

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

'I'm done with this': Cranky grandpa throws temper tantrum after getting called out for cutting the popcorn line at the movie theater

Nicole Kidman may come to the movie theater for magic, but sometimes all you get is cranky Karen customers. As someone who still frequents the movie theater and loves doing so, I still cannot deny that filmgoers have become borderline barbaric over the last several years. From bringing in pungent food into the theater to fully answering cell phones during climactic moments, one has to wonder why some of these customers even got off their couches in the first place, especially if they were plann…
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'She got what she wanted': Movie theater employees get back at thieving customers

'She got what she wanted': Movie theater employees get back at thieving customers' gross habit

One customer has a trick for getting free movie theater treats, and you're not going to like it one bit. I wish I'd never heard of such a foul life hack. But here we are. There are plenty of ways to sneak food into movie theaters . In fact, as some older generations have pointed out in discussions of the topic, theaters used to actually police what you brought in. They used to make you throw out the candy stuffed into your mom's purse. These days, the employees mainly check bags for safety purp…
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'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

If you've only ever snuck candy into a movie theater , you haven't lived. These people have snuck in full meals! For many of us, sneaking candy into the movie theater is a way of life. At least in my town, it almost seemed designed that way. The movie theater was in a strip mall, and just two stores down was a dollar store that had a massive candy section at the entrance. It was such a blatant candy display that I wondered if they'd partnered with the theater or something. In reality, they were…
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'The theater exploded with laughter': 30+ Moviegoers who couldn't resist shouting at the screen

'The theater exploded with laughter': 30+ Moviegoers who couldn't resist shouting at the screen

Have you ever seen a movie so bad that the crowd starts heckling the film ? It's rare, but it happens. Depending on the theater you go to and the time you attend, you might find yourself laughing along to the audience's own version of Riff Trax instead of the actual movie. There's a sweet spot for hecklers. The movie has to be so bad that most people aren't enjoying it; a few people have even walked out while shaking their heads and talking about getting refunded. (If someone starts yelling at…
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'I'm going to sue you all and get all you people fired': Furious Karen erupts at movie theater works after they kicked her disruptive kids out

'I'm going to sue you all and get all you people fired': Furious Karen erupts at movie theater works after they kicked her disruptive kids out

It doesn't get much worse than having to discipline unsupervised children when that is so beyond your job description. Sure, kids are known to run amok in venues like movie theaters and malls, but that does not mean that it is the responsibility of the people who work at those establishments to take care of them. If your kids are known to be unruly in public, you should probably be the one to watch them. Furthermore, when they get in trouble as they did here, you better go pick them up. Here, w…
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'Your 4 year old can't play on your iPad during the movie': 20+ Moviegoers who were driving the theater employees crazy

Some people do not know how to behave in a movie theater . It seems to be an ongoing problem that's gotten worse post-2020. It's like people were alone for so long during that period that they forgot how to act once they started doing activities outside the house again. Theater patrons have never been perfect. But these days, you can expect to see a half dozen bright cell phone screens in the crowd. It's so strange that people will pay money just to go sit in a theater and stare at their phones…
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'Au revoir Shoshana': Top 20+ movie openings of all time, according to FAIL Blog Fans

'Au revoir Shoshana': Top 20+ movie openings of all time, according to FAIL Blog Fans

Gladiator , Star Wars: A New Hope , The Lord of the Rings , and… did I mention Gladiator ? It seems like a lot of our readers here at FAIL Blog have the exact same cinematic library. When we asked all of you to share your favorite movie openings of all time via Facebook , it seemed like you all could not get enough of the same few movies. But look, some movies are worth repeating because they are just that good. Personally, I can't tell you exactly what the opening of Gladiator was like so many…
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'He tripped and fell onto the newly displayed trophy, immediately breaking it': 20+ Moments of pure embarrassment seen by a crowd of witnesses

'He tripped and fell onto the newly displayed trophy, immediately breaking it': 20+ Moments of pure embarrassment seen by a crowd of witnesses

They say that you're most likely the only person who will remember your most embarrassing moments . But you won't feel that way after reading this treasure trove of embarrassing memories that people recalled with crystal clear memory! Have you ever accidentally walked through a screen door at someone else's birthday party, slamming face-first into the ground? This happened to me when I was about eight years old at an acquaintance's party, and the memory has stuck with me for decades. I wasn't p…
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'Once on board, she keeps it secret': Flight attendant shows entitled passengers a movie of her choosing to halt their requests

This flight attendant had an interesting way of keeping her passengers from tiring her out. Being a flight attendant is a job that's often glorified. Flight attendants can travel anywhere in the world with their job. And how hard could it be to serve people chips and sodas? Pretty hard, as it turns out, thanks to passengers who don't respect flight attendants and treat them like they're just there to serve the almighty passenger. There's a specific order that flight attendants have to do their…
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'Sorry Amanda, I'm just following orders': Video store employee leaves boss stuck in elevator after she won't let him leave the floor "under any circumstances"

'Sorry Amanda, I'm just following orders': Video store employee leaves boss stuck in elevator after she forbids him from leaving the floor "under any circumstances"

Before movie streaming was even a concept, you had to physically take yourself to a video store . Back in the day (the 1990s, in this case) when you wanted to watch a film, you had to visit a Blockbuster or a Hollywood Video location. These were glorious rooms full of video tapes , and later DVDs entered the mix. The place was full of people at any time of day. You would usually rent a few movies for under $5 a peice, and would return them within a week or so, just like you would with a library…
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'Some guy yelled, "Use your wand Harry"': 30+ Moviegoers who made the entire audience crack up laughing

'Some guy yelled, "Use your wand Harry"': 30+ Moviegoers who made the entire audience crack up laughing

The movies are a place for silently watching films, and these folks did the exact opposite. Luckily for them, they were 1) funny and 2) brief with their jokes . There are few moviegoing experiences worse than being stuck with a jokester. That's a person who thinks they're funny at a movie , but they are certainly not. Usually, they'll yell out a joke, and it will get a big laugh. So their ego is stoked, and they keep going, yelling out more and more jokes and witticisms as the movie rolls on. A…
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'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

Since the invention of the online star rating system, people have been leaving one star reviews for companies they had poor experiences at. But as you certainly know if you ever peruse these reviews, a lot of people have a bad time due to self-inflicted mishaps. Some actually have the gall to get upset that a store is closed at a time the customer wants to shop. Others rant about being treated badly by staff members, or receiving cold food at a restaurant. There are plenty of reasons you might…
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'I see Dan coming back in, smiling the biggest grin': Movie theater employee works all night to shovel every snowflake, gains 12 hours of overtime pay

'I see Dan coming back in, smiling the biggest grin': Movie theater employee works all night to shovel every snowflake, gains 12 hours of overtime pay

What the boss says, goes, even if the jobs takes hours. This guy was just doing what the boss said, down to the letter, and his adherence to the rules ended excellently. Lots of entry levels jobs require you to sign off on some rules before you begin the job. And one of those rules usually says something along the lines of, “The employee will complete additional tasks as needed.” With that phrase, bosses have the leeway to get their employees to do almost anything under the guise of “additional…
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The Best Dating App Flops of the Week for Tinder Dinner Dates (August 10, 2023)

The Best Dating App Flops of the Week for Tinder Dinner Dates (August 10, 2023)

This is what you get for installing that dating app
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'The reason he's called the Rock is because he has the acting range of one': 20 Funny Letterboxd Reviews

'The reason he's called the Rock is because he has the acting range of one': 20+ Funny Letterboxd Reviews

Movie fans can be absolutely savage in their reviews.
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'I had to "apologize"': Passenger encounters woman playing loud music on her phone while on an airplane

'I had to "apologize"... through gritted teeth': Passenger confronts woman playing loud music on her phone while on an airplane

Genuine question for those who play music out loud in public places : why do you do it? Whenever I see people walking around blasting music on their phones , I usually assume they don't have headphones. From my personal experience, I know how easy it is to break, lose, or forget your headphones, leaving you without audio entertainment for a day. How annoying! Maybe that person blasting music on the train works several jobs and doesn't have a lot of personal time to enjoy music in their own home…
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