

'[I] went for another technicality': Employee maliciously complies with HR's photo request

'[I] went for another technicality': Employee maliciously complies with HR's photo request

When you're right, you're right. If you can bend the rules without breaking them, it's your prerogative to try! U/The-Oncoming-Storm has run into the same dilemma that lots of employees these days face: how do you choose a good headshot photo for your workplace? Some folks choose to get professional headshots , especially actors and those in other performing arts careers. But for the rest of us, paying hundreds for a headshot for work isn't feasible. Instead, you'll need to choose a nice selfie…
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'That advice cost the neighbor most of his yard': New neighbor gets fined $11,000 after ignoring friendly grandpa's advice

'That advice cost the neighbor most of his yard': New neighbor gets fined $11,000 after ignoring friendly grandpa's advice

Instead of listening to someone who'd been on the land longer than he had, this neighbor immediately took offense to some advice. There's a time and place for giving and taking advice, of course. They say you should take advice from people you respect or who have been in your shoes. People who have walked the same path as you are bound to know at least a little bit of good advice . That's why it's pretty baffling that this dude's neighbor was new to the area, yet still ignored some crucial advi…
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Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

The old man was warned! It's funny how in every family, there are certain events with each family member has a completely different recollection of the sequence of events. Sure, perspective is obviously a subjective phenomenon, but facts are also facts. In this case, this Redditor's father very clearly lost his own wrench, but the old man wound up convincing himself that his son was responsible. Of course, as with all recurring conversations within family dynamics, the son got frustrated by thi…
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Update: 'I've already started packing': School worker refuses to be substitute teacher, boss demands they comply

Update: 'I've already started packing': School worker refuses to be substitute teacher, boss demands they comply

We all know that teachers these days are under a lot of pressure, and it turns out that pressure extends even to other school staffers. Like this person, for example. U/hhhhhhd5 is literally not even a teacher, and yet their boss keeps trying to get them to substitute teach for absent teachers! After that, this contract worker was told to “Just do the important things and let the small stuff slide,” but soon after, they were fired!
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'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a peg

'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a notch

This person got back at their ex in a tiny but very irritating way. That's the way some relationships go: the couple breaks up, but they can't stop seeing each other. They get into a cycle of squabbling and making up, but that doesn't mean their relationship isn't toxic. u/ReSpekt5eva shared their story of dealing with an ex with whom they ended things, yet remained on friendly terms. They explained that this guy went to the same grad school they did, although he was a few years older than them…
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'That is what optional means': Foreman surprised when a single employee refuses to work unpaid overtime

'That is what optional means': Foreman surprised when a single employee refuses to work unpaid overtime

Standing up to those in power is a risky move! One electrical worker knows that all too well after they found themself in the unenviable position of being the one speaking truth to power. This person was only able to talk to their boss openly because their workplace has a union. U/algy888 was an electrical worker, and on this project, they got a “super fun” opportunity to install lights on the stairs in movie theaters . First of all, thank you for your service: someone's got to put in those lig…
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Update: 'The launch is next week': Entitled client messages web designer 50 times, website gets filled with typos and inaccuracies

Update: 'The launch is next week': Entitled client messages web designer 50 times, website gets filled with typos and inaccuracies

It takes a thick skin to be your own boss, especially when you're working with the craziest clients imaginable. U/boobook-boobook knows that all too well after their run-in with a client who knew exactly what she wanted, no changes allowed. While we're on the subject of hilarious misspellings and misunderstandings, check out these very funny ones, like one person who tried to sound out “grand scheme” and instead wrote, “It is a very small issue in the gran stephen things.”
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'Just do the important things and let the small stuff slide': Contract worker fired after supervisor insists they work faster

'Just do the important things and let the small stuff slide': Contract worker fired after supervisor insists they work faster

At some workplaces, you're encouraged to ask questions, while at others, the bosses take it as a sign of incompetence. After that, these people revealed the funniest things they've ever gotten in trouble for, like one baffled person who shared that “ At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket … on my bike.”
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'I was feeling petty and thought it'd be funny': Resort workers get locked out of "The Cage" holding their supplies, plan a break-in

'I was feeling petty and thought it'd be funny': Resort workers get locked out of "The Cage" holding their supplies, plan a break-in

There's nothing like having fun coworkers . Not every workplace is a fun one, but when you have coworkers who can turn an average day into an adventure, it's the best. This person, u/KipsyCakes, had a job at a resort restaurant that was in the middle of some changes. While undergoing changes, employees were leaving in droves, and this employee mentioned that it was nearly impossible to find a manager during their actual shift. Workplaces that are run that way are destined to fail. If employees…
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'I'm not taking the blame for your mistakes': Experienced grocery store manager lets bossy manager order them around and watches him flail

'I'm not taking the blame for your mistakes': Experienced grocery store manager lets bossy manager order them around and watches him flail

Wisdom is knowing when to let people make their own mistakes . That's especially true in the workplace: knowing when to mind your business is crucial. This grocery store manager , u/SerphynaZee, has a coworker who's an annoying dude. The original poster of this malicious compliance story is stuck with one of the worst kinds of coworkers---the kind who love to boss everyone around, acting like they know the job better than everyone. There are a few ways you can treat a peer that acts this way. Y…
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'Come in on a Sunday? Fine, but I'm going to play Monopoly': Office workers throw a party after strict manager insists they work on the weekend

'Come in on a Sunday? Fine, but I'm going to play Monopoly': Office workers throw a party after strict manager insists they work on the weekend

For these office workers, spending a Sunday in the office felt like the last day of school before summer break. Remember how great the last week or two of school was? Chances are your teachers had a few tests or quizzes for you, but they were winding down their lessons for the end of the year. They'd let you bring in cards or board games, maybe let you watch TV for a while, and some would even bring in treats or let kids wander to other classrooms. It had this wonderful feeling of freedom. Thes…
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‘I made a mistake!’: Man cleverly complies with neighbor's demands to remove fence, leading to desperate pleas for restoration

‘I made a mistake!’: Man cleverly complies with neighbor's demands to remove fence, leading to desperate pleas for restoration

A neighbor can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on the situation. Then, what would you do if your neighbor ‘demanded’ that you remove or replace your fence? Which would you do—give in or stand your ground? The story below is an account of a frustrated neighbor. The original poster (OP) has been living at his house for a while. Soon after moving in, OP and his next-door neighbor erected a fence between their two homes without consulting a surveyor. Living in a peaceful area bro…
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'New manager tried to back peddle': Employee gets back at snippy new boss who demands he must "be here when the warehouse opens"

'New manager tried to back peddle': Employee gets back at snippy new boss who demands he must "be here when the warehouse opens"

Instead of getting to know his new coworkers, one new manager thought he had a better approach. According to u/atomb*mb1945, he started “getting into things that weren't his business and things he didn't know about.” That's exactly what you don't want to do as you're starting a new job. It isn't going to make a good impression on the current workers if the newbie comes in on day one and starts telling them they don't know how to do their own jobs.
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Business changes expense policies, loyal employee gets to take cabs everywhere: 'The company just had to pay double'

Business changes expense policies, loyal employee gets to take cabs everywhere: 'The company just had to pay double'

Traveling for work is a way of life in many careers. Jobs often tell you this when you apply for the role, specifying what percentage of the time you'll be on the road. For many workers, this setup is a great way to see a little bit of the world, or just keep them from getting bored of their hometown. This person, u/Bibby_M, has a great setup with their job. Though they live about 38 miles from their job, they only live about 5 miles from the nearest airport. That means that even though they tr…
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'You want me to work ZERO overtime? Sure thing boss': Manager complies with new bogus OT policy, results in team racking up tons of OT hours, manager embarrasses boss in front of CEO: '

'You want me to work ZERO overtime? Sure thing boss': Manager complies with new bogus OT policy, results in team racking up tons of OT hours, manager embarrasses boss in front of CEO

It's a common misconception that cutting overtime hours can be a structurally sound decision for a company. This boss told a call center manager that management was no longer allowed to work overtime. Now despite this new bogus policy, he didn't say anything about the employees that report to management. At the end of every day, this manager tends to check up on his team to help them wrap up their calls and get them out of work on time. This often results in him having to stay after for a littl…
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'This is mandatory. You WILL attend the trivia contest': Accounting department rallies against boss who demands they have mandatory fun

'This is mandatory. You WILL attend the trivia contest': Accounting department rallies against boss who demands they have mandatory fun

The mandatory trivia will continue until morale improves! There are differing schools of thought on how much fun employees should really have at work . There are the types of offices that bring in foosball tables and nap pods, and as nice as that sounds, these places tend to overwork their employees. Other workplaces have occasional days out to baseball games, or full-day employee BBQs. These events can be nice for team building, but it requires that the employees take time out of their persona…
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