
new hire

'The most expensive phone calls on the planet': Hourly contractor makes thousands of extra dollars after bosses force them to answer the phones

'The most expensive phone calls on the planet': Hourly contractor makes thousands of extra dollars after bosses force them to answer the phones

You can ignore a contract all you want, but that doesn't stop the contract from existing. It's a pitfall that many a worker has fallen into… and a few bosses have had this problem too, especially u/Altrissa's boss at an oil and gas automation company. Up next, this construction worker tried to warn his boss that a rain storm was brewing, but his boss wouldn't let him move anything, and the result was… “The concrete bags … began to harden into just big rocks.”
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Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Training a new hire is an important job not only because you are in charge of getting them familiar with their new job and responsibilities, but also because you are their gateway to understanding everything about their new workplace. That means that the way trainers treat new employees, and the way they act around them is going to be all they know of the company at least at the beginning, so you'd think they would want to make a good impression. Not the trainers in this Reddit story, they coul…
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‘Why did you even hire me?’: Employee gets fired after only 4 days on the job, manager claims it's because they couldn't afford to have someone train them

‘Why did you even hire me?’: Employee gets fired after only 4 days on the job, manager claims it's because they couldn't afford to have someone train them

The first days of a new job are always the most stressful. You feel the constant need to prove to your manager that they made the right choice to hire you, even when you probably know nothing about the job and don't have anything to show for it yet. Which is why it is surprising that the one who feels the pressure is the new hire when the employer is the one who actually has a lot to prove. Having someone properly train a new employee to do the job right, is the real challenge, a challenge that…
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'Nobody else in the office could do what I was doing': Store owner refuses to hire a new HVAC dispatcher until the last minute because he thinks they're "bluffing"

'Nobody else in the office could do what I was doing': Store owner refuses to hire a new HVAC dispatcher until the last minute because he thinks they're "bluffing"

This person found out how important they were at their job , just hours before leaving forever. Giving your employer two week's notice before you leave the job is standard. U/balles_de_acier actually gave their employer three weeks of notice , which was generous of them. That's plenty of time to seek out a new addition to the office, get them started at the job, and the old employee would even have time to show them the ropes. The more difficult route would be waiting until that original employ…
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'I bought a bunch of marching band books online': Music teacher fakes their way into a job where they "had no idea what they were talking about"

'I bought a bunch of marching band books online': Music teacher fakes their way into a job where they "had no idea what they were talking about"

Fake it til you make it! It's a piece of advice that works weirdly well. It's true: if you walk in somewhere and act like you belong there, people tend to accept you. If you say you can do something, folks will just take your word for it a lot of the time. This person, u/Imjustheretogetbaned, had a great story about when they faked it until they made it, and they took a risky bet on it. They shared that they were already a music teacher, but they'd only taught a handful of students. Of course,…
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'That's not my job': New boss writes up employee for being 1 minute late to lunch after they refuse to complete tasks that aren't their job

'That's not my job': New boss writes up employee for being 1 minute late to lunch after they refuse to complete tasks that aren't their job

One bitter employee who faced challenges at their workplace decided to take matters into their own hands. They used to love working at their job. They had a great relationship with their boss, got their work done, and always felt appreciated. If there was an issue, they felt that their boss would find a way to accommodate them. Help was a two-way street. But when new management took over, things changed. The boss was demoted, and someone new was hired to take his place. She was less lenient, bu…
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boss workplace-stories jobs employee entitlement drama hiring manager email new hire work coworkers Awkward job candidate emails PTO etiquette entitled reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 26349061

New hire gets email on first day asking to donate his PTO to coworkers: 'A nice red flag on the first day'

Have you ever worked for a company that allowed you to donate your PTO to other coworkers? This new hire received an email from HR on his very first day asking him to donate PTO to two employees he didn't even know. The worst part is that he already doesn't like his new job and is taking a major pay cut after being laid off from his old job. It's understandable to donate hours to a coworker with whom you've developed a relationship, who may be in desperate need of PTO time due to family issue...
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‘I was embarrassed for him’: High schooler outsmarts computer expert after school computers shut down every 20 minutes and delete all unsaved work

‘I was embarrassed for him’: High schooler outsmarts computer expert after school computers shut down every 20 minutes and delete all unsaved work

Just because you have a degree doesn't make you smart, and that is pretty obvious when you take a close look at people who have graduated from college. Let's talk about school. A student's quick thinking saved the day when his school's computers encountered a recurring shutdown issue. The school relied on a program that reset changes after logout, requiring students to save work on the server. But a licensing issue caused the PCs to shut down after 20 minutes, deleting unsaved work and frustrat…
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‘I crumbled under the pressure’: Job candidate cries during interview when presented with questions about their case study task

‘I crumbled under the pressure’: Job candidate cries during interview when presented with questions about their case study task

Job interviews are incredibly daunting and I've had my fair share of interviews that went south. But crying? I have yet to experience that and honestly, I hope I never will. I can understand why it happens though. Imagine spending months looking for a job, doing dozens of interviews (if you even get calls back), and taking time and effort out of your day to complete the tasks and assignments these companies send you. You pass a few rounds and start to get your hopes up, only to have them crumpl…
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'That's my job, get lost': Manager tries to pin $1 million machine malfunction on new hire who whips out documentation proving otherwise, effectively getting him fired instead

'That's my job, get lost': Manager tries to pin $1 million machine malfunction on new hire who whips out documentation proving otherwise, effectively getting him fired instead

Instant karma is the best, especially when it involves a manager who is out to get a new hire for no reason other than ego. This story is about a new IT manager, who clashed with a paranoid facilities manager at the manufacturing company they both worked at. The IT guy knew his stuff, but the micromanager was overprotective of jobs that 'belonged' to him, and often told him to get lost. For context, the micromanager controlled a critical production machine with an outdated computer system, and…
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‘The CEO just quit’: New hire ignores company's red flags until CEO unexpectedly resigns, leaving employee on a sinking ship

‘The CEO just quit’: New hire ignores company's red flags until CEO unexpectedly resigns, leaving employee on a sinking ship

How can a new hire identify that they are boarding a sinking ship? Usually, employers are very careful when they are in the process of hiring someone new, so as not to let them see the true colors of the company, and hide everything that might deter the candidate from the job. So how can someone know that the shiny new job they are after might not be so shiny after all? I wish I could have a straightforward answer, but the truth is, many people end up accepting that new job and only start to se…
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‘I haven’t got a raise in years': Employee discovers inexperienced new hire is offered the same salary as him, gets told to stop comparing himself to others

‘I haven’t gotten a raise in years': Employee discovers inexperienced new hire is offered the same salary as him, gets told to stop comparing himself to others

One of the biggest differences in the work ethics between the generation of today's young adults, and the generation of their parents, is the so-called 'commitment' to keep working in the same workplace for years upon years. Younger people, don't feel obligated to stay in the same place if it does not benefit them, and are ready to job hop as soon as a better offer comes along, creating a resume that is assembled by a collection of jobs that usually do not last more than two years. Their parent…
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‘Do I hire him and… Be evil?’: Manager interviews his high school bully and has hilarious inner debate on whether to be petty or professional, sparks discussion

‘Do I hire him and… Be evil?’: Manager interviews his elementary school bully and has inner debate on whether to be petty or professional, hilarity ensues

When it comes to the workforce, one thing you will never get promoted out of no matter how high up the ladder you climb is the constant inner battle between being petty or professional.
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'We never intended to hire you': Company calls job candidate into office to take a test, only to tell them they never intended on hiring them in the first place

'We never intended to hire you': Company calls job candidate into office to take a test, only to tell them they never intended on hiring them in the first place

Companies will play on your feelings and mess you about, and often you won't be the wiser. So many job listings today don't exist. Companies post them to make it look like they're growing their business, or because they want to do some market research, or get free labor. There are so many reasons you can't trust the hiring process nowadays, but when you're looking for a job, you have no choice but to play along until you get an offer. That can take months, if not longer. This candidate showed u…
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‘Let’s save our time and end this interview': Job candidate walks out of interview after being grilled by interviewer who undermined their experience for the job and demanded they up their game

‘Let’s save our time and end this interview': Job candidate walks out of interview after being grilled by interviewer who undermined their experience for the job and demanded they up their game

Job interviews are such a grueling process, that it's hard not to get discouraged. Companies expect a lot from candidates nowadays and will put you through 8 interviews with different hiring managers and department heads, then give you multiple tests to evaluate your skills, and finally, reject you via an email or worse, fail to let you know about the next steps. In other words, it's exhausting, infuriating, and it doesn't give you much incentive to keep job searching, even though most of the t…
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25+ bosses who instantly regretted taking on their new hires: '[She] started crying as soon as the phone rang saying she couldn't handle it'

25+ bosses who instantly regretted taking on their new hires: '[She] started crying as soon as the phone rang saying she couldn't handle it'

Every new hire deserves time to adjust to their new workflow, but sometimes it becomes instantly obvious that hiring someone was a mistake. There are several ways in which this can happen. For starters, the new hire could be one of those rare unicorns who is actually good at interviewing for positions despite being remarkably unqualified. On the other hand, it's quite possible that it was the company's fault. Perhaps the job requirements and expectations were unclear, and the only people to bla…
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