
retail worker

'[I] caused a 30,000+ order backup': 30+ Employees who had strange and unexpected days at work

'[I] caused a 30,000+ order backup': 30+ Employees who had strange and unexpected days at work

Some days at work will stick in your head more than others. If you're working hundreds of days each year, you probably won't recall what you were doing on some random Tuesday in April. What you'd definitely remember are the days that caught you off guard . Maybe you walked into the office and suddenly saw that the big boss chose that day for a surprise visit. Perhaps you'd recall the day that a customer made a giant deal with your company, leading to a huge celebration. When u/Voraxia had an un…
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'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

'The customer is king': 20+ retail workers share the craziest demands customers have made on the job

Many people say that working in retail builds resilience and character, but perhaps it just exposes you to the worst kind of people in this world. I guess in some sense, that builds resilience and character, but that has to be the only silver lining that comes with having to deal with entitled Karen customers on a daily basis. Otherwise, these workers deserve the kind of prizes and medals that heroes and soldiers receive because I'm sure it feels like every shift is an almost Sisyphean fight fo…
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'I won't leave this store until I get my refund': Customer faced with strict returns policy finds a way to get full refund

'I won't leave this store until I get my refund': Customer faced with strict returns policy, finds a way to get full refund

Anyone who ever worked in retail knows how frustrating it is to have to explain to a customer the policy of the store and what they can or cannot do if they want to return an item. I once had a 30-minute conversation with a guy who wanted to return an item that was bought in a completely different store, and he simply did not accept ‘no’ for an answer. Being on the other side of the counter is no fun either. I can't tell you how much accumulated random stuff I have in my house simply because a…
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boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance retail bosses retail worker work coworkers customers malicious-compliance-reddit customer computer workplace malicious compliance reddit - 23395845

'You want me to intentionally break a client's new computer?': Employee insists coworker give 'bad customer service,' coworker breaks customer's computer with new software

This sales associate was perfectly fine with breaking a customer's computer just to make his own life easier. While buying new technology, things can get confusing pretty quickly if you aren't the most tech-savvy person . If you're buying a computer in person, for example, you might go into the store knowing exactly what you're looking for. But then a sales associate starts talking to you, and suddenly they're telling you that computer won't work for you. Instead, they say, you should get one t…
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customer support customer service malicious compliance retail retail worker customer - 23365637

'I still got [it] for a cheaper price': Cashier refuses to honor "online only" price, dude orders it online right in front of them

Working retail is the experience of permanently being wedged between a rock and a very angry place. The rock is the obstinate management structure above you that is setting and enforcing policies that make no sense—but that they refuse to change. On the other side are the perpetually angry customers who are often upset about those exact same policies. Unfortunately, you, the lowest-level employee, take the brunt of the customer's dissatisfaction, which then becomes management dissatisfaction as…
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'What time does the internet close?': 40+ Customers who had ridiculous questions to ask their local retail workers

'What time does the internet close?': 40+ Clueless customers who had ridiculous questions to ask their local retail workers

Have strength retail workers , you will need it when these customers show up. As a cashier, you'll ring up hundreds of customers each shift, and you'll probably forget all of them, except those who are exceptional. Maybe they're especially kind in a job where many customers are impolite. Or maybe they're really funny and manage to make you laugh. Or, if you're these people, you've remembered the customer because they've asked some of the most absurd questions ever. Several people who worked in…
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'A woman came in to return a bag of soil because "the bag was dirty"': 25+ Retail workers who were baffled by their customers' requests

'A woman came in to return a bag of soil because "the bag was dirty"': 25+ Retail workers who were utterly baffled by their customers' requests

While working retail, these people have seen it all. Cashiers get to see people from all walks of life, of all ages, and of all levels of sanity. These retail workers shared some stories of the wildest interactions they've had with customers. That's one of the strange things about working retail---you always have to take the customer seriously, even if you're pretty sure they're messing with you. Some customers love to mess with retail staff , even though no one seems to find it funny except th…
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'I’m shocked into total silence': Manager insists on eating while customers queue in line, demands to talk to engineer's manager because 'her lunch break was ruined'

'I’m shocked into total silence': Manager insists on eating while customers queue in line, demands to talk to engineer's manager because 'her lunch break was ruined'

Common sense is rare in this manager's retail store . Well, it's not the whole store---just one manager who has no common sense about anything. When you work in retail , it can feel like managers have a far easier job than you. While workers have to stand on their feet for eight hours dealing with mean customers, crowded aisles, and answering the same questions over and over, managers get to chill in the back room. No matter how long the line of customers gets, you can be sure to find your boss…
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customer support customer service karens talesfromretail entitled parents retail retail worker karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 22895877

'She was the most delusional customer I ever had': Karen tries to return costume the day after halloween, five years after she bought it

Typically, purchasing something means that you intend to keep that thing for the duration of its life or until you pass it on. This directly contrasts with renting something, where you lease it for a set period of time for a fee with the expectation that you will be returning that thing by the end of the period you have paid for it. Both arrangements have their advantages, by owning something it's yours and you can do whatever you want with it, but this usually requires a much higher buy-in cos…
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karens retail retail satisfaction retail worker retail employee reddit karen retail job karens in the wild karen karma working retail karen story karen retail nightmare - 22805253

‘I'll show you!’: The most satisfying awkward silence ensues after entitled lady attempts getting snarky with retail employee but ends up proving herself wrong

Oh how the tables have turned! There's nothing more satisfying than when you work in retail and the entitled customer takes themselves to the cleaners. You don't even have to get your own hands dirty. OP here experienced that bliss while working at a store in the mall. The store they worked at closed an hour earlier than the entire mall complex, thus some customers would get confused. Usually, not a big deal to tell them their hours and then the customer usually says, “oops, okay” and then carr…
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'He's contradicted himself... his face went bright red': Retail employee begins clocking in four minutes late every day to protest boss's time-clock policy

'He's contradicted himself... his face went bright red': Retail employee begins clocking in four minutes late every day to protest boss's time-clock policy

How bold of this company to take a few minutes of every employee's day for free! U/afazihdob had a great workplace tale to share from their time working in retail. The OP laments that although they worked at numerous retail chains in their career, their bosses at one store were notoriously strict about latenesses. If I were ever a manager at a retail or food place, I wouldn't be able to take clocking in seriously at all. I just don't think it's the end of the world if an employee is two minutes…
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'I was called into my bosses office... there was a printout of my post': 25+ Oversharing employees whose social media posts got them fired

'I was called into my bosses office... there was a printout of my post': 25+ Oversharing employees whose social media posts got them fired

Your boss might be more internet-savvy than you know. While going through the hiring process, it's crucial to ensure your social media presence is squeaky clean. Maybe you remember a few tasteless tweets from ages ago, or you have a few hot takes that shouldn't have been shared to Facebook. Even if those posts are old, they aren't harmless. Anyone who knows how to do control+F, allowing you to search a webpage by phrases, can find any salacious information on your profile. Even a quick Google s…
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'Everyone who came to my register [got] 20% off': 20 Employees who quit on their first day of work

'Everyone who came to my register [got] 20% off': 20 Employees who quit on their very first day of work

These people had a sneaking suspicion they weren't going to like their new job . So they quit ASAP---many of them quit right after their first shift. There are a lot of clues that can tell you if a company is a good place to work or not. For example, if you go through the interview process and the steps are clear and the company is communicative, that's a good sign. But imagine you show up to an interview , and there are dozens of other people there. Hmm, that's the first sign. Then, you and al…
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work workplacce workers worker employee employees manager managers management retail retail-store store boss supervisor malicious-compliance reddit sales customer-service

'Since I left, profits are down 44.7%': Irreplaceable retail employee gets written up for going above and beyond; retaliates by doing only the bare minimum, watching the store descend into chaos

Retail is a soul sucking industry that sends even the most level-headed employees into madness. After months, years, or decades in the same sales department, many retail workers grow apathetic; dealing with Karens, bad management, and a looping music playlist can do that to a person. Although, every now and then, a retail store is blessed with an overachiever, a real workaholic...
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'Do these smell like the right pants to you?': 20+ Times retail workers had to answer funny questions from customers

'Do these smell like the right pants to you?': 20+ Times retail workers had to answer the world's silliest questions from customers

Kudos to these workers who didn't burst out laughing after hearing these customers' questions. I'm sure it wasn't easy to hold in laughter when customers get things so unbelievably wrong. When you work at a retail store , you quickly learn that customers don't ask a wide range of questions. Even though you spend 40 hours per week at the job, it's potentially a customer's first time there. You end up answering questions like, “Is everything included in this store-wide sale?” or “What aisle is to…
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'What would have been a 10 minute drive... ended up being a 4 day wait': One-hour-photo employee tells customer their photos are at another store, customer insists they're at the location 'on her way to work'

'What would have been a 10 minute drive... ended up being a 4 day wait': One-hour-photo employee tells customer their photos are at another store, customer insists they're at the location 'on her way to work'

Getting your prized photos printed out used to be a common occurance back in the day. Before cell phones, you'd snap photos on your camera , then take the film to get developed at a grocery store or pharmacy. Some places advertised one-hour photos, so your parents might take you grocery shopping and swing back around to collect photos at the end of the trip. Then, they'd have some great pics of the kids to show off, or have a cherished group photo to put in a nice frame. Based off these nice ch…
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