work i quit quit petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 24126725

Worker quits their job by walking out without saying anything: 'I had zero intention of doing a two-week notice'

People don't quit their jobs—they quit their bosses… And there's no better way to get back at a terrible manager than to be the one pulling the string that unravels their entire working world—just as this worker did to their terrible boss.
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petty-revenge petty revenge reddit reddit-thread driver drive driving ride rider ride-share ride-share-app cab cab-driver taxi taxi-driver

'Totally worth the one star': Passenger gets petty revenge on an bad-mannered ride-share driver

The day that ride-share apps became a thing was the same day that yellow cabs got the boot. Back in the good ol' days of ride-sharing, you could hitch a ride with a stranger in their private vehicle for about $8-10 a trip. Nowadays, with the money-grubbing corporate vultures coming for the carcass of a snazzy startup, that same ride is going to take 10x as long and cost triple. What happened?
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pro revenge landlord revenge landlords parenting renting petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories revenge-stories-reddit - 24100357

'I stopped paying rent': Tenant gets back at terrible landlord by building a case against them and taking them to court

Renting a home is a challenging experience, living in a place that isn't really your own under some degree of scrutiny from a landlord whose asset you're paying off for them… and that's the situation in the best of circumstances. There are plenty of landlords who won't uphold their basic obligations of maintaining their property to liveable standards, charging you more and more in rent—yet, regarding their tenants as an unfortunate inconvenience to their “investment”—refusing to fix anything wh…
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boss forklift employee satisfying malicious compliance revenge factory petty Reddit blue collar entitled people - 24016133

'I put the BMW on a stack of pallets': Entitled man refuses to move his car, forklift driver maliciously takes matters into his own hands

If there's anything to learn from this story (and the comments), it's not to mess with a forklift driver. The OP was doing his usual day-to-day job of stacking pallets with a forklift. In enters an entitled sales rep, who parked his BMW on the loading dock. It was the OP's job to make sure that the dock was clear, so he chased down the representative to politely ask him to move his car to the car park. But the entitled guy was not having it. He made a snarky comment, essentially saying he was...
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aita gym weightlifting revenge influencer in the wild petty revenge influencer weights influencers lifting entitled people - 23991045

Gym members get even with entitled "influencer" for filming them in the gym: 'I purposely walked in front'

Depending on where you live, you have every right to film in a public space—as we've learned from the dozens of videos that have gone viral in the last several years of entitled persons being a menace to the public whilst filming and loudly declaring it their right.
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workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs employee fired job malicious compliance revenge work employer workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace customer service server waiter customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service tales from your server service industry chef - 23990533

Restaurant fires apprentice chef who owns all their recipes, cripples their kitchen: 'The manager clearly began to panic'

Even if your work, knowledge, and contributions make you irreplaceable in your organization, your employer is never going to admit it. For one thing, they probably aren't even going to be aware of it until long after you're gone. They probably think that there are dozens of people out there who can do exactly what you do. For another, if they did admit how valuable you were, they know that you'd likely want to be paid fairly for that fact—and that's just never going to happen. No, it's better t…
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'Sounds like a you problem now': Woman denies neighbor access to building's washing machine after neighbor throws all her clothes out on basement floor

'Sounds like a you problem now': Woman denies neighbor access to building's washing machine after neighbor throws all her clothes out on basement floor

Our small flat during college housed six girls. Although we had a great relationship and enjoyed sharing our home, laundry day always seemed to bring problems. To be honest, we all wish we had thought of this strategy while we were in college. Now let's get back to business: everything seemed to be going OK until OP decided to utilize the laundry facilities downstairs. OP discovers that her clothing has been left wet and strewn on the floor when she returns to the common area precisely sixty mi…
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pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge revenge-stories-reddit - 23847173

Business refuses to pay analyst $70k, costs them $1.8M: 'Now comes the revenge'

Honesty and sticking to your word are important, and while you might get away with being dishonest for a while, sooner or later, it's going to come back to haunt you.
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'Your store had to refund [me] $10,000': Customer gets back at power-tripping manager's nonsense policy

'Your store had to refund [me] $10,000': Customer gets back at power-tripping manager's nonsense policy

Stores with ridiculous policies are practically begging for drama. The only thing worse in a retail conflict than an entitled customer is a manager on a power trip. Most of the time when you find yourself in a situation like this, you roll your eyes and accept the bogus policy, but every once in a while, you just cannot bring yourself to go along with such nonsense. That's when these managers need to be careful because this is perhaps the only time when irate customers are justified in trying t…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance revenge work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23941381

'The boss couldn't be mad or retaliate': Workers collectively send thoughtless gifts straight back to their boss

Working is all about time: clock-in, clock-out, lunchtime, break time, taking a ten, filling in a timesheet, etc., etc. Still, while you might think a watch would be a great gift for keeping track of all of that time… It depends on the watch, and whatever watch your company gives to you says a lot about how you feel about them… Is it a Rolex? Timex? Seiko? Patek Philippe? Or is it just some random piece of junk they got from the bargain bin at the dollar store? One thing's for sure, if you're g…
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'It took them over 12 years to do what I requested': Bank declines customer's request to close account over $0.51 in remaining funds

'It took them over 12 years to do what I requested': Bank declines customer's request to close account over $0.51 in remaining funds

It's funny how, as kids, we think that adults are the best at everything. They are free to do as they please, whenever they please, and with whoever they like. They are free to live their lives as they see fit with no one directing them what to do or how to do it. However, that is completely untrue. It's fascinating to notice that, no matter how passionately we remember and want it, that innocent feeling of freedom we so vividly recall from childhood has faded and disappeared and is unlikely ev…
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hoa neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23900677

'She couldn't get it out': Lazy neighbor pays the ice when her car gets snowed over after stealing her neighbors' already cleared spots

In stories, when a character has done something wrong or displays a glaring personality flaw, there's generally a direct price that is played at some point in the story, usually soon thereafter. In life, there are relatively few times when the lesson or moral to the story of your wrongful actions is quite so clear. No, usually, we get away with being generally lazy, cruel, entitled, or plain old wrong for far too long before that karmic pendulum swings back in our direction… sometimes, we may e…
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pro revenge karens parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama parking stories petty revenge karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23805957

'I don't own a car': Karen accuses guy of parking too close to her car in a truck that isn't his

There's something startling about being accused of slighting someone and doing them wrong—especially when you don't even have any idea what they're talking about. Maybe it's the actual confrontation itself; maybe it's just your mind trying to make sense of it all, but usually, you're going to find yourself caught too off guard to formulate a proper response to the events that are unfolding in front of you.
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air travel revenge airlines petty revenge airline Travel entitled traveling entitled people - 2301703

Mid-flight seat-kicker learns a wet lesson: 'I heard him freak out when we landed'

When we're up in the air, small things become big things; maybe it's the sleep deprivation, maybe it's the hours and hours of waiting and standing in line and poor treatment from security we've endured. Whatever it is, when you're spending hours crammed into a far-too-small seat on a noisy plane, that person with the relentless cough, the dude playing music out loud from the speaker of his phone, and the person behind you kicking your seat just often enough that it's keeping you from falling as…
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'Quit being such a big baby': Woman gets even with ex-fiancé by pranking him with a box of mice

'Quit being such a big baby': Woman gets even with ex-fiancé by pranking him with a box of mice

Who doesn't love an epic revenge tale 32 years in the making? This woman got back at her ex-fiancé, who once took advantage of her fear of mice. Well, as it turns out, he was not exactly immune to the same fear. Now, there are far too many people I wish I could get even with, but I simply do not have the pettiness or energy to follow through. In fact, it took me several hours of talking myself up just to convince myself to confront an ex about him using my family's cable subscription. If I had…
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'I would duct tape them to the bottom of her desk': Coworker keeps stealing bananas, employee claps back by hiding rotting ones under her desk

'I would duct tape them to the bottom of her desk': Coworker keeps stealing bananas, employee claps back by hiding rotting ones under her desk

We have seen plenty of stories about what happens when coworkers steal food, but this would be the first time where the revenge involves rotting bananas taped under a desk. But if you ask the Redditor who posted this online to the almighty r/pettyrevenge subreddit, he would say it was the most logical way to get back at this thieving coworker. Believe me, if I had the chutzpah to pull this off, I would because I have been a part of many toxic work environments in which the communal refrigerator…
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