

trashy moments

Trashtacular Moments of Startling Garbage-osity

The world is full of surprises.
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dirty Christmas fails

Christmas Failures That Were Unintentionally Naughty

Ho ho ho.
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gross, funny and bad things restaurant employees did to customers food

The Things Restaurant Employees Have Seen Done To A Customer's Order

Surprisingly, not a lot of spitting.
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Funny tumblr thread about operating a clown meat deli

Tumblr Thread: Being a Purveyor of Fine Clown Meats

It's uh... it's a lot.
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wtf pizza gross creepy eels weird animals - 107739393

Dozens Of Eels Demolish A Pizza In Seconds

Alright, that only needs to be seen once.
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terrible moments of tech support gore

Technological Gore To Give The IT People Nightmares

How could they.
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funny stories of worst foods people have eaten

People Share The Worst Foods They've Ever Eaten

Taste is subjective, kind of.
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cursed weird images

Weird And Uncomfortable Cursed Images To Cringe The Night Away

Thanks, I hate it.
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weird, strange and horrible cursed foods

Cursed Foods That Deserve a Restraining Order from The World's Mouths

Thanks, I hate it.
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the worst smells people experienced

The Worst Smells People Had The Opportunity To Experience

A truly bad smell feels like a slap in the face.
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Sandwich shop workers describe the weirdest sandwiches that they ever had to make.

Weirdest Sandwiches That Sandwich Shop Workers Had To Make

Sandwiches can get real weird real quickly.
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A collection of the grossest things that people ever ate with the intention of being polite.

Grossest Things People Ate To Be Polite

Honestly, not even worth it.
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A collection of cursed images that are deeply unsettling.

Deeply Unsettling Cursed Images From The Dark Depths Of Existence

Maybe too much cursed going on.
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spoiled, poisonous, and dangerous food people ate

The Most Dangerous Things People Have Eaten

Life is an adventure.
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things that are gross that other people like

Gross Things Everyone Else Seems To Like

Good taste is only subjective sometimes.
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tumblr thread on meat-eating plants

Tumblr Expounds On The Meat-Eating Nature of Plants

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