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'My boss just decided water isn’t free anymore': Warehouse worker shares their frustration when their boss declares employees now need to buy water

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Employee gets petty revenge on office food thief: '[I'm] ghost saucing my coworker'

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'The exec told me... to run it': Supervisor makes critical mistake with 3-story-tall concrete mixer, makes a giant mess

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Employee faces retribution from employer after critically answering "anonymous" survey: 'It quickly became clear she could guess who wrote what'

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'A guy bought a car on the company card and... got fired': 20+ HR professionals share the wildest moments they had to fire an employee

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Micromanager demands employee rush through a major inventory check, employee outs her when $1K+ of inventory is missing from the books and scores a bonus as a result

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'My teenage self took petty revenge': 16-year-old beauty salon employee gets back at Karen coworker

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'The rest of the team resigned': 20+ Employees who left their bad bosses for better jobs

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Boss begs employee to stay when they quit after being denied a raise: 'I can give you what ever you want'

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Jealous coworkers "kick up a fuss" about woman whose girlfriend sends her sweet treats constantly: 'It's started to cause some issues in the break room'

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'It is very satisfying firing a customer': Customer fakes $3,000 discount at car dealership, employee and GM team up to fire their own customer

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Mom forces husband to watch their 5 and 7-year-old kids during work hours to prove a point: 'He said I shouldn't be so petty and prideful'

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'I'm not allowed to talk about turtles anymore': 20+ Employees who had HR step in for the silliest reasons

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'I am not allowed to do anything': Retail worker faces down angry parents after colleague sells parents the wrong computer for kid's gaming ambitions, prevented from helping them by silly company policy

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'Boss claims that me quitting will result in the business closing': Worker gives 2-week-notice after basically running the company they work for for their boss, prompting boss's total meltdown

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'Leaving was the best thing I did': Employer of 3 years hires new employee at $30k higher than experienced worker, they quit