

storm entitlement freezing malicious compliance neighborhood-drama petty revenge karens in the wild winter Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 24042757

'Your wife was intending to destroy my water lines during a winter storm': Several neighbors discover the neighborhood Karen is freezing pipes overnight, leaving them without running water

In a quiet neighborhood, there's a strange story about a neighbor who's a bit of a Karen, but not the loud type. Instead of causing a scene in public, she sneaks around at night, quietly planning her revenge. That is, until her neighbor caught her on video, promoting the OP to file a police report against her. Once the word got out in the neighborhood, it was soon revealed that the OP wasn't the only one dealing with Karen's mysterious actions. It turns out she's been sneaking around to...
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craigslist entitlement choosing beggars online sales entitled used goods facebook marketplace entitled people choosing beggar selling - 24052229

Entitled dude messages seller wanting a free motorcycle, won't take no for an answer: 'I can file a lawsuit'

When we were kids, bratty kids on the playground would claim that their dad, uncle, or other random family member worked for Nintendo. They'd always be spouting some bogus insider information or rumors as if they were undeniable facts, all in the name of getting much-needed attention and clout. These were the days when the internet was just getting started, so it was never really possible to prove their audacious claims to be false, but there certainly were some heated 'uh-uh's' and 'yeah-huh's…
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dibs crazy people entitlement goodwill karen-customer entitled customers thrift store karens in the wild shopping carts entitled karen - 23965189

'Didn't you notice it was hidden?': Woman purchases an item at thrift store, Karen publicly throws fit claiming she already called dibs

Can you really call dibs on an item in a store? Like any typical shopper, if you aren't sure about an item, you usually hold on to it or put it in your cart while you walk around, just to give you a little more time to decide if the item is really worth it. Or you could come back to the item, but there's no guarantee it will still be there, as other customers may walk past it and snag it for themselves. This is even more true in a thrift store, where every item is unique and usually one of a ki…
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friendship bad friend entitlement stealing malicious compliance petty revenge stood up prank reddit thread Reddit payback money entitled people - 23908613

"He fell for it so easily': Entitled man steals over $7,000 from friends, revenge strikes when they make him fly cross-country and stand him up with $400 bill

After being a part of a close-knit social circle for some time, one of the friends within the group began showing some problematic behavior. Over time, this so-called friend's behavior continued to deteriorate and spiral out of control. What started innocently enough with him 'borrowing' money from some friends and failing to pay them back evolved into outright stealing. Even though he repeatedly denied it, the friends knew that this guy who called himself a businessman actually...
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'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

'She hammered on the hood, put a dent in it': Entitled woman runs into occupied parking spot, ends up paying for damages

If you've ever had a car, then you know that finding a parking spot can be the bane of your existence. But there's good and bad ways to go about finding a spot. The good way is, if you can't find one then you simply leave the lot and find parking elsewhere. Super easy and devoid of conflict! The bad way is, you physically run into the spot in order to save it. This is exactly what happened to OP when he pulled halfway into a spot and a wild Karen appears out of nowhere to try and hold it with h…
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'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces instant karma as firefighters are forced to break car windows for hose access

'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces karma when firefighters are forced to break her car windows for hose access

We all know the agony of circling around multiple blocks in desperate search of a spot to parallel park on the street. You suddenly see your opening and do a little fist bump in relief, only to pull up and see a fire hydrant. A little part of me always wants just to snag the spot anyways and hope not to get a ticket. Well after reading this story, I think I'd rather circle the block for hours instead of risking parking next to a fire hydrant.
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‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

‘Take your sob story somewhere else': Woman arrives at hotel to check into $1200 room with only $350 in her wallet

People think they deserve charity for simply existing as if that entitles them to free stuff and a pat on the back. This woman reportedly drove '3 hours just for her kids to be disappointed', but the real disappointment here is that she, as a mother, booked a hotel room she knew she couldn't afford. And not by a bit… by a LOT. But before I get ahead of myself, let's start at the beginning. OP was working as a front desk clerk at an expensive, high-end resort. A woman who had booked a $600 hotel…
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karens viral videos entitlement retail packages postal service karens in the wild entitled mail Video karen entitled people - 4130310

'I'm a victim': Store manager with zero tolerance for Karen customers repeatedly tells woman to 'get out'

Employees should always be allowed to stand up for themselves. In many workplaces, employees are expected to let customers do whatever they want. “The customer is always right,” is the motto. But as you know if you've worked in retail lately, customers aren't always right---instead, certain customers are riled up and ready to take their frustrations out on the next employee they see. This woman took her anger way too far in this video recorded by @davenewworld_2. While the video leaves out a lo…
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Woman files HR complaint, alleging racial discrimination after coworker refuses to swap lunches

'Give me your lunch! Or else!': Woman files HR complaint, alleging racial discrimination after coworker refuses to swap lunches

In the cutthroat world of office politics, where the water cooler gossip flows as freely as the coffee, one woman found herself at the center of an absurd controversy. Meet our protagonist, a passionate home chef with a knack for whipping up delectable dishes from scratch. When asked about her daily lunch, she'd occasionally share with coworkers, but always on her own terms. One fateful day, a coworker made an offer she couldn't refuse: a baloney and mayonnaise sandwich in exchange for her cove…
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'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family wants landscapers to charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family demands landscapers charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

When these landscapers got a referral from one customer to another, they had to explain some important caveats. Unfortunately for the landscapers, these clients were not happy with the deal they were going to get. Referrals are really important to many companies. In recent years, there's even a big incentive by lots of brands to tell your friends about their product. How many times have you gotten a friend to sign up for a random product just so you can get a discount? Or, if you're crafty, you…
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'She huffs and puffs and demands we make 7 dozen fresh donuts': 20+ Times that privileged people were introduced to real-world problems

'She huffs and puffs and demands we make 7 dozen fresh donuts': 20+ Times that privileged people were introduced to real-world problems

If you've ever had a roommate who doesn't know how to cook or clean since their mom always did that for them, these stories are for you. Some people are born into entitled families , or are born with an immense amount of privilege. As a kid, their parents do everything for them. Then, when the kid grows up and embarks upon their journey into adulthood, it's clear that they're spoiled and clueless about how the real world actually works. I knew a dude in college who was only failing classes beca…
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karen karens karens in the wild entitled people entitled entitlement free stuff facebook marketplace Facebook Craigslist online shopping

'I got 104 messages': Guy gets bombarded by Karens after posting a free barbecue on Marketplace, one tries to steal it out of his garage

If there's one takeaway from this guy's experience, it's never give something away for free. Sure, you might be doing it out of the kindness of your heart and goodwill for mankind (plus a healthy dose of not being bothered moving it yourself), but all the word “free” does is dredge up the worst sorts of people. If you post something for free on an online marketplace you're just going to be bombarded with entitled people looking to take advantage of your goodwill. Getting that single item that y…
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entitled parents entitlement petty-revenge-reddit revenge petty revenge petty entitled entitled people - 21279749

'I proceed to lay my arm perfectly on top of his': Dude takes over woman's entire armrest, becomes the armrest

It is often said that you become that which you desire most—at least, I think so… I may be making this one up as, if it were true, I'd have turned into a chicken nugget by now. Regardless of whether this is actually an expression, this guy manifested it into existence when he felt entitled to take over the entire armrest between himself and a stranger while attending a theater performance. Normally this is a bad move. Sure, you might think that the space is there, so someone should use it—and w…
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entitlement flight plane entitled reddit thread Reddit airplane entitled people - 20673285

'Okay, my seat is way back there': Woman tries to trick passenger to switch seats on flight, flight attendant intervenes

Unless you're moving further away from a crying baby, never switch sets on a plane.
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'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

Dealing with Karens while waiting tables has to be one of the worst parts of the job. That's what this server had to endure when a group of Karens came into their restaurant at closing and demanded eggs Benedict without the hollandaise sauce.
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An employee gives their two weeks notice, hotshot manager tries to fire them, and end up getting demoted themselves.

Employee Gives Two Weeks Notice, Hotshot Manager Tries To Fire Employee and Gets Demoted

Oh boy did that manager learn their lesson.
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