
high school

The time I ruined my high school teachers career and got her fired in the greatest way possible.

'To this day, I still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way': Cunning teen claims to get teacher fired with her own words

Think of your worst teacher ever, and imagine the satisfaction of getting them fired. Well, this kid lived out everyone's dream, as he shared in a popular post that garnered plenty of praise for him and condemnation for his teacher. He basically had a teacher who would constantly put him down, including with some horrific insults that are just straight-up bullying. So he decided to get back at her using her own words, and it turned into an absolute s***show for the teacher , Ms. Frank. Check ou…
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AITA for sharing screenshots of this girl's absurdly tone deaf apology for bullying me 10 years ago?

Former High School Bully Gives Tone Deaf Apology 10 Years Later, Victim Gets Revenge by Sending it Around

Karma is not kind!
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reviews nails salon petty revenge high school reddit thread Reddit - 20272133

'It felt petty [...] but I didn't care': Woman leaves one-star review of high school Mean Girl's salon, creates domino effect

Sometimes it just takes one voice to create a wave.
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My teacher has falsely accused me of using ChatGPT to use an assignment.

'My teacher has falsely accused me of using ChatGPT': High-school student escalates accusations to department head

Artificial intelligence is growing larger and more powerful with every passing day, impacting all types of jobs. One of the most vocal majority about the dangers of AI have been teachers. Artificial intelligence like ChatGPT makes it possible to write entire school papers in a matter of seconds. Instead of going to class, taking notes, researching, writing, revising, editing, and submitting a paper, students can now produce a meticulously written paper on any subject with a few button clicks. I…
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high school entitled reddit thread Reddit money entitled people vacation choosing beggar - 19941637

'The trip was awful': Entitled choosing beggar refuses to pay her share of spring break trip, ruins whole vacation

We all know that one friend who always manages to "forget" their wallet.
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What 'phase' did you go through that makes you cringe?

'[We] dressed like we were in the Matrix': 25+ People share the cringiest phases they ever went through as teens

These brave souls told us all about their cringiest teen phases , from bleaching the tips of their hair to unironically rocking fedoras. Going through phases in life is only natural. After all, as you grow from a child to a teen to an adult, you need to learn about who you are and who you want to be. There's a lot of trial and error as you make new friends or enter new classes. Suddenly, something you loved last week is now unbearably cringe. That's the gift of hindsight! Looking back on their…
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AITA For pulling my brother aside and giving him a reality check that he needs to get over high school or else he will end up alone?

'I... told him that he needs to get over high school': Smug dude stuck on high school stereotypes gets rude awakening from sibling

For some people, high school never ends. That's definitely the case with Geoffrey, whose sibling is concerned about the way he's been treating everybody around him . As the u/aitaGeoffreyEmma wrote to the r/AmItheA****** subreddit, their brother didn't have a great experience in high school. Even a decade later, he's still making fun of people's appearances and projecting where he thinks they'll be in their career. It sounds toxic and unbearably cringy to witness ! This concerned sibling ended…
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AITA for wanting to drop my friends after they turned me into a joke?

'Your friends are making a laughingstock of you': Teens play cruel prank on their 'friend' at restaurant

One teen wondered if they were the jerk for getting angry at their friend's bizarre joke. The r/AmItheA****** community quickly rallied to let this teen know that friends shouldn't treat you like this! The writer, u/Wrong_Possession_839, described a scenario that took place at a restaurant that left a huge divide between them and their friend group . In the comments, the writer also added a few extra details that helped people gain insight into the situation. As they wrote, the entire friend gr…
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20 School Fails That Prove Teachers Are Human Too

20 School Fails That Prove Teachers Are Human Too

This one goes out to all the teachers out there!
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TIFU by holding a grudge for 29 years against a kid at school who called me "Carrot Boy"

'Carrot Boy' returns to his high school reunion and has a cringey carrot meltdown, fulfills his own prophecy

Well, if he wasn't going to be remembered as Carrot Boy before, he certainly is now; there's no walking it back from this one, folks. As commenters have suggested, if he had merely approached the conversation as if it was an old inside joke rather than something that he was harboring deep resentment over, he could have won his old classmates over and finally been rid of his demons in one swift stroke. Instead, the monkey's paw has curled—and the prophecy comes to pass. He is now, and forever wi…
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Teacher said “if you don’t tell me who walked in during prayer you will all be sent to the principal’s office!”…

'[She] starts SCREAMING at us to tell her who was late': Students get teacher fired in glorious tale of malicious compliance

There's nothing like a success story about rebelling against authority.
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Leave me to do the project all by myself till 2am? Have fun panicking during the presentation!

'Sorry, can’t meet up and help': Student gets petty revenge on partner for group project after she blew them off

Here is further proof that group projects are the worst!
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AITA for making a scene when my son refused to dance with me?

'The least Ben could have done was dance with his mother': Irate Karen makes a scene because her son won't dance with her at graduation

This mom clearly suffers from main character syndrome!
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I overcharged over 5,000 people.

'Basically out of state tuition for Reese Cups': Dude confesses to overcharging 5,000 people at snack stand

For most of us, the worst thing we ever did in high school was skip class or stay out too late on the weekends. For this guy, who shared this years-old secret on the r/Confession page, he did something apparently much worse, according to some commenters: he swindled thousands of people out of their pocket change as they bought snacks! The story goes that this dude was in charge of a snack table at his high school's sports games. But without any type of menu dictating prices of snacks , he took…
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AITA for sticking to the late policy in my class even though the student has ADHD?

Student With ADHD Keeps Turning Work in Late and Teacher Docks Grade, Causes Split Reactions

This one's a tough call...
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AITA for not including my group member's name on the sheet I gave to my teacher?

'I don't consider him a member of my group': High school student removes classmate's name from group project

This student really fulfilled every type A person's fantasy!
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