

'Girl [is] sleeping across all 5 seats in the cellphone charging section': 25 Times that airports were the worst part of the trip

'Girl [is] sleeping across all 5 seats in the cellphone charging section': 25 Times that airports were the worst part of the trip

Airports are one of those necessary evils in life. Sometimes you want to be zipping down a ski slope or splashing in some clear blue water at a beach somewhere. But in order to get there, you'll have to endure a few hours of airport nightmares . I can't begin to tell you how many fake cell phone chargers there are in our country's airports. Judging by the folks at r/mildlyinfuriating who shared pics of their latest airport adventures, people absolutely love to get stickers that look like chargi…
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Update: 'It was enough to fire him immediately': Food hall managers keep kids and "fancy bigwigs" waiting outside in 90 degree heat

Update: 'It was enough to fire him immediately': Food hall managers keep kids and "fancy bigwigs" waiting outside in 90 degree heat

Dining halls serve hundreds or thousands of people each day, so keeping things running smoothly is paramount. If you've ever wanted to waste a lazy afternoon, spend some time watching videos of how professional chefs make lunch for the masses. It's fascinating to see the processes behind budgeting for the ingredients, then cooking a massive meal for hundreds of people . Instead of cooking for just one person, lunch chefs have to cook for hundreds, sometimes only with one or two people to help t…
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'I legit thought I was in elementary school lunch': 20+ Memorably bad wedding-day meals

No couple wants to have the wedding that people remember as “the one with the terrible food.”
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20+ bizarre food delivery stories: 'A grown man [who] insisted that I refer to him as Snow White'

20+ bizarre food delivery stories: 'A grown man [who] insisted that I refer to him as Snow White'

Who hasn't had an embarrassing late night delivery story? We all get food cravings, especially after a long day or a night out. Sometimes, it's the only time you allow yourself to eat certain things. For me, that would be cookies and McDonalds. It happens more frequently than I'd like to admit, and when it does happen, I like to destroy all the evidence of the delivery once I'm finished eating and pretend like nothing ever happened. I mean, do calories even count after 11 p.m.? Though my intent…
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'She will straight up ignore you': New sister in law gets called out for avoiding everyone in group setting

'She will straight up ignore you': New sister in law gets called out for avoiding everyone in group setting

This person is baffled by her SIL's decision to attend family events— and then refuse to say a word to anyone. Maybe there's at least one person like this in every family. Sometimes there are underlying reasons why people aren't talkative at the function. If you go to a party and one person just won't chat with anyone, they tend to get ignored. If that's what they want, that's what they'll get. This person wasn't about to ignore the non-speaker at this family party, though. It seems like this w…
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‘He wanted me to make him a sandwich 3 hours after closing time’: Servers Share Most Entertaining Celebrity Customer Stories

‘He wanted me to make him a sandwich 3 hours after closing time’: Servers Share Most Entertaining Celebrity Customer Stories

Servers wait on people from all walks of life, and that includes celebrities. In this thread, they shared the good, the bad, and the ugly. Back when I was a waitress, I didn't meet a single famous person. I guess the diner I worked at wasn't exactly in high demand, and it was also in a pretty rural area, so I doubt most people have heard of it. There was this one time when I thought I had waited on Paul Rudd, but nope, it turned out it was just a look-alike. To be honest, I wish I had him as a…
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'Owner's called me 12 times in the past 3 days': Server quits on the spot after being tipped $0 by customers

'Owner's called me 12 times in the past 3 days': Server quits on the spot after being tipped $0 by customers

A waiter lost out on hundreds of dollars, but the restaurant's owner acted like nothing was wrong. It's poor management decisions like this that lead employees to quit… and this person did quit on the spot after being treated badly. Some people move from serving to managing and completely forget all the actual problems that waitstaff encounter. It seems like once the apron is off and the newly-appointed manager works on spreadsheets or takes naps in the back office, they stop caring about their…
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'Arguing with customers online always leaves a bad taste': Customer writes snarky BBQ review after owner insists they write one

'Arguing with customers online always leaves a bad taste': Customer writes snarky BBQ review after owner insists they write one

A lot of diners only leave reviews for restaurants when things go wrong. Unless you're an avid foodie who documents their day-to-day eating via review writing, you probably only leave reviews when a place has wronged you. Maybe you leave one star for the Italian restaurant that served you microwaved noodles, or leave a warning for the next person to order from the coffee shop that gave you spoiled milk in your beverage. There are lots of times people have exceptional meals, but don't think to l…
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Mom gets back at cruel P.E. teacher for making kids run in the blistering heat: 'No one likes him!'

Mom gets back at cruel P.E. teacher for making kids run in the blistering heat: 'No one likes him!'

Everyone had an unnecessarily toxic gym teacher at one point in their schooling. Did they motivate you to be better about exercising? No. Did their cruel tactics build character in you? No. Were any of their methods productive besides helping you learn how to avoid the wrath of a bad person? Certainly not! Of course, there are effective gym teachers out there, but today, we are talking about the bad apples that need to be called out. So with that in mind, this post goes out to any of you who ha…
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'She used the extra key': Landlord enters tenant's apartment while they're at work, replaces fridge, then leaves all food outside to spoil

'She used the extra key': Landlord enters tenant's apartment while they're at work, replaces fridge, then leaves all food outside to spoil

Just because you pay someone rent every month doesn't give them the right to enter your apartment whenever they want… This landlady did exactly that, using her extra key to enter her tenant's apartment and replace the fridge. Her tenant wasn't home, and was actually at work when this happened. The tenant took to r/mildlyinfuriating to express how angry they were after they came home and found all their food out on the counter… Left to spoil. Who raised this woman? I'm sure it's not the first ti…
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'You can't keep sending things back': Demanding couple keep changing their order in attempt to make servers look incompetent in front of manager

'You can't keep sending things back': Demanding couple keep changing their order in attempt to make servers look incompetent in front of manager

Some customers will try anything to get free stuff, going as far as to make employees working in customer service cry. I mean, if you're working in customer service, chances are you've sobbed your heart out at one point or another, whether from frustration or at the absolutely shocking behavior some people portray because you happen to have a nametag stapled to your shirt. People are the worst. This couple was obviously trying out some elaborate scam in order to get comped for their meal. They…
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‘You’ve got some nerve…': Entitled guest mistreats server, server decides to teach the guest a ‘lesson’ in manners

‘You’ve got some nerve…': Entitled guest mistreats server, server decides to teach the guest a ‘lesson’ in manners

Serving customers is not always an easy task. Having said that, most people who decide to work in the hospitality sector are people who like engaging with customers and have excellent interpersonal skills. Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is no justification for rudeness or improper behavior on the part of clients. The story that follows is an account of an irritated server. For some time now, the Original Poster (OP) has been employed by his brother-in-law, who runs a Mexican restau…
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'Lo and behold... they had no mail service': Community handyman digs up an entire neighborhoods' mailboxes

'Lo and behold... they had no mail service': Community handyman digs up an entire neighborhoods' mailboxes

One retiree realized he had the time and resources to make a difference in his neighborhood. As his grandkid wrote in a post to r/maliciouscompliance, “it's pretty amazing what you can get done with 8 business hours of free time.” Being retired is great in that way---you can do anything you please, including getting well acquainted with your neighbors. Next up,
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'No refunds, no exceptions': Restaurant refuses to reimburse customer for food they never delivered

'No refunds, no exceptions': Restaurant refuses to reimburse customer for food they never delivered

‘I never got the food’, said the customer, perplexed, and continued ‘I'd like a refund'. Fair enough, right? Wrong. The restaurant manager's response was astounding, as made it clear that it didn't matter… They were not going to reimburse the customer for the food, regardless of whether they received it or not. If that sounds crazy, that's because it is. But wait, let's pause for a second and rewind. The customer in question took to r/pettyrevenge to share their order gone wrong story. Let's ca…
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'You said we should follow the system, and we did': Micromanager boss insists he knows better than staffers, leaving restaurant in 'chaos'

'You said we should follow the system, and we did': Micromanager boss insists he knows better than staffers, leaving restaurant in 'chaos'

Customers only knew that their food was delayed , but this kitchen worker shared what happened behind the scenes. Professional chefs have a job like no other. There's a strict hierarchy, and a lot of shouting happening, but there's a sense of comradery as well. At many restaurants, each chef tends to one type of food or one area. When all goes smoothly, it ensures that customers get the food they ordered fast. And the longer the team of chefs works together, the better their workflow becomes. T…
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'Ma'am, you are consuming mold': Karmic airport Karen dismisses a food kiosk employee, ends up eating a plate of moldy food despite multiple warnings

Anyone who has worked in the food industry knows that a lot can go wrong with your meal. Between food deliveries, kitchen mishaps, and server errors, it's a miracle that any customer gets food that's uncontaminated by shenaniganry, but the Karen in our next story got the short end of the stick when it came to health and safety guidelines.
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