
Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

‘Sorry HOA, you play by my rules now’: Homeowner gets back at power-tripping HOA by dancing in front of neighbor's security cameras

‘Sorry HOA, you play by my rules now’: Homeowner gets back at power-tripping HOA by dancing in front of neighbor's security cameras

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'I won the neighbor lottery': Lonely old man makes a treasured friend after making mixtapes for his music-loving neighbor

Woman feuds with frat bro neighbor over loud music, she blasts nursery rhymes as payback: 'I played Barney'

Woman feuds with frat bro neighbor over loud music, she blasts nursery rhymes as payback: 'I played Barney'

Sleep-deprived nurse ruins neighboring college's 50-year-old tradition: '[They were] playing the same song on repeat between 8:00am and 6:00pm for 10 days'

Sleep-deprived nurse ruins neighboring college's 50-year-old tradition: '[They were] playing the same song on repeat between 8:00am and 6:00pm for 10 days'

'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

Music musicians - 24763397

'How do I get out of this?': Dude lies about piano-playing abilities to impress woman, date's family expects them to star in a concert

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

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'[He] wants my 1963 Fender': Musician refuses to give her $3,000 vintage guitar to her teenaged stepson; stands her ground even when accosted by family

'My neighbors won't stop screaming': Guy plays heavy metal all day as payback for his neighbors' constant partying

'My neighbors won't stop screaming': Guy plays heavy metal all day as payback for his neighbors' constant partying

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'Neighbors suddenly became silent at nights': Dude's neighbors refuse to quiet down their kids at night, he gets even by playing loud rock music at 2:30am

'Force me to do Karaoke?': Non-singer pressured to perform at show-off's karaoke party, cue malicious compliance

'Force me to do Karaoke?': Non-singer pressured to perform at show-off's karaoke party, cue malicious compliance

'I know what I’m doing': Stage hand bends safety rules until boss catches him

'I know what I’m doing': Stage hand bends safety rules until boss catches him

30 Otherworldly musical instruments that look like glitches in the matrix

30 Otherworldly musical instruments that look like glitches in the matrix

‘My boss took away the employees' stereo, so I bought them another one’: Boss takes construction workers' stereo away, project manager buys them another one

‘My boss took away the employees' stereo, so I bought them another one’: Boss takes construction workers' stereo away, project manager buys them another one

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'We have a HUGE PROBLEM': Dramatic Karen demands her teenage daughter's AirPods be replaced with a newer model