
high school

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High School Tutor Gets Overwhelming Praises When She Helps an Underprivileged Kid Get a Full Ride Scholarship by Overstepping Ethical Boundaries

Rich kids have it so easy. Anyone who's ever clawed their way through the class system knows that if you ever reached the top, you'd really have to screw things up to fall from graces. With endless opportunities, golden parachutes, and full-time staff members devoted to helping you succeed, rich kids have the world at their fingertips. But it's not so simple for the regular folks down here at the bottom...
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'I stood up abruptly... there was a stunned silence': High school class's grades plummet after one student flips the script and gives everyone the wrong answers during their final history exam

'I stood up abruptly... there was a stunned silence': High school class's grades plummet after one student flips the script and gives everyone the wrong answers during their final history exam

Hey there, Ms. Smith, if you're reading, yes, I one hundred percent was peeking at Sophie's test that time you pulled me aside and gave me a big fat zero with a smiley inside, just to be petty. You stared at me with your beady little eyes and breathed angrily into my face, and I in turn, totally lied and adamantly held my ground that I did not cheat on the test. Today, I'll admit… I was the kid who copied off of other students' tests. I did not take school seriously, and that did not change, ev…
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'He thinks his Groot impression will impress her': 20+ Moments of cringe that still haunt people years later

'He thinks his Groot impression will impress her': 20+ Moments of cringe that still haunt people years later

Kids and teens can't help but have a few embarrassing moments . Okay, maybe more than a few. As a kid, you're able to let loose and say and do pretty much whatever you want. Children usually know not to say bad words or talk back to adults. But there are a lot of nuances they don't understand, and a world of knowledge that they haven't had time to learn from. That's probably why it's so much fun to be around little kids while they're letting off steam, bouncing off the walls and babbling about…
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'Kids don't understand the point of... high school reunions': 25+ Outdated things that could never be explained to anyone born after 2000

'Kids don't understand the point of... high school reunions': 25+ Outdated things that could never be explained to anyone born after 2000

We're glad the internet exists, but before that, we spent a lot more time in libraries. Even today's kids still hang out at libraries , in case you were wondering. It's lovely to see parents reading to their kids, librarians hosting story hours for toddlers who won't sit still, and families checking out a dozen books for them and the kiddos. Some things never change. The library-going experience for today's kids is usually about fun, though. Most kids will never have to worry about going to the…
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'Oh, I remember you': 10+ stories of running into your high school nemesis that range from wholesome to petty

'Oh, I remember you': 10+ stories of running into your high school nemesis that range from wholesome to petty

Everyone had a fantasy in high school of running into their arch-enemy years later and showing them how much better they are now. Here's the thing, though: running into that person years down the road is never exactly what one expects the encounter to be. Even if one's dream has come true and that person is a total wreck. The experience of running into them can range from cringeworthy to petty to wholesome… as evidenced by these stories, which were shared to this r/AskReddit thread. Some of the…
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'Parents had me come to school on senior skip day': Top Mildly Infuriating School Moments

'Parents had me come to school on senior skip day': Top Mildly Infuriating School Moments

School might be a hub for education engagement and socialization, but it can also be a place where some of the most mildly infuriating scenarios life has to offer can occur. That's because when you walk into a school, you've got a number of power dynamics at play: teachers, administrators, and then, of course, the hierarchical social structure among students. Furthermore, schools of all sizes come with sets of rules to be enforced by faculty and staff. As we have seen with many other kinds of i…
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'The internet was evil and full of lies': 20+ so-called 'facts' everyone was taught in school that have since been disproven

'The internet was evil and full of lies': 20+ so-called 'facts' everyone was taught in school that have since been disproven

We all had a teacher back in the day who claimed something was true that occasionally made you suspicious. As you have gotten older, you have learned that your skepticism was not unwarranted and that you were absolutely right to question some of the nonsense this so-called educator was spewing. Over the years, we have all collected these bizarre “facts” that we have since disproven. They're often fun anecdotes to share at a party. For instance, did you know I was taught that I was taught that I…
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'I got a detention for pretending to be a Pokemon': 25+ Kids who were reprimanded for the silliest reasons

'I got a detention for pretending to be a Pokemon': 25+ Kids who were reprimanded for the silliest reasons

We should really just let kids be kids . You only get so long to have a carefree childhood. As a child, you avoid adult responsibilities and can spend all day either playing or at school (and then playing once school lets out). That's your time to frolic in the grass, make up games, play on the playground, and run around with your friends. Knowing that you only get to be a child once, some teachers and parents are still crazy strict with their little ones. People who answered the question poste…
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'It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us': Students find loophole in school's lateness policy and show up three hours late with minimal punishment

'It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us': Students find loophole in lateness policy and show up three hours late with minimal punishment

Being late occasionally is an inevitable part of life; that being said, testing your school's lateness policy can be a tricky tightrope walk. On the one hand, school administrators who are obsessed with enforcing lateness policies should have far more important things to worry about. On the other hand, students should have far more to be concerned with than finding loopholes so they can miss three hours of class each day.
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'My school is repeatedly playing "Baby Shark"': 20 School fails for students who forgot their hall passes

'My school is repeatedly playing "Baby Shark"': 20 School fails for students who forgot their hall passes

You might want to skip lunch at a few of these schools . I know cafeteria workers have a tight budget, but some of the meals they create are the things of nightmares. The public school system in America has its good parts and bad. Many teachers care about their students and love to make creative lesson plans and engaging class projects. However, much like the lunchroom staff mentioned before, they're working on a shoestring budget, often using their own time, money, and resources to ensure thei…
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'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

Teachers should be careful when assigning extra credit. They just might get exactly what they asked for… There will always be students in this world who work hard, who complete every assignment to the best of their ability, and who impress their teachers to no end. And then there are the students who don't work hard but who work smart . This Redditor certainly falls into the latter category. He also had a gift for memorization. So when his English teacher said that students would receive points…
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gum epic bully revenge petty revenge high school reddit thread Reddit - 22718213

'We spent over an hour chewing through 17 packs of gum': Girl gets petty revenge on bully by covering his truck's interior in gum

This girl really let her intrusive thoughts win. And honestly, it was kinda worth it, even if it meant losing a friend in the process. Alright, it's 1999, and we've got this unpopular girl secretly dating one of the cool guys from school. Awww right? Not quite. The moment they step back into school, he pulls a total disappearing act on her. Even when his pals are shamelessly body-shaming her, she's looking to him for some support, and the guy doesn't utter a single word. What a total snob, righ…
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'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

When we think about the difficult lives of teachers, we often draw our attention to the annoying students they are forced to educate, but we rarely acknowledge that teachers may also have to deal with annoying coworkers just like everyone else. Having an insufferable coworker at your school has to be infuriating after a full schedule of teaching neurotic and whiny students all day. These teachers rarely get a moment of peace at their desks, and when they do, they generally need to do some lesso…
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'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

Teaching takes more self-restraint than most jobs. As a former tutor of high school kids and the child of a teacher, I can attest to the fact that there are a million thoughts your teachers have about you and your classmates, and it takes absolutely every bit of their brain power to stop themselves from saying the things that they probably shouldn't. Some of these thoughts include hot takes about students with bad body odor, students who have obvious crushes on their other classmates, and stude…
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'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' plan draws attention to his leadership

'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' outrageous plan draws attention to his leadership

This superintendent decided to give the student government a project. That was his first mistake! U/The_Bee_Sneeze shared this interesting tale from their high school days as an overachiever. The OP writes that they were in the student government for the same reasons everyone else is: because it looks good when you're applying to colleges. It looks great on a resume, and the only things you really do are things like planning the Homecoming Dance or putting up flyers around the school. However,…
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'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, her Mom comes to the rescue

'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, Mom comes to the rescue

Some folks become teachers because they want to educate the next generation; others just want to be in a position of authority. Let's be honest: we all have had teachers like this, and while we respect how difficult the job is, we can also recognize that these bad apples should never have chosen this profession if they despised working with children so much. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/JumoreJay88 , who shared a story from approximately 15 years ago when she…
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