

'Use your two weeks notice to get rid of it': Administrative assistant deletes and shreds all their files

'Use your two weeks notice to get rid of it': Administrative assistant deletes and shreds all their files

The real boss of an office isn't the president or CFO, it's actually their assistant . While higher-ups get all the glory of that job, they spend a lot of their days taking phone calls and meetings. Their assistants are often the ones organizing these, as well as writing follow-up emails, answering the office phone, ordering their lunch or coffees, and possibly even managing parts of their personal life. These administrative assistants are a force to be reckoned with: they're organized and cool…
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petty-revenge-reddit malicious compliance car revenge malicious-compliance-reddit revenge-stories petty revenge Car Dealership revenge-stories-reddit car salesman - 25110533

Dealership pulls bait and switch, customer leaves 1-star reviews and costs them $50k: 'Every time I have a few minutes to spare, I create a new account and leave a 1 star review for this dealership'

It's pretty common knowledge that you shouldn't totally trust someone who is trying to sell you something. Even if they seem genuine and hold what they consider to be your best interests at heart, at the end of the day, they're still there to do the job of making sure you walk out with an item in your hand. Out of the sheer bias of the situation, they're not going to tell you to walk away empty-handed if they don't have the exact right product in stock. Of course, this is in the best-intended i…
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Cross country traveler races against motorcyclist, only to endure triple the wait time at the border as motorcyclist blocks path

Cross country traveler races against motorcyclist, only to endure triple the wait time at the border as motorcyclist blocks path

All drivers must drive cautiously and with proper road etiquette in order to maintain highway harmony. This applies to people who operate motor vehicles of any kind, including cars, trains, buses, motorbikes, and others. The story below is an account of a frustrated motorcycle driver. While traveling cross-country, the original poster (OP) encountered another traveler who was attempting to cross the border. At first, all seemed to be moving along quite well, but when OP decided to utilize his m…
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'Luggage too heavy? Say no more': Traveler gets backlash for airport malicious compliance

'Luggage too heavy? Say no more': Traveler gets backlash for airport malicious compliance

Imagine what would happen if you just showed up to the airport without reading the rules . In current year, there are an absurd amount of really specific airport rules that every passenger has to follow. Your carry-on luggage and checked luggage each have weight limits and have to be under a certain dimension. For carry-on luggage, it's got to fit under the seat in front of you. Then there's the issue of liquids, which all have to get smushed into one quart-sized bag. There are things you can a…
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'I don't need your input. Just do what I say': New manager flexes his muscles with warehouse temperature policy, employee tries to warn him, malicious compliance ensues

'I don't need your input. Just do what I say': New manager flexes his muscles with warehouse temperature policy, employee tries to warn him, malicious compliance ensues

Don't you just love it when the new manager makes things exponentially worse for everyone else? It's a common mistake that these horrible bosses tend to make. They come in and immediately feel like they know a better solution to the current system. Without properly hearing out all the employees' voices, they decide it would be more impressive to flex their muscles and insist that their solution is the proper one. Well, time and time again when this happens, the new manager stumbles. Either the…
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'I've decided that enough was enough': Worker quits job after tactless manager tells them their 'abilities are not worth that much'

'I've decided that enough was enough': Worker quits job after tactless manager tells them their 'abilities are not worth that much'

Workers often leave their companies for better opportunities not because of the company itself, but because of bad management . The management structure of a business has a lot to do with an employee's day-to-day life. Some people have bosses who are micromanagers who want to hold their employees accountable for every minute of the day. With your boss breathing down your neck 40 hours each week while you're trying to write your emails and do your tasks, it's easy to get sick of the scrutiny. Ot…
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Crystal shop owner insists on help from customs worker, ignores giant fee: 'He wishes her a nice day and tells her the bill will be coming in the mail'

Crystal shop owner insists on help from customs worker, ignores giant fee: 'He wishes her a nice day and tells her the bill will be coming in the mail'

This woman found out the hard way that she got what she paid for. She just didn't know that she was paying for something in the first place! U/OneGlassOne had an excellent tale of malicious compliance to share. They and their coworker work in a line of business that deals with commercial imports. They write that people need to fill out lots of paperwork when importing items into the country, probably in a similar way to declaring your valuables at the airport. This woman told the original poste…
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getting fired boss fired manager boxes malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit mistakes truck mistake malicious compliance reddit trucks - 26060805

'As a joke I put in... two extra zeros': Trucker gets paid $1500 an hour to unload his own trailer

This person managed to make a true American dream come true: making four figures per hour . Making $1500 per hour is something that most people dream about, but never achieve. Just think of what you could do with that kind of money. First, you could buy and eat probably like ten burritos. Then, you could buy a new game console. Then, you take all your friends to the movies and to laser tag. Then, once your first day of fun is over, you start saving up for down payments on houses or cars. Life c…
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'Try and sue us? Get fired instead': College students left in the cold get back at their absent landlord

'Try and sue us? Get fired instead': College students left in the cold get back at their absent landlord

Would you rather your house always be too cold , or too hot? Depending on the way your house is heated or cooled, you probably already know your answer. It's hard to get your home to the perfect temperature for everyone, since some people are always wrapping themselves in sweaters, while others are sweating it out. However, these college kids had to experience the worst-case scenario: having a freezing house for a whole winter, and being ignored the whole time. These poor college students just…
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'Do you mean to tell me you've sat idle for 60 hours?!': Dispatchers tell trucker to wait for tire repair, dispatcher gets fired

'Do you mean to tell me you've sat idle for 60 hours?!': Dispatchers tell trucker to wait for tire repair, dispatcher gets fired

One trucker managed to waste an entire weekend… all because they couldn't get the help they needed. U/thedavecorp had an intriguing malicious compliance story to share with the internet. It all went down when they were at work, which for a trucker, can be almost anywhere. The original poster (OP) notes that this was before the days of GPS tracking, so they were really on their own when they got stuck with a flat tire. For many people, getting a flat tire can ruin their day. But it won't take mo…
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'HOA wants me to build a shorter fence? Got it!': Dude forced to uninstall 8 foot fence, maliciously complies by building shorter fence on top of brick wall

'HOA wants me to build a shorter fence? Got it!': Dude forced to uninstall 8 foot fence, maliciously complies by building shorter fence on top of brick wall

For every nosy neighbor, there's the one whose clever hijinks you can't help but admire. Here, we have a particularly private resident who did not enjoy the slim possibility of Peeping Toms getting a closer look at his backyard. Naturally, he decided that the best way to combat the new neighbors moving in next door was to install a tall fence to keep them out. Well, apparently, an eight-foot fence was too high for the local HOA to permit, so they tried to throw a ton of fees his way. That's whe…
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'Delivery driver insists on delivering not-my-food': Delivery driver won't take no for an answer with person who didn't order any food

'Delivery driver insists on delivering not-my-food': Delivery driver won't take no for an answer with person who didn't order any food

Food delivery is one of those great modern inventions that's only getting better over time. In decades past, you could order a pizza or some Chinese food over the phone. But these days, you can order almost anything and get it delivered to your house with just a few taps on your phone. This kind of technology has opened up a world of possibilities for the average person. Instead of having a few options to choose from, nearly every restaurant is on the food delivery apps, including fast food pla…
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'Finish putting the delivery away before anything else... Cue malicious compliance': Gas station worker refuses to prep food after following boss's directions

'Finish putting the delivery away before anything else... Cue malicious compliance': Gas station worker refuses to prep food after following boss's directions

When you've been in the workforce long enough, you know that what the boss says, goes, no matter how hard you might roll your eyes about it. In some jobs, you have bosses that make you question how they ever got the job in the first place. They're the boss who constantly does things that seem wrong in the eyes of the other employees. Sometimes it might seem like they have their priorities so backward, as was the case with this person, u/RScommitted. They shared this great story of malicious com…
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'He wanted to be the first one of the day': Entitled market owner delays trucker by 4 hours

'He wanted to be the first one of the day': Entitled market owner delays trucker by 4 hours

This customer tried to get some petty payback on a company that he felt had wronged him. It didn't end well for him! Customers tend to fall into two groups when they've been wronged by an establishment. Let's say for example a customer buys a product, and it's faulty, and they try to return it. The store refuses and won't budge. The customer may get so irate that they declare, “I'm never coming back here ever again!” Here's where the two groups come into play: some of those people mean it, and…
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landlord malicious compliance revenge malicious-compliance-reddit tenant landlords petty revenge rent renting - 25845765

Tenant and Landlord team up to take down odious Property Management company, claiming almost $10k in penalties: 'My landlord was on my side during the court hearing'

While renting, it's generally up to your landlord to maintain the premises and repair anything that breaks. But if you've ever dealt with a landlord, you'll know that they're often reluctant to do so, regarding any such request with disdain and thinly veiled hostility and insinuation at the fact that you're somehow responsible for their 20-year-old dishwasher breaking a week after you moved in. So, over time, you get in the habit of just doing things yourself, even if they're not your responsib…
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'Grandma just smiles and says she'll be back': Unhelpful bank manager shocked when customer pulls thousands of dollars from his bank

'Grandma just smiles and says she'll be back': Unhelpful bank manager shocked when customer pulls thousands of dollars from his bank

This grandmother is putting her foot down.
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