

'Revenge is a dish best served burnt': Chef gets back at customer who complains about her fancy meal

'Revenge is a dish best served burnt': Chef gets back at customer who complains about her fancy meal

The feeling of ordering a meal and then disliking it is so awkward. It happens to the best of us. Maybe you decide to try a new soup, only to realize it tastes like seawater and sadness. Or maybe you confidently order a dish you've had numerous times, only to realize this establishment makes the meal with ingredients you don't care for. Or maybe your friends force you to try sushi, and you don't like a single one of those ingredients. But you have to save face in front of your dinner guests. Do…
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'I broke this piece while dusting': 20+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Month (January 2024)

'I broke this piece while dusting': 20+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Month (January 2024)

These people had a few irritating moments , and they took to the internet to share their misfortunes. From botched milkshakes to busted suitcases, people had a variety of issues to start of the new year . This milkshake of nightmares (#2 below) nearly choked the OP. That's because whoever made the beverage added in all the ingredients, and then blended it together with another cup and a straw still inside! The result is a shredded straw coated with shards of plastic. There's just no reason a cu…
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'Enjoy the coming storm': Fast-food cook agrees not to cook until boss tells them to

'Enjoy the coming storm': Fast-food cook agrees not to cook until boss tells them to

A manager acting clueless? What a surprise. When restaurants have busy days , they prepare for them in advance. Fast-food restaurants are well aware that certain holidays and the days around those holidays are going to be jam-packed. For example, it's not just Christmas Day that's busy. People are out doing their last-minute shopping for a few days beforehand, and they might decide on a quick meal on their way home. In order to be prepared for that influx of people, restaurants need to have ext…
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'"Too many cherries" in the cherry pie': 35+ Customer requests that took chefs and waiters by surprise

'"Too many cherries" in the cherry pie': 35+ Utterly ridiculous customer requests that took chefs and waiters by surprise

These chefs and waiters have the patience of saints. They've encountered some truly bizarre customer requests, and they're sharing the strangest of them with the r/AskReddit community. When you go out to eat and pay for a nice meal, you want it to be perfect the first time. You shouldn't have to ask the server to send back the dish to the kitchen, but it happens. I once got a green egg at a diner during breakfast, which I sent back to the kitchen with haste (politely!). But I'd never dream of s…
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'Karen's lie... backfired': Diner insists on eating a specific meal, restaurant insists it doesn't serve that food

'Karen's lie... backfired': Diner insists on eating a specific meal, restaurant insists it doesn't serve that food

This customer was determined to get the exact meal she wanted. She really should've picked another restaurant . Every now and again, people get a craving for a random food they've had before. They might not always recall what restaurant it was from, though. For example, if you're meeting some friends at a restaurant and someone else chooses the location, you might forget the name of that place by next week. Then you're left craving a quesadilla or a burger from somewhere that you can't remember…
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Merry messes: 25 Times holiday expectations didn't match the reality

Merry messes: 25 Times holiday expectations didn't match reality

This holiday season , make sure to read the reviews before you buy your loved ones presents on that sketchy website. You know the kind: they advertise a beautiful blanket for $5, or a brand-new bike for $10. The prices make you narrow your eyes and wonder what the catch is. Well, the catch is that it's way too good to be true. The same is true of DIY crafts and baking projects. How hard could it possibly be to make some Santa Claus cookies or a Christmas tree puff pastry? Thanks to Photoshop an…
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'A chef... called the grill "Hamburger Helpless"': 25+ Chefs and waiters who kept their back-of-house coworkers laughing

'A chef... called the grill "Hamburger Helpless"': 25+ Chefs and waiters who kept their back-of-house coworkers laughing

There's always at least one person in every workplace who can't help but make everyone laugh. This is the kind of person that people say “lights up every room they walk into.” They just immediately begin cracking jokes and lightening the mood. This kind of person is especially appreciated in high-stress environments---like the back of house at a busy restaurant. Back-of-house, sometimes abbreviated as BOH, refers to all of the workers behind the scenes, like chefs, meal preppers, and dish washe…
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karens waiters servers waiter karen-customer customers server life food service kitchen food eating dining karen - 23531525

'We will never return': Waiter gets the chance to reply to Karen's one-star review about them

Some people want to be food critics with their reviews, but this person took it further by writing a very long message directly to a restaurant. When I worked retail, I always found it so delightful when customers would vow to never return to our restaurant. It was often that they'd come in during a rush, and then were shocked, stunned, and horrified, that they'd have to wait a whole 15 minutes for their meal. Bigger problems are going on in the world. But not to these people. Sometimes they'd…
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'See, that wasn't so hard!': Restaurant patron proceeds to count every single table after being told by the hostess that the place is fully booked, then demands to be seated

'See, that wasn't so hard!': Restaurant patron proceeds to count every single table after being told by the hostess that the place is fully booked, then demands to be seated

Working in the service industry will put you within arm's reach of some of the most irrational people on the face of the planet, and after the initial grinding your teeth and crossing your eyes phase, you get used to dealing with them. A hostess told her story on u/entitledpeople, where she relayed a frustrating story with an even more frustrating outcome. She had an encounter with one of those Karens you always dread who are about to walk in the door and change the entire menu… You know the ty…
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'99% sure I walked into an affair encounter': 20+ bizarre food delivery stories

'99% sure I walked into an affair encounter': 20+ bizarre food delivery stories

Here's hoping all late-night delivery drivers get a raise. You know they have to put up with more nonsense than most workers do. Let's start with the possibility of working during inclement weather. I'm the type of person who complains about having to commute to an office in those conditions, while delivery drivers are zig-zagging across town as part of their job. Next, there are the bizarre food requests and, even worse, the strange notes left by customers. This list, which was compiled from t…
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reddit petty-revenge roommate roomie food-thief thief food thieves fridge gross disgusting disgusted stealing roommates friend lick revenge

'Power move from the pushover': Roommate successfully thwarts a food thief's thievery by totally grossing them out

Roommate claims their food in the fridge by adding their own special ingredient
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office kitchen Office Party potluck food partying boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers workplace entitled entitled people christmas holidays - 23432197

'She got her comeuppance... at the office Christmas potluck': "Susan the Snack Stealer" tries to hoarde food at the office holiday potluck, gets confronted by the entire office

This woman was a notorious food thief… until the office potluck, that is. When someone gains a nickname like “Susan the Snack Stealer,” you can quickly figure out what type of person they are. Clearly, this woman had a reputation around her office. Due to her entitled attitude, she was completely fine with pilfering her coworker's sodas, granola bars, and chocolate. When you're hungry, you don't always make the best decisions. I wonder if Susan felt any remorse after stealing those morsels. It'…
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25+ Bizarre products that were made for people with awful taste

25+ Bizarre products that were made for people with awful taste

These are the people buying what those oddly specific targeted ads are selling. You know the kind. You'll be scrolling through Instagram or Facebook and you'll stumble across a shirt that says something like, “This mom of three loves horses and hates Mondays.”
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'[He was] trying to count thousands of boxes before the deadline': Factory CFO changes inventory schedule, factory stops shipping orders while employees are overwhelmed with the task

'[He was] trying to count thousands of boxes before the deadline': Factory CFO changes inventory schedule, factory stops shipping orders while employees are overwhelmed with the task

Who knew a factory could have so many moving parts? Apparently the factory's own CFO was not informed of how his own company worked. Yikes. One of those CFO's employees told the story of the time all of the employees were impacted by changes their manager made. They all worked at a food packing plant, and though u/batkevn doesn't specify which product they made, their job was ordering jars and other packaging for the food. They share that their job was pretty straightforward… until the CFO deci…
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fast-food food food-service service service-industry customer customer-service payback revenge petty reddit teen teenagers lesson

'It cost his parents £50... [so] he was in trouble': Fast food employee gets payback against a band of disrespectful teens by 'accidentally' throwing away a prized possession

Usually once you've worked in the service industry, you learn how to be a good customer. Oftentimes, you'll learn how to respect your server, clean up after yourself, and generally be a half-decent human being while you're enjoying food at a restaurant. You'd think that it would be a natural reflex to be polite to the person handling your food supply, but for the disrespectful types, tormenting your server is a prize-winning sport.
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'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks customer in front of entire restaurant

'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks entitled customer in front of entire restaurant

No offense to this woman, but if you're in a super big rush , why are you stopping at a restaurant? We've all been there: you're out on the go somewhere, maybe between jobs or between meetings, and you suddenly get that rumble in your stomach. When you're hungry, every restaurant looks appealing. If you have an hour or two to spare, stopping into a sit-down dining establishment is a great way to have a break and refuel.
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