

'Give me a pizza!': Karen demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

'Give me a pizza!': Karen rudely demands a pizza from a not-pizza place

“You don't always get what you want,” the singer Mick Jagger once famously sang; it's a statement that reminds us that there really is more to life than coveted goods and materialistic desires — and is especially pertinent if what you want is a pizza from a place that doesn't even make pizza.
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'I threw her money back at her': Walmart Karen tries to barter for guy's new grill in the parking lot, won't take no for an answer

'I threw her money back at her': Walmart Karen tries to barter for guy's new grill in the parking lot, won't take no for an answer

Remember that kid on the playground that would come up and take your toy just because they were envious that you had one and they didn't? Yeah, some people never mature past that point. These are the same people who try and confront you while you're loading your recently-acquired loot into your car at Walmart and demand that you give it to them because they need it more than you . Like the kid on the playground, they might not have even wanted it if they didn't see it in your hands, but — becau…
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A collection of entitled karens unleashing their wrath upon the world

20 Top Karens of the Year Who Unleashed Their Wrath Upon the World

There are a whole lot of entitled people in the world who are out to make the world work for them as much as possible. These people care little for societal norms, mutual respect, or mutual understanding; they want to take what they can get, and the rest of us be damned. Karens though… They take the whole entitlement idea and turn it up until the knob breaks off, mixing that same tried and true formula with a dash of salt, wild expectations, and untapped aggression. Enjoy this hearty collection…
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healthcare worker has encounter with extra entitled Karen

'The Karen Blueprint': Healthcare worker shares POV of what it's like having to deal with the most entitled Karen client

Over the years many different versions of the notorious “Karen” has come to light. The monstrous entitled person has evolved to be many fearful beings—like someone yelling at you to get out of “their” parking space, even though it is a public spot. Or someone yelling at you because you work in the service industry and obviously every problem is your fault. Or maybe you're unfortunate enough to come across a Karen while working retail and they're trying to return something that isn't even from t…
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When someone asks you to write Your Name so they can report you to corporate, DO THIS

'I'm going to report you!': Karen demands car rental guy write "your name" on a piece of paper so she can report him, he does exactly what she asked

To be fair… he did write “Your Name"… It's no secret that Karens are often oblivious to their own insanity; a life of misery and festering anger has left them with an innate desire to take out their (perceived) misfortunes on others. These people carry about their lives like an anthropomorphic wrecking ball, destroying all joy that dares to exist around them. When u/PUNKeM0N was confronted by a raging Karen customer, they approached the situation with a cool and level head. The angry customer i…
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A fresh collection of trending choosing beggars and entitled people

'You are charging way too much': 20+ Choosing beggars whose entitled ends know no bounds

There are persons in this world who want far more than they would ever have to give — and they still want more than that. These entitled “choosing beggars” want everything for nothing and won't settle for anything less. They can be encountered in the marketplace of the face-books and lurking in the corners of Craig's list. It's highly likely, if you're an artist or freelance worker, they'll barge their way into your DMs and demand a free commissioned piece.
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Aunt shows up at my house, with all her stuff, **TELLS ME** she's going to be living with me for a while.

'My Aunt cut the lock off my front gate': Crazy Aunt Karen drives across the country, trespasses, and demands to stay in nephew's guest room

If you see a crazy Karen flailing about in the woods, you know whose aunt this is.
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Karen neighbour made plans for her guests to use my driveway over Christmas | I came home to find a note of Karen neighbour, hand posted into my letter box. It wasn’t in an envelope.

'She tried to tow my car out of my own driveway': Karen arranges for her guests to park in dude's driveway, tells him to park on the street

No, this is not your neighbor, Totoro — this is your neighbor, Karen, and she thinks she has a greater right than you to use YOUR driveway.
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Lady Screamed at Me For Not Cutting Her Fabric.. I Don’t Work at Jo Ann’s

Old lady accosts woman at fabric store and demands she cut her fabric... She doesn't work there

Accidentally approaching a stranger in a store, assuming that they work there — we've all done it — but it's how you handle those next embarrassing seconds that define your true character. Sure, most of us are most likely to blush and mumble some apology under our breath as we carefully back away and retreat to die in a hole somewhere; the bolder among us are going to be more like to laugh at ourselves for our mistakenness. But, there's a third group of people out there: Those who are so stubbo…
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My teacher cut the tube for my insulin pump because we couldn’t have headphones in class

Deranged teacher takes 'No Headphones' too far, cuts diabetic kid's insulin pump tube

Wherever there is something that someone could possibly do in this world, there is someone out there taking it way too far. This is a phrase that I have uttered in the intro of these threads more times than I could possibly begin to count — but it remains as accurate and as relevant as ever. Some people just take something and run with it, we humans consistently fall prey to this due to the logical fallacy of feeling ‘moreish’: if one of something was good, then one more will be even better. Bu…
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"It was then that a woman water walked over to us with a little girl in tow, demanding to know where the boy's mother was and why he was using me like a jungle gym.  Before I could reply the little guy rolled his eyes at the woman and said the following, at max volume. 'Ms. Karen Mommy asked Mr. OP to watch me...'"

'Are you really going to ruin that for her too?': Kid humiliates entitled pool Karen with uncomfortable truth "bombs"

Kids say the darnedest things, don't they? That complete lack of filter can simultaneously be the most hilarious, embarrassing, and cutting thing on this planet. There's nothing worse than being on the receiving end of an incredibly perspective comment from a child. There's something about the truth that a child perceives that leaves you utterly defenseless and without any recourse or response. After all, it's not as if you can respond with an insult back… Then you'd just be the adult that was…
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Karens accost a child referee and two kids running a lemonade stand.

20 Entitled 'Karens' Imposing Their Stupid Wrath Upon the World

There's no shortage of ‘Karens’ out there in the world today. It seems like everywhere you turn, anywhere you go, or every time you boot up a social app, there's some older woman with cropped hair giving some poor random person or employee the “What-for.” Why? Has it always been like this? Have they always been there and smartphones have finally just exposed them? Or, are there really just an increasing number of entitled a-holes out there?
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babysitter needed asap | I need someone to watch my 4 kids

'This job pays $200 a week': Hilarious viral babysitter ad requires a Master's Degree among other insane things

There's nothing that guarantees failure like setting unrealistic expectations. Anytime you expect too much of anything you're dooming yourself to be unhappy with whatever the outcome is.
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"I'm a freelance artist and get some weirdos sometimes..." | Unhinged 'Choosing Beggar' Wants to Set His Own Rate

Unhinged 'Choosing Beggar' Wants to Set His Own Rate For Art Commission, Freaks Out When Told 'No'

Nothing in this world is free, if you want something you're going to have to pay for it. Somehow, in some way. Except, this isn't how the entitled folk of our planet see things - The world is theirs for the taking. And the rest of us? Well, we're just paid actors. This is how the stage is set whenever we see these entitled “choosing beggars” trying to stupidly brute force their way into getting something that they haven't earned. Unfortunately, freelance artists and other contractors often have…
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karens entitlement entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 18082821

10 Entitled People Who Rode a Big Stupid Wave of Arrogance

These entitled idiots and “choosing beggars” either wanted something for nothing or were determined to inflict their stupid arrogance upon others.
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FAIL insane karen entitled entitlement idiots Reddit text messages texting choosing beggar entitled people - 17848069

10 Top Entitled Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Some people think that they should have the world handed to them on a silver platter, they want to work for nothing and take everything. This collection of entitled “Choosing Beggars” comprises some of the top posts shared to the Reddit community of the same name. On Reddit's r/choosingbeggars subreddit, users post screenshots of entitled beggars that they have encountered online. People who have demanded a whole lot for nothing or very little in return. Sometimes users will share stories of ex…
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