
customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail manager retail karen-customer customers karen-customers managers tales-from-retail Life in Retail - 38700037

Manager yells at teen worker in front of customers, customers complain and he gets fired: 'I later found out he lost his job'

Friendly bookstore employee stands up for beloved manager after entitled customer tries to bring her down for liking K-pop music: 'My boss thought it was the best thing I've done'

Friendly bookstore employee stands up for beloved manager after entitled customer tries to bring her down for liking K-pop music: 'My boss thought it was the best thing I've done'

 waiter waiters food food service chef customers askreddit Opinion opinions funny funny stories ask reddit retail Office quitting quitting work satisfying quitting story quitting story quit i quit

'The restaurant had to comp like a 100 meals': 20+ Employees with the most satisfying job-quitting stories ever

work working retail employee employees boss manager fired quit supervisor justice customer customers revenge petty satisfying

'He apologized to me and the lost his job': Tyrannical manager gets fired after heroic customers catch him publicly humiliating a 16-year-old retail employee

customer support customer service insurance workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail work customers customer workplace Customer Service - 38469637

Insurance company denies phone claim over strict policy until customer reminds them it will only cost them more: 'So how likely is it that a cracked screen could lead to water damage?'

 Retail cashier cash register working workplace retail worker shoppers karen karens in the wild karens entitled entitled people demanding karen story

Karen customer refuses to listen to retail worker's 60-day policy: 'I want to see a manager now'

Karen throws tantrum at retail worker because of a pricey stuffed animal, manager has to intervene: 'In the end, the monster was defeated'

Karen throws tantrum at retail worker because of a pricey stuffed animal, manager has to intervene: 'In the end, the monster was defeated'

Employee gets into a ‘shouting match’ with arrogant customer after they let their kid fool around with heavy products, saves child from a potential injury: ‘What if he was still under there?!’

Employee gets into a ‘shouting match’ with arrogant customer after they let their kid fool around with heavy products, saves child from potential injury: ‘What if he was still under there?!’

 work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories Retail cashier cash register working retail worker shopping shoppers karen karens in the wild karens entitled entitled people demanding karen story

'The advertisement... almost made me quit': Electronics store worker faces off with confused customers and Karens who didn't read the fine print

‘I pointed that [glitch] out to management years ago’: Online shopper figures out how to scam store out of $2,000, forewarner employee simply ‘respects the hustle'

‘I pointed that [glitch] out to management years ago’: Online shopper figures out how to scam store out of $2,000, forewarner employee simply ‘respects the hustle'

‘You just cash it, right?’: Customer attempts to pay with a handwritten check that isn't filled out properly, suggests the cashier go to the bank and deposit it for her

‘You just cash it, right?’: Customer attempts to pay with a handwritten check that isn't filled out properly, suggests the cashier go to the bank and deposit it for her

work working retail cashier register cash-register retial-worker worker manager managers supervisor relatable stories work-stories revenge petty funny quit

'But hey, 'I'm just a cashier'': Retail manager gets wrongfully reprimanded on Black Friday by incompetent supervisors, so he lets them 'run the show' as revenge

 cash register thanksgiving retail shopping retail worker coworkers working black friday cashier workplace holidays happy thanksgiving happy holidays shoppers

'The registers are completely down and the lines are growing fast': 20+ Retail workers who had to work Black Friday

 happy thanksgiving Black Friday sisters kids sister family Store Retail retail worker

24-year-old retail worker refuses to buy gifts for entitled sister's kids: 'No respect for the retail worker, no retail perks'

22-year-old retail employee walks out mid-shift to go to the movies, maliciously complying with strict OT policy: 'I had hit 40 hours and had to leave'

22-year-old retail employee walks out mid-shift to go to the movies, maliciously complying with strict OT policy: 'I had hit 40 hours and had to leave'

 work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories Retail cashier working retail worker

Retail employee begins ignoring male coworker, starts disappearing mid-shift: 'She drastically changed her behavior towards me'

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