
pizza parlor pizzas food delivery work pay price price-gouge epic malicious compliance reddit story

'Stakeholders want to bleed us dry? ...Ok': Pizza parlor gets price gouged by 40% by a food delivery company, then they use the company's deliveries as free advertising for far cheaper ‘in-house’ deals, scoring a slew of regulars as a result

'I wasn't going to be giving [a tip] based on the service': Theme park visitor is told by staffer at self service restaurant that they needed to tip

'I wasn't going to be giving [a tip] based on the service': Theme park visitor is told by staffer at self service restaurant that they needed to tip

'It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean': 25+ Foods that people vowed to never eat again

'It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean': 25+ Foods that people vowed to never eat again

'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

'I forgive you': 20+ Customers who ordered absurd sandwiches

'He wanted to be the first one of the day': Entitled market owner delays trucker by 4 hours

'He wanted to be the first one of the day': Entitled market owner delays trucker by 4 hours

'The banana cream pie cookie "tasted like a pie"': 15+ Absurd reasons people wanted their food refunded

'The banana cream pie cookie "tasted like a pie"': 15+ Absurd reasons people wanted their food refunded

‘My roommate hasn’t been paying a dime': College student's roommate orders food using their money, then gets a full refund and doesn't pay them back

‘My roommate hasn’t been paying a dime': College student's roommate orders food using their money, then gets a full refund and doesn't pay them back

'I ran outside to tell her': Server flips the script on a man who tipped $100 to impress his date, only to return later to amend the tip

'I ran outside to tell her': Server flips the script on a man who tipped $100 to impress his date, only to return later to amend the tip

‘You just lost a customer’: Customer gets removed from restaurant after owner stands up to him for yelling at one of the servers who messed up his receipt

‘You just lost a customer’: Customer gets removed from restaurant after owner stands up to him for yelling at one of the servers who messed up his receipt

'My 19 topping pizza': 20 Frightfully flavored pizza pies

'My 19 topping pizza': 20 Frightfully flavored pizza pies

'Charged for dinner?': Friend insists on "$7 per person" for last-minute dinner invite

'Charged for dinner?': Friend insists on "$7 per person" for last-minute dinner invite

'I sold him a plate of onions for $3': Entitled customer leaves typed note to pizza chef demanding no cheese or tomatoes

'I sold him a plate of onions for $3': Entitled customer leaves typed note to pizza chef demanding no cheese or tomatoes

'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

'Sorry, we're closed': Servers Share Most Entertaining Experiences Working at Restaurants

'Sorry, we're closed': Servers Share Most Entertaining Experiences Working at Restaurants

'We won't serve you until you pay the bill': Dine and dash family returns to restaurant in attempt to do it again, manager makes sure they pay what they owe

'We won't serve you until you pay the bill': Dine and dash family returns to restaurant in attempt to do it again, manager makes sure they pay what they owe