

weird and funny things for sale online

Weird, Awful and Wild Junk People Tried Selling Online

Yeah, why not.
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Dude unknowingly drinks bacteria-riddled cranberry juice for years.

Guy Unknowingly Drinks Bacteria-Riddled Cranberry Juice For Years

Better to learn late than never at all.
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satisfying hot tub gross awesome Video win - 107002369

Filthy Hot Tub Getting A Deep Clean Is Immensely Satisfying

Would not wanna dip my toes in that water.
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food where the secret ingredient is not love but hatred

Meals People Made With Hatred, Not Love

It's not a great secret ingredient.
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fun pictures of opossums

Opossums That We Weirdly Identify With

What are they anyway?
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A quick list of TikTok videos that show off gross sink recipes.

TikToker's "Sink Recipes" Are A Cursed Mess

Some things shouldn't exist.
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A collection of awful cake fails that missed their mark by a whole lot.

Absolutely Delicious Cake Fails

So much yum.
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horrible cursed gray food

Cursed Foods Of The Grayest Pallor

Food doesn't deserve to be gray.
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Dude tries to tackle the gallon milk challenge, and ends up failing miserably.

Egotistical Dude Underestimates Milk Gallon Challenge, Pays The Price

Oh, the pain.
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selfish, trashy and wtf behavior

Trashtacular Moments of Shameless Garbage-osity

Faith in humanity lost.
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zookeepers share their insider knowledge

Zookeepers Share Their Insider Zoo Knowledge

What other job requires a bachelor's degree to shovel poop? Nursing?
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Boss leaves leftovers in employee's truck, so the employee proceeds to take a stinky revenge.

Boss Leaves Leftovers In Employee's Truck, Rancid Petty Revenge Ensues

Fred's face must've been a stunning painting of disgust.
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Guys get UHaul stuck in low clearance parking garage and burst a pipe, spilling brown water all over the vehicle

Doofuses Cram A U-Haul Into A Parking Garage

It plays out like Dumb and Dumber.
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customer service FAIL gross cringe McDonald's Video tiktok - 2189830

McDonald's Worker Apparently Serves Customer Half-Eaten Burger

Better be a joke, dude.
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gross cringe social media ridiculous food Video tiktok - 2185478

TikToker Thinks He's Eating Soup, Learns It's Hollandaise Sauce

A pure and genuine fail.
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worst tasting foods people ate to be polite

The Worst Things People Ate Out of Politeness

We've all had to take a few bites for the team.
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