

‘Fallin’ from cloud nine’: How Katy Perry lost her voice and misread the zeitgeist yet again on “Woman’s World”

‘Fallin’ from cloud nine’: Katy Perry failed to capture the zeitgeist with “Woman’s World,” how the star lost her voice and authenticity

On February 1st, 2015, for just over 12 and a half minutes, more than 114 million viewers tuned in to what became the second-most-watched television program in the history of the United States at that time. The program had nothing to do with an election, nor was it a national emergency or historic breakthrough—unless you, like us, consider ‘Left Shark’ to be of national cultural significance. Wherever you stand on 'Left Shark' (probably to the left), it remains a fact that 114.4 million America…
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Guitarist gets kicked from band after pretending to be a permanent member with bizarre story on social media: 'This was a decision based solely on internal issues and intellectual differences'

You think people would really do that? Just go on the internet and lie? Yeah—well, actually, It turns out that's exactly what people do on the internet… Probably more than anything else. The anonymity of the internet has offered us the chance to be who we want from the outset of it's existence, a great outlet for all of us early adopters who still wouldn't dream of exposing our true identities and are horrified by younger people's eagerness to bare all online. And, well, it turns out anonymous…
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'As I walked in, his jaw dropped': Forklift driver buys massive speaker to spite bosses

'As I walked in, his jaw dropped': Forklift driver buys massive speaker to spite bosses

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who use earbuds, and those who play their music out loud for all to hear. If you're going by anecdotal evidence (ie. people complaining on social media), loud music in public spaces has become a big problem. It does seem to be everywhere these days: people will enter a subway station or plop down in the middle of a crowded park and start playing music at top volume. It doesn't matter to them that lots of other people have their own music playin…
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'He offered me $10 each—take it or leave it': Concertgoer outsmarts ticket reseller

'He offered me $10 each—take it or leave it': Concertgoer outsmarts ticket reseller

Not every concertgoer buys their tickets in advance … Some people will wait until the very last minute to try and see their favorite artist. The price of concert tickets has never been higher, with prices regularly soaring into the triple or quadruple digits. Even for the worst seats with partially obstructed views, you can still expect to shell out a ton of money to see your favorite artist. In recent times, certain musical acts have become so popular that getting tickets to see them means wai…
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Sports fanatic strikes back at bar's sound limitation after being forced to endure subpar viewing experience

Sports fanatic strikes back at bar's sound limitation after being forced to endure subpar viewing experience

Sports fans will stop at nothing to watch the game in a quiet and serene setting where they can fully immerse themselves in the action. Having said that, do you anticipate being interrupted when you visit a sports bar—a place where fans of various sports congregate to enjoy a lively game of sports—or do you assume the bar will make every effort to optimize the viewing experience? The story that follows is that of a sports enthusiast. The original poster (OP) watched the College World Series cha…
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'I bought a bunch of marching band books online': Music teacher fakes their way into a job where they "had no idea what they were talking about"

'I bought a bunch of marching band books online': Music teacher fakes their way into a job where they "had no idea what they were talking about"

Fake it til you make it! It's a piece of advice that works weirdly well. It's true: if you walk in somewhere and act like you belong there, people tend to accept you. If you say you can do something, folks will just take your word for it a lot of the time. This person, u/Imjustheretogetbaned, had a great story about when they faked it until they made it, and they took a risky bet on it. They shared that they were already a music teacher, but they'd only taught a handful of students. Of course,…
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Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

The price of attending a concert has skyrocketed in recent years so much so that it turned what used to be a relatable experience into an exclusive event. It can be extremely disappointing for fans to passionately wait for the opportunity to go see their favorite artist live, only to be met with ticket prices that could rival a plane ticket to the other side of the world. For many young adults these days, that favorite artist is Taylor Swift, much like the writer of this Reddit story. OP (origi…
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‘Sorry HOA, you play by my rules now’: Homeowner gets back at power-tripping HOA by dancing in front of neighbor's security cameras

‘Sorry HOA, you play by my rules now’: Homeowner gets back at power-tripping HOA by dancing in front of neighbor's security cameras

When your house is the only home in your entire neighborhood that doesn't belong to the HOA, you're gonna have trouble. The way that HOAs operate, it's no wonder that this resident got into such a mess with them. Your grass is never green enough, your lawn needs to be mowed, that flower pot isn't the right shade of grey, your garbage cans need to be two inches to the right, you're not allowed to have security cameras, your car needs to be parked in a spot that isn't visible… etc. There's always…
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'I won the neighbor lottery': Lonely old man makes a treasured friend after making mixtapes for his music-loving neighbor

It's about time we read some good news. Usually, neighborhood stories are all about neighbor drama, HOA's, and the Karen next door ruining a pleasant Sunday afternoon, but this next tale is truly a wholesome one.
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Woman feuds with frat bro neighbor over loud music, she blasts nursery rhymes as payback: 'I played Barney'

Woman feuds with frat bro neighbor over loud music, she blasts nursery rhymes as payback: 'I played Barney'

Who knew that the best way to get back at your frat bro neighbor would be to play nursery rhymes and children's music? This dude was no longer in college and was blasting loud beats late at night during the work week. In short, he was the kind of selfish human we frequently tear down on this site. This Redditor tried everything to politely and calmly tell him to quiet down, to no avail of course. After a failed conversation and a fully ignored note on his door, she realized that the only way to…
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Sleep-deprived nurse ruins neighboring college's 50-year-old tradition: '[They were] playing the same song on repeat between 8:00am and 6:00pm for 10 days'

Sleep-deprived nurse ruins neighboring college's 50-year-old tradition: '[They were] playing the same song on repeat between 8:00am and 6:00pm for 10 days'

Kudos to this lady for not caring if she became the enemy of everyone at the neighboring college across the street. It's that level of commitment to not caring about what other people think that we all aspire to channel one day. She shared her story via this thread on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit, where she explained what happened after a particularly awful week in which the college played the same song loudly on repeat from eight in the morning to six at night for ten days straight. Evide…
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'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

'The disappointment was palpable in the entire stadium': 20+ Concertgoers tell all about the worst shows they've ever attended

‘the crowd started throwing things’
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'How do I get out of this?': Dude lies about piano-playing abilities to impress woman, date's family expects them to star in a concert

This messy lie snowballed and this dude has realized there's no getting out of it. Every person in the world has lied at some point. There's no getting around it: whether you tell a white lie to make someone feel better, or lie to your boss about turning in a project, or tell your friends you're on your way to the function while you're still getting dressed, these little fabrications add up over time. They say that it's best not to lie because when you do, you have to remember to cover your tra…
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'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

Each generation has things that make them unique, and collective memories that bring them all together. That's especially true for people who were born between the 1960s and 1980s, who spent a lot of time together playing outside and exploring the world by bicycle. U/Ruffffian asked the latchkey generation about the things that define them, and people had some excellent answers. Some people wrote in about the fashion trends of the time, like poofy hairdos teased to perfection and sprayed with a…
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'[He] wants my 1963 Fender': Musician refuses to give her $3,000 vintage guitar to her teenaged stepson; stands her ground even when accosted by family

Kids don't understand the value of things. It may sound old school, but the only way to really know what something is worth, is to work really hard to acquire it. And just like we learned when watching Antiques Roadshow at 2AM, when it comes to vintage, classic, or collector's valuables, there's more than just the monetary value to something– that lazy-eyed clown doll may seem worthless, but to the clown collecting bag lady, it's priceless.
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'My neighbors won't stop screaming': Guy plays heavy metal all day as payback for his neighbors' constant partying

'My neighbors won't stop screaming': Guy plays heavy metal all day as payback for his neighbors' constant partying

Is there anything worse for non-confrontational folks than having to confront your noisy neighbors? As a non-confrontational person myself, I get anxious just thinking about being put in this position. I still have stress dreams about that time I had a crazy neighbor complain about my ceiling fan. Or that time when someone thought I was having a party when it was the people next door. Somehow, I still felt like it was my fault. So if you dread these kinds of encounters and that's just when you'…
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