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'It's just very weird and customers aren't happy': Petty dollar store boss forces employees to pay out of pocket for supplies

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'The advertisement... almost made me quit': Electronics store worker faces off with confused customers and Karens who didn't read the fine print

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IT boss insists that salaried employee has to work during vacation, employee discovers a clever way to avoid their boss: 'I won't be expected to work?'

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Employee maliciously complies after being told to take shorter breaks: 'I decided to take short breaks every five minutes'

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'Incorrect appointments were scheduled, or not even made at all': Medical office worker shares what happens when their quirkiest colleague was put in charge of patient check-outs

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'It made me laugh so much I gave them an interview': 25+ Memorable resumes that made hiring managers stop in their tracks

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Boss cancels employee's work-from-home policy following a bout of illness that took them out of work: ‘I’m on the verge of being fired'

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'Susan the snack stealer': Entitled office fridge thief gets called out during holiday party in front of the entire company

Job applicant accused of cheating on a test by tech hotshots, lands better job and pay by proving them wrong: ‘I saw them go from upset to delight’

Job applicant accused of cheating on a test by tech hotshots, lands better job and pay by proving them wrong: ‘I saw them go from upset to delight’

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'Your boss doesn't have your back': Clingy coworker shocks employee by talking to their manager to get them to drive together to work event

Employee gets even with lazy ‘office golden boy’ by tracking his every move via spreadsheet, then ‘accidentally’ presents the document during a routine meeting

Employee gets even with lazy ‘office golden boy’ by tracking his every move via spreadsheet, then ‘accidentally’ presents the document during a routine meeting

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Coworkers try to usurp employee's desk fish tank demanding that it become a communal office project: 'They keep saying I'm not being a good team player'

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'Almost 3/4 of the employees had quit by this point because paychecks kept bouncing': 15+ CEOs who ran their companies into the ground

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Bank employee turns her bosses impolite comments back on her: 'I'm not taking an hour off. I'm leaving. For good'

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'He's so by the book that I can't get [work] done': 20+ Coworkers who bring their bad habits into the workplace

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Boss fires manager for refusing to do his bidding, promotes a crony into the job who sinks the department: 'I stopped doing anything except what he told me to do'