
new hire

'He doesn't know an Allen wrench from a pipe wrench': Machinist learns she's being paid less than new trainee, quits

'He doesn't know an Allen wrench from a pipe wrench': Machinist learns she's being paid less than new trainee, quits

Learning that you're making less than a new hire with less experience is insulting. Yet, companies seem to consistently possess a higher hiring budget than a budget for raises for dedicated workers—with the frequency of stories like this making it seem more like the norm than some fringe occurrence. A female machinist shared her recent workplace experience on the popular r/antiwork Reddit sub. She explained that she had been training a new hire and found out that the trainee was earning a highe…
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The Funniest LinkedIn Flops for Employees of the Year

The Funniest LinkedIn Flops for Employees of the Year

Awkward cringe-fest
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‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

Often when hearing of a good job opportunity, people are on their best behavior, hoping that they'll pass the interview. After they get the job, the pretty picture that the company carefully curated begins to crumble, leaving a gaping black hole behind the velvet curtains that turn out to be a prop. In this case, OP was convinced by a friend to drive 9 hours for a new job that sounded at first like a ‘good gig’. It took OP exactly 3.5 days to realize that something was very off about their boss…
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‘My boss promoted the wrong person after I quit; the company tanked’: Boss tanks company after replacing employee with new hire

‘My boss promoted the wrong person after I quit; the company tanked’: Boss tanks company after replacing employee who quits with new hire

When one door closes, another opens, or so they say. In this case, the door that opened led to utter and complete chaos in the work environment of OP, who quit his job after finding a greener pasture. OP was working at a large electronics retail store for many years and eventually found himself working in a warehouse position. After quitting, he was given the job of training the employee who would take his stead. So he put in a lot of hours training this new employee. For some reason, his boss…
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‘I was denied a raise, so I quit’: Boss denies IT employee 5-10% raise, employee quits, leading to boss paying 40% extra for replacement

‘I was denied a raise, so I quit’: Boss denies IT employee 5-10% raise, employee quits, leading to boss paying 40% extra for replacement

For some unfathomable reason, companies have a larger hiring budget than retention budget. They're willing to pay more money to hire a new employee, than they would be willing to pay as a raise for an existing employee. OP was working as a junior at an IT job for a company. During OP's yearly evaluation, they asked their boss for a 5-10% raise, which was completely fair, as they had taken on many responsibilities since the beginning of their employment. OP's boss refused, giving a bunch of reas…
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'She was trying to steal': Scammy Karen tries to use a fake '99% off' coupon to swindle the cashier, gets pinched by the cops instead

It seems like we're always getting email promos for 10% off or 20% discounts to our favorite retail stores. Very rarely, you see a 40-50% sale and only when a store is going out of business do you catch anything higher than 75% off. That's why when one cashier spotted a Karen waltzing into their store with a 99% off coupon, they smelled something fishy.
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‘I don’t need to train anybody; I don't work for you anymore': Boss demands employee who quit come back to train new hire, employee's refusal leads to dozens of phone calls

‘I don’t need to train anybody; I don't work for you anymore': Boss demands employee who quit come back to train new hire, employee's refusal leads to dozens of phone calls

Management often doesn't realize that when you quit, you technically stop working for them. In this case, OP was working for a security company, and one month in, already decided to quit. OP gave his manager two weeks' notice, despite the fact he didn't actually owe them that. Two weeks go by and OP's manager hadn't yet found a replacement. On OP's last day, things changed, and a new trainee showed up, less than eager to be trained. OP did his best to train the new hire, despite running into a…
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‘My boss cut 40% of my pay; I quit’: Employee quits after getting 40% pay cut, employee's resignation ends up costing company hundreds of thousands of dollars due to canceled projects

‘My boss cut 40% of my pay; I quit’: Employee quits after getting 40% pay cut, employee's resignation ends up costing company hundreds of thousands of dollars due to canceled projects

Companies seem to be allergic to retention, instead opting to micromanage, cut employees' salaries, and demand they work two jobs for the same pay. The list goes on; the lesson stays the same, but they never learn. In this case, OP was working in a toxic work environment, where he were forced to take a 40% pay cut because the company replaced his whole department with contractors. His boss also dangled a certification for 6 months with training in front of him, causing much anxiety on OP's part…
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‘You’re fired': Boss leaves high-paying job for new position at company, only to get fired and replaced by outsourced employee

‘You’re fired': Boss leaves high-paying job for new position at company, only to get fired and replaced by outsourced employee

‘Nobody wants to work these days’ and ‘Employees aren’t loyal anymore' are two of the most popular sentences coming out of management's mouths nowadays, as they seem to be under the assumption that something has gone awfully wrong in recent years when it comes to work ethic. They aren't entirely wrong, but they're looking at it the wrong way. Why doesn't anybody want to work anymore? Why have employees finally grown a pair and are no longer feeling obligated to their job the same way they'd fee…
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‘We’re short-staffed, so you can't quit': Boss demands new hire stay after coworker quits, then deducts timeclock on lunches, leading to overtime without pay due to being short-staffed

‘We’re short-staffed, so you can't quit': Boss demands new hire work unpaid overtime due to being short-staffed, leading to quiet quitting

New hires are like the runt of the litter; small, without confidence, and in need of some extra assistance. Bosses often underestimate new hires, under the assumption that they should be grateful to have a job, and should want to contribute and 'take one for the team' until they reach emotional burnout. In this case, OP began working in a short-staffed office. The person training OP ended up quitting, which only caused further problems for OP, who was already picking up a lot of slack. Their bo…
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‘I’m getting fired': Employee finds out boss intends to fire them after stumbling across job listing, boss offers new hire $5 rate increase despite initially refusing to give employee raise

‘I’m getting fired': Employee finds out boss intends to fire them after stumbling across job listing, boss offers new hire $5 rate increase despite initially refusing to give employee raise

Not only is approaching your boss and asking for a raise legitimate, but it is also inevitable, especially when you find yourself doing many more tasks than your original job description entailed. Unfortunately for OP, they were denied a $1 raise from their boss, even though they were working two job descriptions instead of one. OP had no choice but to look for another job in addition to the one they were already doing. Lo and behold, OP's company was more than willing to pay that extra dollar,…
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'I ripped those bags out of her hands': Greedy Karen steals all of the food at a company event, leaving nothing for the others and making enemies in the process

Sometimes a company will have little shindigs and events to thank their employees for a job well done. Even though every employee would prefer a raise as a ‘thank you’, we'll take what we can get, even if it's just free food and more time spent with people you see nearly every day of the week. In this case, one employee took the free food concept a little too far.
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‘My boss gave the new hire my promotion, so I quit’: Employee quits after being denied promotion; VP fires new hire, demands employee be reinstated

‘My boss gave the new hire my promotion, so I quit’: Employee quits after being denied promotion; VP fires new hire, demands employee be reinstated

It's ironic how few effective management skills "managers" possess, with their leadership abilities sitting around the same level, which is somewhere around zero. Managers love a good buzzword, but action orientation is not their strong suit. In this case, OP was working as a top-producing salesperson, in charge of training several salespeople and getting their numbers up, which OP did well. An opportunity for a promotion popped up, and OP thought they had the experience as well as the skills n…
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'She quit so fast': New hire quits when boss promises to honor their leave dates then immediately revokes them

Scientists were astounded when a new material was discovered that is even denser than osmium: This boss's thick skull. This thread was originally posted to Reddit's r/AmItheA**hole subreddit by the boss, who was resoundingly put in their place and declared completely wrong by everyone who responded. Commenters were so shocked by the boss's callous willingness to renege on promises—and so impressed with the worker's decision to quit on the spot—that one commenter cross-posted screenshots of the…
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'GO AWAY!': Trainee follows her boss's demands to be left undisturbed, she maliciously complies, resulting in instant karma

'GO AWAY!': Trainee follows her boss's demands to be left undisturbed, she maliciously complies, resulting in instant karma

Being a trainee at a new job means you're going to have tons of questions. Even if you're experienced with your position, you'll always have doubts about how your new employer functions. Typically, your boss knows this (being the esteemed empathetic employer that they are) so usually they try to be helpful and available until your learn the ropes. Not for one Redditor
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