
retail worker

‘He watched as I counted every single bill’: Retail employee gets back at demanding customer for refusing to pay with credit card

‘He watched as I counted every single bill’: Retail employee gets back at demanding customer for refusing to pay with credit card

It might be safe to say that we are slowly approaching a time when people no longer use cash. Not to say that cash will ever disappear, that is not going to happen, but with the ability to pay with debit cards, credit cards, smartphones, and even smart watches, people simply don't carry cash with them anymore. The slow disappearance of cash from our lives shouldn't and probably wouldn't affect our everyday life that much, but it can cause some inconveniences to some people, or more specifically…
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'I knew I was getting fired': Retail manager creates the world's hardest passwords just before getting fired

'I knew I was getting fired': Retail manager creates the world's hardest passwords just before getting fired

One retail worker inspired us all with the way they got back at the company that was going to fire them. There's a reason most companies fire people in the most private way possible. Usually, the person will be called into a meeting with HR at a time when few employees are around. After HR breaks the news, the person might have to sign a few papers, but their desk will be cleared out for them and they'll be escorted out the door. I mean, that's the professional and careful way to do things, but…
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work workplace coworker coworkers manager managers employee employees reatail retail-worker retail high-end rich money commission payback malicious compliance reddit reddit thread

'I got a dress, white gloves, and a pearl necklace': Retail employee channels her inner ‘Audrey Hepburn’ after getting burned by management for underdressing at work

There's nothing worse than being an employee of a high-end retail store. If you've never experienced it, picture this: Every day you clock in, you are exposed to the scrutiny of every high-horse, ivory tower, wannabe with a superiority complex and despite your desire to dismiss their overinflated opinion with a waive, your commission depends on them.
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Undervalued retail employee gets written up for attempting to prevent a $400 store theft

Undervalued retail employee gets written up for attempting to prevent a $400 store theft

Retail is like the Wild West: it's vast and untamed. And who needs to maintain composure in the midst of such mayhem, in your humble opinion? That's the customer service agent, of course. The story that follows is from a disappointed sales department employee. The Original Poster (OP) holds a job at a small business located in the neighborhood shopping center. The business has had to deal with an increase in theft lately. Unfortunately, due to the shopping center's numerous rules and restrictio…
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'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

There's motivation, and then there's whatever this is. It's certainly not motivational , that's for sure. There was a time not so long ago when credit cards were only used for big purchases. Then, stores evolved to let people use them for smaller shopping trips. These days, it seems like everyone has at least a few cards, and we use them constantly. Regular old cash has taken a back seat. Credit cards are ubiquitous at retail locations especially. Many stores offer their own credit cards. That…
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40 Customer Service Memes for Overworked Employees on a Budget

40 Customer Service Memes for Overworked Employees on a Budget

Those working in customer service know what it feels like to work a lot for a little.
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'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

Did you ever break something in a store and the employees demanded that you pay for it? There used to be a time when every store had those big 'You break it, you buy it' signs, and it was terrifying trying to walk through the aisles without touching anything in fear it would break. I never broke something in a store and then had to pay for it, which makes me wonder if those stores actually enforce this rule or if they simply pity whoever broke an item and just let it go. This post office worker…
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'I never thought anyone could actually fall for that': 30+ Empty-headed employees who made the silliest mistakes on the job

'I never thought anyone could actually fall for that': 30+ Empty-headed employees who made the silliest mistakes on the job

Not everyone can be the employee of the month. Some employees are destined for mediocrity, while others are so dim-witted it makes you wonder how they ever got the job in the first place. These people have been shocked by their own especially goofy coworkers, which they told to the r/askreddit community. U/Colossus252 asked, “What's your story of the dumbest coworker you've ever had the privilege of working with?” and more than 1,100 Redditors revealed their funniest stories.
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'Just do as you're told': Boss tells employee to stop asking questions at work and they comply, leading to boss making costly mistake

'Just do as you're told': Boss tells employee to stop asking questions at work and they comply, leading to boss making costly mistake

One of the most important qualities of a good boss is their ability to give informational answers to their employee's questions. If they can't, or won't, help the people who work for them so they can become better at what they do, what is even the point in hiring employees? They can go ahead and just do all the work themselves. I hope the boss in this Malicious Compliance Reddit story would learn that she needs her employees just as much as they need her. An employee shared that after she quest…
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'You asked for this...': Employee gets caught between upper management and supervisors, leading to clever compliance to end their power trip

'You asked for this...': Employee gets caught between upper management and supervisors, leading to clever compliance to end their power trip

Hierarchy is the cornerstone of the business world. There will always be subordinates and superiors in the organization based on seniority and experience. But what would happen if you were caught in the middle of an argument, or perhaps a more accurate description, an ego clash, between two of your managers? Well, the story below is an account of a dissatisfied store salesperson. OP has worked at a single shop for the past six months. Six months is a century in the retail industry, particularly…
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'Get your greasy hands off my desk': Woman confronts coworker who keeps eating his lunch at her desk ruining important documents

'Get your greasy hands off my desk': Woman confronts coworker who keeps eating his lunch at her desk ruining important documents

A pleasant workplace environment and a good relationship with your coworkers are some of the most important things you need in a job. Think about it, you see these people for at least 8 hours, every day, 4 to 5 days a week. It won't be an exaggeration to say you spend more time with them than you do with your own family. If you don't get along, it can really affect not only your work but your personal happiness. The woman in this Reddit story has to deal with pretty unfriendly people in her off…
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'He was the type to always blame us': Store greeter caught on camera giving his coworkers orders

'He was the type to always blame us': Store greeter caught on camera giving his coworkers orders

These coworkers just couldn't get along with their store's greeter. You'd think that as a greeter, you'd have to have a sparkling personality, or at least be pretty easy-going. Greeters are placed at the front of big chain retail stores to say hello to each shopper who enters. They can point shoppers toward the right sections of the store, and many of them check receipts as customers are exiting the store. A lot of times, these positions are given to older workers. That way they can sit down an…
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customer service cash register workplace-stories jobs job retail retail worker work customers entitled customers workplace entitled change money entitled people - 24081413

'You don't have any change?': Customer asks cashier to pay for part of her order

If you want to receive, you must ask… nicely. That's especially true if the person you're asking a question to happens to work in retail ! The retail workers of the world spend a lot of time helping customers and answering their questions. At lost of jobs, workers quickly realize that customers ask the same two or three questions all day long, like asking where a specific section is, or asking about the same sales. But sometimes customers throw a question at you that you're not expecting. Then…
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'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

Two basic rules are taught to us when we work in customer service. First of all, we should never presume that consumers will read the small print at the bottom of our signage. The second universal guideline is to never, ever concede that you are correct and the client is mistaken. The story below is an account of a frustrated arts and crafts store manager. OP has been managing the store for a while, and quite frankly, presumably has encountered an endless amount of difficult customers. However,…
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cash register employee trash retail shopping retail worker coworkers customers working cashier workplace workers shoppers litter - 24044549

'Instead of raises we get "Work Bux"': 20 Retail workers share the little things that get on their nerves

These retail workers have a bone to pick with some of their worst customers. Imagine you're a customer at a retail store , about to peruse the clothing section or toy aisle or garden section. But you've got your to-go coffee cup with you, and halfway through your trip, you've drunk all of it. What to do now? If you're like a surprising amount of shoppers, you'll just take the cup and leave it on a random shelf. It might be half-full or totally empty, but either way, these shoppers think their i…
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‘She felt entitled to an extra discount, so I gave it to her’: Retail supervisor who already quit handles a demanding customer by giving her a ‘senior discount’

‘She felt entitled to an extra discount, so I gave it to her’: Retail supervisor who already quit handles a demanding customer by giving her a ‘senior discount’

You get a discount, you get a discount, everybody gets a discount! I'm kidding, that's not how retail stores work. If everyone got a discount for no reason, the store would be out of business. It's the retail worker's job to ensure that people don't show up with expired coupons, and this particular worker who had landed themselves the role of supervisor was very good at their job. OP had actually quit, giving in their two weeks' notice, and we all know that the moment you quit is the moment you…
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