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'[Boss] lasted maybe 10 minutes before he couldn't take it anymore': Manager forces employee to run machines constantly, employee maliciously complies and lets hundreds of orders pile up

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LinkedIn is now just another social media platform: Gen Z contradicts their ‘work/life balance’ ethos by turning the professional networking platform into a new place to overshare

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'They were expecting about 125 people to relocate with them; they got 3': 20+ Workplaces whose employees quit together all at once

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Employee told to drop everything to serve their boss coffee, drops 300 files on the ground and spills the coffee on him before quitting: 'I was working for the new company 22 minutes later'

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Update: 'I quit without thinking twice': Boss flips out on employee who quits $120k salary job for $250k job

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'My boss invented a fake employee that he would blame all problems on': 20+ Workplaces that hid their tricks of the trade from their customers

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Comedian doesn't realize the joke is on them when they're unknowingly condescending to the bar's manager: 'I'm the manager and I will never book you again'

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Coworker complains about tech support worker getting credit for their unfinished jobs, forced to finish them himself: 'So now, he’s doing twice, sometimes 3 times the work, all because he wanted full credit for partial results'

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Management blames worker for their own decisions, accusing them of sabotaging the company: 'They started blaming me even though I had nothing to do with the decision'

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Client says contractors are working "too fast" demand they work slower, making project cost four times more: '$200,000 for a job that should have realistically only been worth about $45,000'

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'[I said] "Okay, I’ll go get another job elsewhere then" and quit immediately': 20+ Entitled bosses who got on their employees' last nerves

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Job candidate receives bait-and-switch lowball offer after successfully interviewing for the role, quits two hours before their first shift: 'I quit two hours before my first shift this morning'

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Customer complains after employee refuses to help them while on their lunch break, boss takes customer's side: 'My boss sat me down and told me I should have just helped her'

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Retail employee begins ignoring male coworker, starts disappearing mid-shift: 'She drastically changed her behavior towards me'

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'Really bad. Hope this helps!': Unhappy employee horrified when they send accidental email to boss

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Update: Coworkers join forces to confront paralegal who blocks doors when he sees women approach: 'HR won’t do anything'