high school

'Somebody has an idea: What if we do an "anti prank"?': High school seniors plan anticlimactic pranks to fool their teachers, news stations report on the school's reaction

'Somebody has an idea: What if we do an "anti prank"?': High school seniors plan anticlimactic pranks to fool their teachers, news stations report on the school's reaction

college university student kid high-school guidance-counsellor counsellor reddit revenge payback petty success goals dream-job

‘I finished my Masters… I'm doing what I originally wanted’: Student becomes wildly successful and scores their dream job, getting payback against a discouraging guidance counsellor who said they're not ‘university material’

'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had creative answers to their teacher's questions

'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had extra creative answers to their teacher's questions

'Teacher hates Senior Skip Day': teacher threatens to fail students if they don't show up for test, students maliciously comply

'Teacher [tries to ruin] Senior Skip Day': Teacher wants to fail students if they don't show up for test, students get even after a round of golf

'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

'Faces dropped... She starts back pedaling': Teachers hold student back from graduation, student complies by leaving school early

'Faces dropped... She starts back pedaling': Teachers hold student back from graduation, student complies by leaving school early

'I think you should go to the back of the line': Woman wins petty encounter

'I think you should go to the back of the line': Woman wins petty encounter with her high school bully

25+ Funny School Flops for Teachers and Students Who Desperately Need Their Summer Vacation

25+ Funny School Flops for Teachers and Students Who Desperately Need Their Summer Vacation

'A teacher once brought her various pet parrots to be photographed': 30+ School photoshoots that turned out cringy and strange

'A teacher once brought her various pet parrots to be photographed': 30+ School photoshoots that turned out cringy and strange

'Your date just stole all the tips your friends left for me': Server gets back at prom kid for taking all the tip money from group hibachi dinner

'Your date just stole all the tips your friends left for me': Server gets back at prom kid for taking all the tip money from group hibachi dinner

‘Sir, this is what you wanted': Physics teacher gets schooled by students after he demands they plot graph, despite not knowing the range of values upfront

‘Sir, this is what you wanted': Physics teacher gets schooled by students after he demands they plot graph, despite not knowing the range of values upfront

What funny thing happened at school that caused utter chaos for the faculty?

'I scotch taped all of my classmates together': 25+ Class clowns who took school shenanigans too far

teacher fail elementary school students college humor awesome teacher teacher high school Terrible Teacher college student school memes school fails - 20883973

25 Teacher Fail Memes You’ll Get if You’ve Ever Been a Student or Educator

'[She] showed me the texts': Dude gets petty to prank a fake friend

'[She] showed me the texts': Dude gets petty revenge 5 years in the making on a fake friend

The time I ruined my high school teachers career and got her fired in the greatest way possible.

'To this day, I still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way': Cunning teen claims to get teacher fired with her own words