

Woman stands firm and says no to free housing after sister’s dream vacation leaves her homeless

Woman stands firm and says no to free housing after sister’s dream vacation leaves her homeless

Your family should always come first in your priorities. Having said that, is it your duty as a family member to encourage and assist them in all of their endeavors, no matter how foolish they may be? The story below is an account of a frustrated sister. The original poster (OP) worked very hard to ensure that she lived in a beautiful house and had a nice life. Her sister, on the other hand, made the decision to travel with her entire fortune and even sold her house to earn the additional cash.…
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'They left without me': Family leaves daughter behind when they go on vacation, texting photos of resort after weeks of radio silence

'They left without me': Family leaves daughter behind when they go on vacation, texting photos of resort after weeks of radio silence

Forgetful parents are one thing, but when they fail to tell you they're going on vacation, that's a whole other can of worms. I remember my parents once forgot to tell me that they were visiting my state. When I found out (via pictures on Facebook, mind you) I was absolutely livid. I could have taken time off to spend with them but instead, I was stuck on a big project and couldn't drop everything at the last second. Plus, I didn't even really want to see them at that point. How could they forg…
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27 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

27 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Take me away, far, far away. Let me use my PTO and take a day off. Please, boss, don't make me stay. See, that rhymes. I'm a good rhymer. I also really need a vacation. Employees get PTO but if we're being honest, it's frowned upon to take them. A job is like a marriage. Remember your vows. ‘I, worker, take you, job, to be my partner, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish'… you get the idea. You ne…
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20+ Heartwarming Posts for Fed Up Employees Who Are Ready to Say ‘Bye’ to Their Boss

20+ Heartwarming Posts for Fed Up Employees Who Are Ready to Say ‘Bye’ to Their Boss

Why don't more employees take some well-deserved time off? First of all, the workload. It's hard to feel ‘okay’ with taking time off when your workload feels crushing. Bosses like to pile it up instead of hiring someone else. Why pay 2 salaries when you can pay 1? Not that they enjoy paying you for overtime… of course, they try to cram your projects and responsibilities into 8 or 9 hours. They don't want to pay you more . Second, work culture. Maybe they don't feel comfortable asking for time o…
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'The building was empty for most of December': Managers agree to every single vacation request after company eliminates PTO rollover

'The building was empty for most of December': Managers agree to every single vacation request after company eliminates PTO rollover

This company got bought out over and over again. It's no wonder the employees who remained had to deal with so many shenanigans from their managers. One of the best parts of working a salaried job is racking up paid time off days . Everyone uses their allotted time a little differently---some people love to take the family to Disney or on a camping trip a couple of times a year, while others take a few days here and there to do weekend adventures. No matter where you go, you come back feeling r…
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‘He told me never to buy a helicopter, only planes’: People Share 25+ Most Entertaining ‘Rich People’ Stories

‘He told me never to buy a helicopter, only planes’: People Share 25+ Most Entertaining ‘Rich People’ Stories

Rich people doing rich people things
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34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Eh, the weekend went by too fast… What is it with time? It really does fly when you're having fun. So, what about these wholesome memes and posts? They're here to put a smile on your face, my friend. Life is frustrating and we could all use some extra serotonin now and again. So if you're feeling overworked, underpaid, and just generally in dire need of a vacation, I've got you covered. Below you will find heartwarming stories by people who had cool encounters with strangers, pets, and even the…
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‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

Airbnb used to be way cheaper, but thanks to inflation (among other things), it's almost better to check into a hotel. Also, hosts can be frustrating to deal with. I'm not saying guests are angels, but let's just say it's a double-edged sword. This poster (OP) was attending a friend's wedding and opted to stay in an Airbnb. They had to make sure that pets were welcome, because they were bringing along their dog. Luckily they found just the place but upon arrival, the Airbnb owner showed up unan…
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36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Yuck. I mean, yawn . Eh, same, same… Do you know what you're doing in life? I don't. I haven't a clue. Eat, sleep, work, repeat. The days drag on and turn into weeks that turn into months. Winter is crawling by at a snail's pace, and I wonder when the sun will come out (properly) and shine again. When does the cold end? Why is it still dark out past 5 pm? Summer, where are you? I wish I could fly somewhere and take a break, but money-wise, that's a problem. I bet for most people it's a problem.…
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34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

I need a vacation asap. Work has me yawning in my seat, dreaming of powdery white sand, blue skies, green palm trees, and turquoise water. But one can only go on vacation if they can afford it, and unfortunately, I can't right now. So I'll sift through emails, organize folders, and do my boss's bidding in the meantime. What other choice do I have? Inflation is ruining us all. Heading out to the local store and buying groceries evokes anxiety in me like nothing else, except maybe car trouble. Si…
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'She tried to get her money back': Woman buys a laptop to use solely on vacation, then attempts to get a full refund when she arrives home

'She tried to get her money back': Woman buys a laptop to use solely on vacation, then attempts to get a full refund when she arrives home

If you've ever sold something online, you know that the customers aren't ideal. They text you, 'Is this available?', only to ghost you when you answer in the affirmative. Or they promise to pick it up, set up a date and a time, and then never show up. Or they actually show up with half the money and give you a sob story on why you should give them the item for free. Yes, I'm speaking from experience. One man decided to sell an old laptop he had back from his University days, posting it online,…
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‘He’s coming with us': Woman demands friends leave their toddler at home after organizing a vacation together, leading to a dispute

‘He’s coming with us': Woman demands friends leave their toddler at home after organizing a vacation together, leading to a dispute

Some people really don't like kids. For instance, this person, who OP calls Zoe. She disliked kids so much that she would avoid them at all costs. That became impossible after OP and her friends (which included Zoe) organized a trip together to meet another friend 2 States away. At first, it seemed like OP wouldn't need to take their toddler with them, but as time went on and a few complicated situations arose, they realized that they didn't have a choice. Look, if you've got a kid, and the tri…
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‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

Sometimes you punch in a number on your phone to call someone, and a total stranger ends up on the other line. You called the wrong number, no big deal. Then you do it again, and again… and again. Until the person on the other side is wondering why it's so hard to call the RIGHT number. It's a fair question. This woman was contacted via text 5 times over the span of a year and a half, and it was always the same person inquiring about the same thing… A horse. The woman, OP, had no idea what they…
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Front desk clerks discuss ‘well-travelled individuals’ who are actually just entitled

Front desk clerks discuss ‘well-travelled individuals’ who are actually just entitled

If you've ever worked at the front reception of a hotel, you will have heard it all. From, ‘This is the first time I’ve ever been asked to do this', to ‘I have never heard of city fees’, people will say anything to convince you to let them off easy. The funniest, most ironic part of it all is they usually say something along the lines of, ‘I’ve traveled ALL AROUND THE WORLD, and I've never heard of such a policy'. Immediately you roll your eyes… If they really are so ‘well-traveled’, then this…
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‘Stay away, it's for your own good': Locals discuss top 28 'unwritten rules' in their country that tourists always break

‘Stay away, it's for your own good': Locals discuss top 28 'unwritten rules' in their country that tourists always break

Too often, I've seen tourists ignore big blatant signs in their own native language that read, ‘Do not enter'. But enter, they do. Sometimes they get lucky, while other times, not so much. And I'm not speaking from a ‘high and mighty’ place, because I myself have ignored instructions and had to pay the price. One person posted a question to r/askreddit, asking which unwritten rules tourists always seem to ignore when they are on vacation abroad. There is a whole variety of answers from people l…
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work work-memes memes relatable company business job employee coworker coworkers boss manager clocking-in holidays vacation need-a-vacation quit funny dark-humor comedy relatable-work-memes

35 Witty Work Memes for Withered Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Memes that'll find you better than that post-vacation email
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