

12 reddit based text images | thumbnail "Your home your decision. I can't see how they get to demand anything when it is your house. DO NOT offer to pay for a hotel. I'm not even sure at this point l'd offer to let them stay at my house even with my dog. The entitlement of people amazes me. There are ONLY way 3 reasons l'd say to board your dog: if someone has an allergy "

Family Requests Thanksgiving Host Board His Dog In Kennel, Host Refuses And Even Offers To Pay For Hotel

Not today, not ever
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entitled parent doesn't believe blind woman, tries to take guide dog

Karen Doesn't Believe Woman Is Blind, Tries Taking Guide Dog

Can people chill?
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An entitled mom tells a high school principal to go ahead and change their signature.

Entitled Mom Tells Principal To Change Their Signature

Can't be easy being a high school principal.
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An entitled mom singlehandedly ends an engagement and gets banned from a restaurant.

Entitled Mom Ends Engagement And Gets Banned From Restaurant

Wow, the audacity.
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An entitled influencer Karen demands free food in exchange for exposure | ar 28 202n O Save have deal with this on constant vasis. Influenceplease don't message our private business numbers free food. Hi are owner Michelin Star restaurante 05:09 PM Hello, this is indeed did get my number? 06:16 PM

Influencer Karen Demands Free Food In Exchange For Fame

That's a hard no, Karen.
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A babysitter goes out of town and then an entitled mom expects the babysitter to show up anyways.

Babysitter Leaves Town, Entitled Mom Still Expects Babysitter To Show Up

A surreal level of blind ignorance and persistence.
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A tenant puts a divider on their balcony, and then the talkative neighbors proceed to take great offense.

Tenant Puts Divider On Balcony, Talkative Neighbors Take Offense

Those neighbors need to cool it.
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An entitled customer shows up when the restaurant's already closed, and then proceeds to leave a bad review.

Entitled Customer Shows Up When Restaurant's Closed, Leaves Nasty Review

Hopefully they're done leaving dumb reviews.
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An entitled choosing beggar can't be reasoned with over the original asking price.

Entitled Choosy Beggar Can't Be Reasoned With Over Original Asking Price

Yeah, the price escalation was completely called for.
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Bride's brother gives her $5K, she asks for $20K instead.

Bride's Brother Offers Her $5K Wedding Gift, She Asks For $20K

A surreal level of entitlement with this one.
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customer service entitlement FAIL cringe Awkward cheap karen tiktok - 2761478

Cosmetics Influencer Airs Out Karen Customer's Spicy DMs

Definitely not edible.
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entitled demanding people

Entitled People and Their Fantastically Bold Moves

What an intriguing mindset.
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entitlement FAIL cringe ridiculous dumb rude Video - 107413505

Rude Drivers Block Only Road In Florida Keys To Take Photos

Actually too much.
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An employee counteracts testy customers by pretending to get fired from his job.

Employee Counteracts Rude Customers By Pretending To Get Fired

A highly effective strategy.
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A new neighbor says that the driveway can't be shared anymore, so he ends up with an even tinier driveway.

New Neighbor Says Driveway Can't Be Shared Anymore, Ends Up With Tiny Driveway

Oh Mike, he had it coming.
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An entitled coworker gets her rightful comeuppance at the office potluck.

Entitled Coworker Gets Her Comeuppance At Office Potluck

Susan was playing with fire.
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