

family drama entitlement saving money absurd family feud 401k father in law baby boomers in laws mother in law ridiculous boomers entitled daughter retirement son entitled people - 25959173

Boomer mother-in-law demands son doesn't go out to eat so he can save for her retirement: 'Brian save your money, we have no 401k'

This family seems like they might need to clear some things up before their next dinner party. After marrying his wife, the Original Poster (OP) noticed his mother-in-law was always urging him to save his money. At first, he thought she was just looking out for him. It turns out that she actually plans to have her son-in-law fund her and her husband's retirement since they have no savings themselves. The entitled Boomer mother-in-law accidentally let this information slip when the family was al…
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'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

You are accountable for your child. Stated simply, you will be liable for the cost of replacing any products that your child breaks while you are shopping. Given this perspective, what would you do, therefore, if two well-to-do parents allowed their child to run wild and then declined to pay for the hundreds of dollars in damages? The story below is an account of a frustrated pet store employee. The original poster (OP) worked at the pet store for an extended period of time. Everything went wel…
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'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

'You don't get special treatment for completing the race': Marathon employee puts runner in her place when she reaches the finish line and tries to enter staff grounds

The characteristics we recognize in ourselves but decide not to express are often the characteristics that irritate us most in others. But what would happen if you had no control over the object of your gaze? Do you convey all that's on your mind, or do you treat them in the same manner you would treat yourself—ignore the negative and concentrate on the positive? This is the account of a disgruntled marathon worker. The original poster (OP) was employed for the local marathon. At first, everyth…
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Hiking boomer entitlement kid trail parenting apologize dad baby boomers ridiculous entitled Reddit son - 25851909

'Where is he going that he can't politely ask a child to move?': Dad demands entitled Boomer apologize after pushing a 4-year-old over for being in his way

A dad and his son were out hiking when his son came across a snail. Being overjoyed, the two of them stopped on the trail to admire the snail. Not long after stopping, the dad noticed an older man walking their way. When the 4-year-old saw the man, he excitedly urged him to come over and look at the snail he found. To his surprise, the entitled Boomer pushed the kid down for being in his way. In disbelief, the dad tried to force the old man to apologize to his son. But the Boomer held his groun…
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‘Is this a joke?’: Micromanager demands to be notified whenever work-from-home employees step away from their desks

‘Is this a joke?’: Micromanager demands to be notified whenever work-from-home employees step away from their desks

Every day, after getting ready and making the short journey, we head to the dark, gloomy, and sad office where we are supposed to spend almost eight hours doing some of our best work. The quality of your work is determined by the individual overseeing you, not by your title. It is up to them whether you will enjoy or resent your time spent working for the company. The boss is the one who rides to tremendous heights, sets rules, and keeps things under control. That being said, if, like us, you t…
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 'Are you joking?!': Challenging neighbor demands garden shed color suit her tastes claiming she's the one forced to look at it

'Are you joking?!': Challenging neighbor demands garden shed color suit her tastes claiming she's the one forced to look at it

Your neighbors might make you very happy or quite uncomfortable. In light of this, how would you respond if you had just moved into a new home and your primary goal was to keep everyone in your surrounding area happy? Would you cave into their obnoxious demands, or would you stand your ground no matter what? The story that follows tells the tale of a newlywed couple who are disappointed with their newly purchased home. The original poster (OP) recently moved to a stunning house with a sizable g…
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‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

‘Count me out…’: Man expects rent-free accommodation in brother's new home despite years of estrangement

Indeed, family is precious, and you should make every effort to love and support them during good times and bad. But when will you be able to acknowledge that your family members might be taking advantage of you with their constant barrage of absurd demands? The story that follows is written from the viewpoint of an angry sibling. The original poster (OP) and his brother did not share a close bond. Perhaps they were tight as children, but since OP embarked on his journey to adulthood, they’ve g…
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groceries supermarket entitlement epic win kroger petty revenge cashier karens in the wild boomers clever comebacks check out karen entitled people grocery store - 25740293

Guy puts in headphones to tune out grocery store Karen who's demanding to cut in line: 'Probably the greatest reaction to an entitled boomer I've seen in years'

Going to the grocery store around rush hour is a universally dreadful experience. You have to maneuver your cart around the tens of people rushing in every which way direction, tired from a long day at work and just trying to get home for dinner. No one is having a pleasant experience. And then you get to the checkout lines. The lanes are never all open at once, with lines piled up at each open register. You think about going to the self-checkout, but those lines are even longer. So, imagine yo…
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'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

When you marry someone, you also marry their family. However, because you are now, in effect, friends with them as well, no one warns you about the lengthy list of unwelcome acquaintances you make along the way. The story that follows describes the frustrations of a spouse dealing with his wife's ‘friends’. The original poster (OP) finds himself in an extremely challenging predicament. His wife's friends are now just as much of a concern to him as his own, so he must entertain them in addition…
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Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

We prepare, we carry out, and we want the finest result. But what would you do if an associate decided they didn't feel like dealing with you after months of preparation for one of the most important events of your life? The story below is an account of a frustrated individual. The original poster (OP) thought of a way to contribute to his brother's wedding, making it special and unforgettable. To ensure the bride and groom arrived at the venue with style and swagger, he had planned to charter…
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'He changed everything that made the business successful': New game store owner prevents regulars from renting gaming room, resulting in massive customer loss

'He changed everything that made the business successful': New game store owner prevents regulars from renting gaming room, resulting in massive customer loss

Many people who take over a business like to make drastic changes to it in order to assert their new ownership over it. Mostly those changes come with the claim that they want customers to notice that the ownership has changed and that ‘there is a new sheriff in town’. The main problem occurs when they make massive changes to an already successful business, without taking into account the thoughts and feelings of all the regular customers who already loved the business as it was. Then those own…
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'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

Customer support agents are frequently treated like private-sector workers, as though they must get the blessing of the client before proceeding with their day. This makes the job extremely unpleasant. However, what would you do if an aggressive customer visited your establishment with the express intent of disobeying the safety rules that were set in place to protect the public? Would you rather they learned their lesson the hard way or would you try to stop them from doing something that coul…
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'Check and mate!': Housemate leaves roommate high and dry, refusing to help out around the house after his belongings keep disappearing

'Check and mate!': Housemate leaves roommate high and dry, refusing to help out around the house after his belongings keep disappearing

Your time in college can be the best of your life. That said, a lot of it relies on how well you get along with your roommates because living in peace in an apartment is essential to the experience. The roommate who has been driven to the point of no return is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) is a student who shares an apartment with multiple other people. Since everyone tried their best not to step on each other's toes, everything went smoothly at first. But as time passe…
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cops feud duplex landlord neighbors entitlement satisfying neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories petty revenge entitled people karma karens in the wild karen karma renting Bad Neighbor karen police apartment - 25565445

Karen gets evicted after calling cops multiple times on neighbor and flooding their apartment: 'You're out of here!'

This family has to have one of the worst neighbors out there. After over ten months of their ongoing feud, the family's Karen-neighbor finally got what she deserved. Evicted. It all started when this family got a new neighbor to share their duplex with. They knew nothing about the person who moved in, but her true character quickly came out in their first meeting. She was a middle-aged woman with lots of cats, whom the Original Poster (OP) nicknamed Karen, for good reason. When they first met,…
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'With a polite smile, I did exactly as he said': Vacationing couple refuses to let employee touch their golf cart, then realize they're stuck in the Florida heat with no gas

'With a polite smile, I did exactly as he said': Vacationing couple refuses to let employee touch their golf cart, then realize they're stuck in the Florida heat with no gas

One cranky couple was too busy snapping at employees instead of soaking up the Florida sun . In the end, they got a little too much sun… but it was their own fault. After that, read about the moviegoers who couldn't help but shout at the screen, like one person who yelled, “Mortal Kombat!” at top volume at the start of that movie.
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dogs neighbors entitlement neighborhood-drama veterinarian neighborhood-stories vet bill entitled Bad Neighbor pet owners entitled people - 25457925

Entitled neighbors try to make women pay vet bill after their dog escapes and eats all her flowers: 'They want me to pay half since I "poisoned" their dog'

Who's right in the situation? This neighbor thinks that because their neighbor has poisonous flowers, it's her fault that their dog got sick. Before we go any further, just know that the doggo is okay. He just has a habit of digging under his owner's fence and escaping. His owners claim he's just exploring. However, the Original Poster (OP) has been weary from the start. She even tried to offer multiple solutions to her neighbors to prevent their dog from escaping, but they wouldn't get on boar…
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