
high school

'Who you are on graduation day is absolutely not who you will become': 10+ cringeworthy high school reunion stories

'Who you are on graduation day is absolutely not who you will become': 10+ cringeworthy high school reunion stories

Is there no greater social experiment to observe how people change and/or how people don't than a high school reunion? Even just attending your reunion requires some degree of posturing. You want to present the best version of yourself to the people who used to make fun of you, the people you used to have a crush on, and the people you had a crush on who also used to make fun of you. Sure, the purpose of attending your high school reunion is to show people just how well you're doing and to pote…
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'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

One teacher was asked to take a closer look at a student's paper ---the student wasn't happy with their B minus grade. College professors do a lot of work for a little bit of money. This person, u/sushkunes, writes that when they were a “poorly paid and overworked adjunct professor,” they had an experience with an entitled student that stuck with them. After you read this story, check out this guy who decided to call their HOA every single time they put their trash out to the curb.
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‘The students were on their feet, cheering': High school teacher's assignment backfires when one student uses it to break the rules

‘The students were on their feet, cheering': High school teacher's assignment backfires when one student uses it to break the rules

High school memories arise from time to time, evoking mixed feelings, and causing me to wonder, why does anyone ever say that they are the best years of your life? The teachers never liked me all that much, being the hyper kid I was, who despised homework and could not focus for one minute in class, and the other students kind of bored me. Maybe it was the school itself, who knows? Perhaps others have had better luck. In any case, I can remember that when students broke the rules, the rest of t…
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'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

Everyone has at least ten cringe memories from high school and perhaps a few wholesome ones too. For me, it's mostly cringe but every so often I remember that one time I knocked my Halloween costume out of the park or when I got a big solo in chorus. For the most part, though, I'm just like everyone else. I was known for something, and that was being in the school plays. I was largely protected from ridicule, though, because my theater kid status meant I did have some cooler, older friends. But…
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'I decided right then that, no matter what, I wasn't caving': Student won't do mandatory senior project, school's administration makes it their mission to get student to comply

'I decided right then that, no matter what, I wasn't caving': Student refuses to do mandatory senior project, school's administration makes it their mission to get student to comply

This student is single-handedly tanking their school's project scores, and in typical teenage fashion, they don't care about the project at all. By senior year of high school , a lot of students are fully checked out. At that age, you probably have a car, a job, and dreams of life after high school, like attending college or moving out of your parent's place. Senior year rolls around and students find it hard to take it seriously. High school is so close to no longer mattering to you that schoo…
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20 Relatable memes for studious scholars trying their hardest

20 Relatable memes for studious scholars trying their hardest

The weather gets chillier, leaves turn brown, and school is back in session . After a long summer full of fun and relaxation, it's time to hit the books once and for all. From pre-K students to college students , there are some things that never change during your days at school. You'll always have that one crazy teacher who gives mountains of homework and loves to dish out failing grades. Or maybe you'll end up with a really nice teacher… but then find out that she takes teaching so seriously…
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'My essay doesn't need any citations because my opinions are fact': 35+ Teachers who taught know it all students

'My essay doesn't need any citations because my opinions are fact': 35+ Teachers who taught pretentious know-it-all students

As if teachers don't have enough on their plates, they sometimes get students who think they don't need to learn anymore , because they already know all there is to know. When you're a teenager, you think you know everything there is to know. You want to be treated like an adult already! You've been in school for over a decade, and you think that now that you've passed a calc class or two, you may as well take a break from learning. When I was a senior in high school, a teacher told me that by…
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'Somebody has an idea: What if we do an "anti prank"?': High school seniors plan anticlimactic pranks to fool their teachers, news stations report on the school's reaction

'Somebody has an idea: What if we do an "anti prank"?': High school seniors plan anticlimactic pranks to fool their teachers, news stations report on the school's reaction

These students had an absolutely hilarious idea for their senior prank — and it was so effective that their school ended up on the news.
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college university student kid high-school guidance-counsellor counsellor reddit revenge payback petty success goals dream-job

‘I finished my Masters… I'm doing what I originally wanted’: Student becomes wildly successful and scores their dream job, getting payback against a discouraging guidance counsellor who said they're not ‘university material’

My mom always told me that the best revenge in life is becoming successful. If a bully is putting you down or if you're feeling like you're in the dumps, perseverance and downright refusal to fail can sometimes be the fuel you need to hurl yourself towards your hopeful accomplishments. In this story, a high school student who was laughed at by their guidance counsellor got the ultimate humble revenge by using doing exactly what they were told was impossible: College.
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'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had creative answers to their teacher's questions

'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had extra creative answers to their teacher's questions

“I mean, it was a true answer, just not what I was looking for,” one teacher admitted.
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'Teacher hates Senior Skip Day': teacher threatens to fail students if they don't show up for test, students maliciously comply

'Teacher [tries to ruin] Senior Skip Day': Teacher wants to fail students if they don't show up for test, students get even after a round of golf

Who knew that a round of golf would be the key to getting even with a domineering high school teacher? Look, we all had that one teacher who was unnecessarily strict, stubborn, and rude. That teacher who wouldn't let students have their moment of freedom. In this case, that moment of freedom was the Senior Skip Day tradition. This Redditor shared a tale of r/MaliciousCompliance about her Dad back when he was a high school senior. Every teacher seemed to understand that Senior Skip Day was a tra…
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'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

The cafeteria chefs who cook for public school kids are doing a very important job, but the meals they serve up can sometimes miss the mark. I want to take this opportunity to use my platform to talk about Italian dunkers. These were a top tier lunch food , and as a very picky child, it was my saving grace. These Italian dunkers were basically just mozzarella cheese sticks wrapped inside dough, but they tasted heavenly. Looking back, giving an 8-year-old four cheese sticks for lunch with a side…
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‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

The power struggle between different forces in high school is real… in this case, OP relayed a high school experience that left them in everlasting awe of their mechanography teacher. Whenever an important date approached, all the students would line up in the courtyard, standing still in formation as one of the teachers would do a speech about whatever day it was and the importance of it. Said speeches would amount to maybe 10-15 minutes, which was fair, because keeping 150 teenagers lined up…
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'Faces dropped... She starts back pedaling': Teachers hold student back from graduation, student complies by leaving school early

'Faces dropped... She starts back pedaling': Teachers hold student back from graduation, student complies by leaving school early

There are a surprising amount of people who fail gym class . I know what you're thinking — how can someone possibly fail gym class? I completely understand how. If you don't want to get sweaty and smell gross all day long, you can't run, and therefore, you might fail. It's a sacrifice many are willing to make, to the fury of our gym teachers. It's just not possible to run several miles and not get sweaty, and I recall classmates of mine who did run their laps. They were basically sweaty all day…
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'I think you should go to the back of the line': Woman wins petty encounter

'I think you should go to the back of the line': Woman wins petty encounter with her high school bully

This woman is moving on from all her school drama . As the OP, u/tryingclosetomybest, shared to r/pettyrevenge, she finally got the last laugh with a man who bullied her all throughout high school. Bullies can make life incredibly challenging for any young person, especially during their formative years. In school, it's easy for kids to get away with saying or doing mean things. At least we all grow up and leave school, and realize that the world is a much larger place than our hometowns. There…
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25+ Funny School Flops for Teachers and Students Who Desperately Need Their Summer Vacation

25+ Funny School Flops for Teachers and Students Who Desperately Need Their Summer Vacation

Now that June is coming to a close, most schools have officially wrapped up the end of the school year, which means students can enjoy their much-needed summer vacations.
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