

'She is very happy with the results until she reaches ours': Customer service worker gets thrown under the bus by "unprofessional" boss, holds a grudge for two years

'She is very happy with the results until she reaches ours': Customer service worker gets thrown under the bus by "unprofessional" boss, holds a grudge for two years

Giving your overworked employees even more work: what could possibly go wrong? This person, u/TheMightyGalah, found out exactly what happens, but they were glad to watch their boss get her comeuppance. Good managers will be beloved by their team. You can tell when someone's an exceptional supervisor by the way their team talks about them: do they dread that manager seeing their work and results, or do they look to the manager for support and help? Some managers don't really manage much at all.…
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'No shorts allowed in this heat? Sure!': Guy finds loophole in company's strict dress code policy, 'skirting' around the issue

'No shorts allowed in this heat? Sure!': Guy finds loophole in company's strict dress code policy, 'skirting' around the issue

Why do some bosses think that wearing a suit in exceptionally hot weather is a sign of professionalism? The reality is it is nothing more than a silly rule that makes employees look and feel miserable. What about employees who have to walk to work or who come into an environment with poor air conditioning? They are going to sweat like crazy and ultimately will come across as anything but put-together and professional. Let this story serve as yet another argument for employers to focus less on h…
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'You're doing thousands of pounds worth of damage': School caretaker leaves hundreds of visitors waiting after being told he's not allowed to open the gate manually

'You're doing thousands of pounds worth of damage': School caretaker leaves hundreds of visitors waiting after being told he's not allowed to open the gate manually

This caretaker had to wield that phrase that should be a warning to any boss: “Can I have that in writing, please?” As an employer, that should immediately make you do a double take. It should make you think, “Hmm, why does my employee want to document this order?” Perhaps they've already had some reservations about it, or they see something you've missed. No matter, though, because that type of boss dislikes listening to employees. They think that they're superior in their role, and that their…
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'Call me on my days off? Guess you're paying me': Energy employee gets even with boss who won't stop bugging them on their days off

'Call me on my days off? Guess you're paying me': Energy employee gets even with boss who won't stop bugging them on their days off

One worker was accustomed to working 8 days on, then having 6 days off. That sounds like a pretty sweet gig if you can get it! By the 8th day of work, you must be very ready for a break, but you could plan all sorts of fun activities during those 6 days off in a row. This person, u/WyoPeeps, was actually trying to go “off grid” during one of their 6-day breaks. But their boss was continually interrupting them. When that happens, it makes you feel like you've sold your soul to the company. How c…
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'I was tired of the unfairness of it all': Call center worker decreases their output by 80% after workplace changes pay incentives

'I was tired of the unfairness of it all': Call center worker decreases their output by 80% after workplace changes pay incentives

At this person's job, they were expected to make at least 120 calls per day. They're used to making more phone calls in a single day than I've made in my whole life. Despite all that hard work, their boss doesn't seem to appreciate how difficult it is to generate revenue off of them. At this person's job, they were expected to contact people who had debts , and try to get that person to pay them off. As you might imagine, the people who will answer a debt collector's call are usually the people…
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 Micromanager’s criticism backfires as junior employee withdraws support, prompting boss’s desperate plea for help

Micromanager’s criticism backfires as junior employee withdraws support, prompting boss’s desperate plea for help

Every business has a different hierarchical structure that is exclusive to it. The account provided in the story below comes from a former student. The original poster (OP) was a university student majoring in English. During her time as a student, she launched the department newsletter and helped with the editing and publication of the annual literary journal. She significantly improved the newsletter and the magazine, but since she was still viewed as a junior editor, she was expected to perf…
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landlord malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit tenant landlords bad landlord renting - 35875589

Landlord demands access to home to paint and sand, tenant makes them regret it with loud grating music: '[My] landlord tried to strong-arm me into letting him into the home'

It's never a good sign when your errant and aloof landlord suddenly takes a keen interest in shaping the place up. In almost every instance, it's likely that this means you're going to be looking for a new place pretty soon as they're either aiming to move back in themselves, renting the place to a relative—or even selling the place and cashing up. They probably won't divulge this to you directly, fearing that advance notice will lose them their income (—you). In the meantime though, there will…
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Admin worker complies with snarky Karen coworker's request to receive all documentations, overwhelms her with paperwork: '[I] ended up with a stack of over 1,500 pages'

Admin worker complies with snarky Karen coworker's request to receive all documentation, overwhelms her with paperwork: '[I] ended up with a stack of over 1,500 pages'

No one needs that much paperwork! This admin worker relayed a story from earlier in their career when a snarky Karen coworker started to complain about “missing documents.” She would ultimately come to regret that she ever made a complaint in the first place. Essentially, it was the Redditor's job to follow a document distribution matrix model to ensure that all departments within their oil terminal company received the necessary paperwork regarding Bills of Lading. Now, the Redditor had been w…
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'I see the tow truck arrive and leave with the CFO's very, very precious Corvette': Secretary decides to follow conflicting instructions between their two bosses

'I see the tow truck arrive and leave with the CFO's very, very precious Corvette': Secretary decides to follow conflicting instructions between their two bosses

A couple of corporate bigwigs have gotten into the habit of only speaking to each other through their secretary. Their secretary isn't even supposed to have that job… they've just gotten themselves intertwined in the workplace drama between their different bosses. Up next, these HOAs have some really ridiculous rules that have tenants rolling their eyes, like one person who was informed, “ Your mailbox isn't shiny enough ."
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'You wanna drown in paperwork? Be my guess!': Truck driver maliciously complies with new scanning policy, gives payroll a major headache

'You wanna drown in paperwork? Be my guess!': Truck driver maliciously complies with new scanning policy, gives payroll a major headache

Some bosses care more about enforcing ridiculous policies than assessing whether or not said policies are efficient. How many times have you found yourself in a work situation when the easy solution is staring right in front of you but you can't say anything because of your temperamental and particular boss? This truck driver had to deal with a silly new rule about scanning tons of extra paperwork to corporate when all he really needed to do was scan a few signed pages. Of course, despite voici…
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'He brought down the wrath of the fire inspector': Tenant gets back at landlord for insisting they get a pro to install a smoke detector

'He brought down the wrath of the fire inspector': Tenant gets back at landlord for insisting they get a pro to install a smoke detector

In case no one's reminded you recently, go ahead and test the batteries in your smoke alarms ! Don't roll your eyes: it seems minor, but it could save your life. You might not need to check your smoke detector if it goes off every single time you cook. Then you know it's working! But heaven forbid there was ever a fire in the middle of the night, that detector would be loud enough to wake you so you could get outside to safety. It's not the kind of thing you should neglect, as u/tdlm40 knows af…
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'Answer each and every email with "got it"': Boss insists that employee change the "upsetting" tone of their emails

'Answer each and every email with "got it"': Boss insists that employee change the "upsetting" tone of their emails

Email etiquette changes everywhere you go. Politeness is key, of course. But at some workplaces, emails have to be answered in a highly specific way, even if the employees think it's ridiculous. Up next, these goofy goobers are some real dummies according to their friends, like one person whose coworker wouldn't drink water, ever, because “ water makes you rust .”
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mc malicious compliance reddit thread interesting funny deserves customer service customers karen kevin epic revenge justice

''Turn my service off RIGHT NOW'... Ok': Customer service agent uses malicious compliance to force the hand of a money-grubbing customer, proving a point with one fell swoop

The arrogant customer in our next story who tried to swindle his customer service rep over the phone, money-grubbing for an extra $200 credit on his Internet bill. But for the working man struggling to keep his cool over the phone, this customer presented a particularly satisfying opportunity for malicious compliance that only comes once every blue moon.
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Teacher gets back at principal for having to give a speech to the student body, ends up giving a 90-minute diatribe: 'You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it'

Teacher gets back at principal for having to give a speech to the student body, ends up giving a 90-minute diatribe: 'You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it'

Sometimes, the most rebellious folks in a school are the teachers. Here, we have one teacher who managed to successfully avoid a school tradition for over 30 years at the institution. That silly tradition involved a member of the faculty delivering a speech to the entire student body on significant historical dates. During said speech, the students were also forced to stand still in formation and in silence throughout the duration of the oration. This one teacher, whom the Redditor nicknamed Me…
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'If I catch that you were slacking off or lying, you are fired': Law partner demands summer associate to update him on whereabouts at all times, malicious compliance ensues

'If I catch that you were slacking off or lying, you are fired': Law partner demands summer associate to update him on whereabouts at all times, malicious compliance ensues

This is what it looks like when justice is served. This law partner may have been working in the industry for decades, but his outdated way of approaching workplace dynamics became a major problem. It seems like he's the kind of boss who chooses one lowly employee to direct all of his anger and frustration toward, as if there is nothing said person can do to meet his desires sufficiently. Unfortunately for this summer associate , they became the target of all his antics. Most of this unfair tre…
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'[She] brought in three large boxes of files, each one containing evidence': Scorned employee gives the exit interview of a lifetime

'[She] brought in three large boxes of files, each one containing evidence': Scorned employee gives the exit interview of a lifetime

Making a difference in the world isn't always easy, but it's possible. U/EpicWinterWolf has a family member who knows that all too well, after she gave an unforgettable exit interview at one of her previous jobs. Exit interviews can be tricky. You probably want to tell your boss 101 things they did wrong or could improve on. You may want to disclose everything you think is wrong with the workplace, from the biggest issues to tiny personal gripes. At the same time, you may need a reference from…
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