

'As I walked in, his jaw dropped': Forklift driver buys massive speaker to spite bosses

'As I walked in, his jaw dropped': Forklift driver buys massive speaker to spite bosses

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who use earbuds, and those who play their music out loud for all to hear. If you're going by anecdotal evidence (ie. people complaining on social media), loud music in public spaces has become a big problem. It does seem to be everywhere these days: people will enter a subway station or plop down in the middle of a crowded park and start playing music at top volume. It doesn't matter to them that lots of other people have their own music playin…
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'He offered me $10 each—take it or leave it': Concertgoer outsmarts ticket reseller

'He offered me $10 each—take it or leave it': Concertgoer outsmarts ticket reseller

Not every concertgoer buys their tickets in advance … Some people will wait until the very last minute to try and see their favorite artist. The price of concert tickets has never been higher, with prices regularly soaring into the triple or quadruple digits. Even for the worst seats with partially obstructed views, you can still expect to shell out a ton of money to see your favorite artist. In recent times, certain musical acts have become so popular that getting tickets to see them means wai…
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'What you need to do is leave me alone': Private security tries to tell concert guest that her car will be towed, guest insists on ignoring security

'What you need to do is leave me alone': Private security tries to tell concert guest that her car will be towed, guest insists on ignoring security

Rules are rules, whether you ignore them or not. One concert-goer found this out the hard way , as u/VigilantInfidel shared in their excellent story of malicious compliance. You don't have to follow the rules if you can bend them without breaking them, but that doesn't mean you'll get away with it, either. This is especially true when it comes to security measures. For example, if you show up to the airport and you haven't read a single security measure , the TSA is going to take your bag and d…
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'Enjoy waiting 6 weeks': Dental assistant stunned by patient who refuses simple crown adjustment

'Enjoy waiting 6 weeks': Dental assistant stunned by patient who refuses simple crown adjustment

For some reason, this dental patient kept insisting that the dentists only touch a few specific teeth. It's understandable that some patients might've had bad experiences with their dentists in the past. For a lot of us, going to the dentist even under the best circumstances is a harrowing experience. The whirring drills, the numbing creams, those big magnifying glasses the dentist wears while they stare into your mouth… it's all overwhelming. So that's why it's baffling that this person was so…
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'I did exactly as I was told': Head bank teller told to order fewer bills, maliciously complies and causes a huge shortage of money for the bank

'I did exactly as I was told': Bank teller told to order fewer bills, maliciously complies and causes a huge shortage of money for the branch

Let this story serve as yet another example of a situation when the big boss in charge refused to listen to an employee's better judgment and the whole company suffered as a result. This kind of phenomenon happens all the time, but when it happens at a bank, the consequences can be legitimately serious. This head bank teller was typically in charge of ordering bills at the end of every week and tended to order a bit extra so that the branch never seemed strapped for cash. Of course, all that ca…
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Sports fanatic strikes back at bar's sound limitation after being forced to endure subpar viewing experience

Sports fanatic strikes back at bar's sound limitation after being forced to endure subpar viewing experience

Sports fans will stop at nothing to watch the game in a quiet and serene setting where they can fully immerse themselves in the action. Having said that, do you anticipate being interrupted when you visit a sports bar—a place where fans of various sports congregate to enjoy a lively game of sports—or do you assume the bar will make every effort to optimize the viewing experience? The story that follows is that of a sports enthusiast. The original poster (OP) watched the College World Series cha…
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‘Trust me…’: Boss defends employees from client's unreasonable demands, securing over $100,000 in compensation for company and staff

‘Trust me…’: Boss defends employees from client's unreasonable demands, securing over $100,000 in compensation for company and staff

Working in the notoriously ruthless corporate world, you need a manager who is supportive and caring and who will always look out for your best interests. The story that follows tells the tale of a clever worker. The narrative of what happened to one of his close friends is told by the original poster (OP). The friend has worked at the same company for a long time. Before the trend of hybrid work, the friend's boss allowed the staff to work five days a month in the office and the rest of the we…
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'[I'm] not doing... extra beyond my work hours': Employee openly plays on their phone in front of boss after boss refuses to let them leave early

'[I'm] not doing... extra beyond my work hours': Employee openly plays on their phone in front of boss after boss refuses to let them leave early

Every workplace has that one person who's a stickler for the rules and can take the fun out of any situation. Up next, these home installation workers have seen a thing or two during house visits, like one person who was surprised when “A chicken walks out of the back room.”
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'All right. I know one of you took the wheels off my chair': Office of engineers embarks on pranking spree

'All right. I know one of you took the wheels off my chair': Office of engineers embarks on pranking spree

So many pranks and so little time. Having an office full of good-natured coworkers who can take a joke makes the work week fly by. Some workplaces prank each other more than others, though, like the employees of u/Apatheric_Anger's place of employment. They wrote that since the pay was low, morale was raised every time someone played a prank. I'm sure that pranking higher-ups was especially common in an atmosphere like that. The employee writes that “few were immune to pranks." Next up, tweets…
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'Nobody else in the office could do what I was doing': Store owner refuses to hire a new HVAC dispatcher until the last minute because he thinks they're "bluffing"

'Nobody else in the office could do what I was doing': Store owner refuses to hire a new HVAC dispatcher until the last minute because he thinks they're "bluffing"

This person found out how important they were at their job , just hours before leaving forever. Giving your employer two week's notice before you leave the job is standard. U/balles_de_acier actually gave their employer three weeks of notice , which was generous of them. That's plenty of time to seek out a new addition to the office, get them started at the job, and the old employee would even have time to show them the ropes. The more difficult route would be waiting until that original employ…
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'Fine, I will water ALL the plants': Teenager gets back at parent who asked them to do chores

'Fine, I will water ALL the plants': Resentful teenager gets back at parent who asked them to do chores

Teens are some of the sassiest people on Earth. Just ask their parents! Teens are at an age where they're still considered kids, so they crave independence and freedom from their parents. But since they still rely on their parents for everything, they've still got to be home by 9 PM or take the trash to the curb each week. Since they're still young and learning, they often say or do things that are wildly sassy. Maybe you were like that as a teen, and if not, chances are you knew someone who wa…
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Teacher makes student do corrections on essay despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

Teacher makes student do essay corrections despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

If a teacher is unwilling to give their student feedback, why should the student have to put in any effort? Clearly, this terrible educator had it out for this student despite the fact that he had been completing all of his assignments on time and to the best of his ability. When he received his essay back, he got a D with absolutely no explanation. Meanwhile, every other student in the class was given specific comments and instructions for their required revisions. The student even asked his t…
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'I'm in full compliance with the city, just like you wanted': Neighbor calls next-door's fence an "eyesore," is forced to remove the fence on his own

'I'm in full compliance with the city, just like you wanted': Neighbor calls next-door's fence an "eyesore," is forced to remove the fence on his own

This person saw that his neighbor's fence had collapsed in a bad storm, and the first thing he thought to do was tell his neighbor how terrible it looked. Storms can be devastating to entire neighborhoods, and it can take some teamwork to rebuild. If you work together, you can share tools and expertise. But of course, if you don't like your next-door neighbor , when you go looking for a helping hand, you may not find one. U/Transcendentalcat had a fun malicious compliance story to share. Their…
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'The yellow line is where my responsibility ends': Woman "pushes her luck" to get groundskeeper to cut back all her weeds

'The yellow line is where my responsibility ends': Woman "pushes her luck" to get groundskeeper to cut back all her weeds

This woman had some questions for a local gardener —if only she had been a little nicer about it. The older I get, the more my respect grows for people who do physical labor. To say it's hard work is an understatement. Have you ever watched a garbage collector work for a minute or two as they toss bag after bag of trash into the truck, and then you realize they do this impressive feat for eight hours straight ? The same goes for landscapers and gardeners. Though some of them use riding mowers,…
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'We're just gonna go ahead and sell you the property you've stolen': Construction head faces off with persistent client

'We're just gonna go ahead and sell you the property you've stolen': Construction head faces off with persistent client

Construction work shouldn't have to be quite this complicated. Too bad that one city inspector kept bothering the workers over typical excavation complaints, like making too much noise or “killing their grass.”
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'You aren't getting your sound cues fast enough? Okay. Run': Prima donna actor gets exactly what he demands, sound designer makes him regret it

'You aren't getting your sound cues fast enough? Okay. Run': Prima donna actor gets exactly what he demands, sound designer makes him regret it

When you watch a play , you're only seeing a fraction of the work that went into making the show come to life. You're watching the end result, and if all goes well, you'll be dazzled by the acting, costumes, music , story, and sets. It takes tons of time and energy for the actors to learn their parts, but they're just one portion of the team. Behind the scenes are lighting designers, voice coaches, dance teachers, and, like u/patjackman was at their job, sound designers. In the final weeks lead…
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