
'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

'She got what she wanted': Movie theater employees get back at thieving customers

'She got what she wanted': Movie theater employees get back at thieving customers' gross habit

'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

'The theater exploded with laughter': 30+ Moviegoers who couldn't resist shouting at the screen

'The theater exploded with laughter': 30+ Moviegoers who couldn't resist shouting at the screen

'I'm going to sue you all and get all you people fired': Furious Karen erupts at movie theater works after they kicked her disruptive kids out

'I'm going to sue you all and get all you people fired': Furious Karen erupts at movie theater works after they kicked her disruptive kids out

opinion ask reddit workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses karen-customer work movie theater movies askreddit workplace funny karen opinions Popcorn film The Movies - 23470341

'Your 4 year old can't play on your iPad during the movie': 20+ Moviegoers who were driving the theater employees crazy

'Au revoir Shoshana': Top 20+ movie openings of all time, according to FAIL Blog Fans

'Au revoir Shoshana': Top 20+ movie openings of all time, according to FAIL Blog Fans

'He tripped and fell onto the newly displayed trophy, immediately breaking it': 20+ Moments of pure embarrassment seen by a crowd of witnesses

'He tripped and fell onto the newly displayed trophy, immediately breaking it': 20+ Moments of pure embarrassment seen by a crowd of witnesses

flight attendant malicious compliance Movie malicious-compliance-reddit flight movies plane films flights airplane flying - 22235653

'Once on board, she keeps it secret': Flight attendant shows entitled passengers a movie of her choosing to halt their requests

'Sorry Amanda, I'm just following orders': Video store employee leaves boss stuck in elevator after she won't let him leave the floor "under any circumstances"

'Sorry Amanda, I'm just following orders': Video store employee leaves boss stuck in elevator after she forbids him from leaving the floor "under any circumstances"

'Some guy yelled, "Use your wand Harry"': 30+ Moviegoers who made the entire audience crack up laughing

'Some guy yelled, "Use your wand Harry"': 30+ Moviegoers who made the entire audience crack up laughing

'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

'I see Dan coming back in, smiling the biggest grin': Movie theater employee works all night to shovel every snowflake, gains 12 hours of overtime pay

'I see Dan coming back in, smiling the biggest grin': Movie theater employee works all night to shovel every snowflake, gains 12 hours of overtime pay

The Best Dating App Flops of the Week for Tinder Dinner Dates (August 10, 2023)

The Best Dating App Flops of the Week for Tinder Dinner Dates (August 10, 2023)

'The reason he's called the Rock is because he has the acting range of one': 20 Funny Letterboxd Reviews

'The reason he's called the Rock is because he has the acting range of one': 20+ Funny Letterboxd Reviews

'I had to "apologize"': Passenger encounters woman playing loud music on her phone while on an airplane

'I had to "apologize"... through gritted teeth': Passenger confronts woman playing loud music on her phone while on an airplane