

'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

'I don't work for you...': Man struggles to tend to family crisis after wife's opportunistic friends move in with them and demand a series of unreasonable requests

When you marry someone, you also marry their family. However, because you are now, in effect, friends with them as well, no one warns you about the lengthy list of unwelcome acquaintances you make along the way. The story that follows describes the frustrations of a spouse dealing with his wife's ‘friends’. The original poster (OP) finds himself in an extremely challenging predicament. His wife's friends are now just as much of a concern to him as his own, so he must entertain them in addition…
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Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

Helicopter company gets schooled by customer who leaves a bad review online after his flight was abruptly cancelled

We prepare, we carry out, and we want the finest result. But what would you do if an associate decided they didn't feel like dealing with you after months of preparation for one of the most important events of your life? The story below is an account of a frustrated individual. The original poster (OP) thought of a way to contribute to his brother's wedding, making it special and unforgettable. To ensure the bride and groom arrived at the venue with style and swagger, he had planned to charter…
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'He changed everything that made the business successful': New game store owner prevents regulars from renting gaming room, resulting in massive customer loss

'He changed everything that made the business successful': New game store owner prevents regulars from renting gaming room, resulting in massive customer loss

Many people who take over a business like to make drastic changes to it in order to assert their new ownership over it. Mostly those changes come with the claim that they want customers to notice that the ownership has changed and that ‘there is a new sheriff in town’. The main problem occurs when they make massive changes to an already successful business, without taking into account the thoughts and feelings of all the regular customers who already loved the business as it was. Then those own…
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'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

'You got some nerve...': Employee confronts gym goer who refuses to adhere to gym policy, then finds out he isn't even a member

Customer support agents are frequently treated like private-sector workers, as though they must get the blessing of the client before proceeding with their day. This makes the job extremely unpleasant. However, what would you do if an aggressive customer visited your establishment with the express intent of disobeying the safety rules that were set in place to protect the public? Would you rather they learned their lesson the hard way or would you try to stop them from doing something that coul…
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'Check and mate!': Housemate leaves roommate high and dry, refusing to help out around the house after his belongings keep disappearing

'Check and mate!': Housemate leaves roommate high and dry, refusing to help out around the house after his belongings keep disappearing

Your time in college can be the best of your life. That said, a lot of it relies on how well you get along with your roommates because living in peace in an apartment is essential to the experience. The roommate who has been driven to the point of no return is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) is a student who shares an apartment with multiple other people. Since everyone tried their best not to step on each other's toes, everything went smoothly at first. But as time passe…
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cops feud duplex landlord neighbors entitlement satisfying neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories petty revenge entitled people karma karens in the wild karen karma renting Bad Neighbor karen police apartment - 25565445

Karen gets evicted after calling cops multiple times on neighbor and flooding their apartment: 'You're out of here!'

This family has to have one of the worst neighbors out there. After over ten months of their ongoing feud, the family's Karen-neighbor finally got what she deserved. Evicted. It all started when this family got a new neighbor to share their duplex with. They knew nothing about the person who moved in, but her true character quickly came out in their first meeting. She was a middle-aged woman with lots of cats, whom the Original Poster (OP) nicknamed Karen, for good reason. When they first met,…
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'With a polite smile, I did exactly as he said': Vacationing couple refuses to let employee touch their golf cart, then realize they're stuck in the Florida heat with no gas

'With a polite smile, I did exactly as he said': Vacationing couple refuses to let employee touch their golf cart, then realize they're stuck in the Florida heat with no gas

One cranky couple was too busy snapping at employees instead of soaking up the Florida sun . In the end, they got a little too much sun… but it was their own fault. After that, read about the moviegoers who couldn't help but shout at the screen, like one person who yelled, “Mortal Kombat!” at top volume at the start of that movie.
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dogs neighbors entitlement neighborhood-drama veterinarian neighborhood-stories vet bill entitled Bad Neighbor pet owners entitled people - 25457925

Entitled neighbors try to make women pay vet bill after their dog escapes and eats all her flowers: 'They want me to pay half since I "poisoned" their dog'

Who's right in the situation? This neighbor thinks that because their neighbor has poisonous flowers, it's her fault that their dog got sick. Before we go any further, just know that the doggo is okay. He just has a habit of digging under his owner's fence and escaping. His owners claim he's just exploring. However, the Original Poster (OP) has been weary from the start. She even tried to offer multiple solutions to her neighbors to prevent their dog from escaping, but they wouldn't get on boar…
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'You need me more than I need you...': Undervalued employee refuses to back down after company goes after him for quitting, despite earning them $1.5 million

'You need me more than I need you...': Undervalued employee refuses to back down after company goes after him for quitting, despite earning them $1.5 million

People will stop at nothing to climb the corporate ladder and achieve success in the competitive field of business. Having said that, how would you react if an individual in a position of power attempted to coerce you into following their instructions? Would you let your fear overcome you, or would you outsmart their sly tactics and advance toward your goal? The story below is an account of a hard-working individual. The Original Poster (OP) has spent a considerable amount of time employed by t…
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entitlement awkward moments strange cruise confused mildly infuriating story reddit thread bewildered Reddit karen entitled people couple - 25099781

Entitled stranger bizarrely attempts to steal bed from couple on cruise by sitting uncomfortable close to them: 'I just needed to sit'

A couple was relaxing on a twin-sized bed on the deck of a cruise ship when a stranger approached them and sat down right next to them, seemingly without any regard for their personal space. Rightfully so, the couple was taken aback by the stranger's audacity, and when they questioned her, she simply replied that she needed to sit.
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‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

‘Dude, I know it's you…’: Man confronts neighbor who attempted to steal his TV, neighborly dispute ensues

When buying a house, one of the most crucial things to think about is the neighbors. Depending on the quality of your neighbors, your tenor may be enjoyable at best or excruciating at worst. The story that follows describes an account of a disgruntled individual who found out that his elderly neighbor had stolen his television. The Original Poster (OP) was looking forward to receiving an extravagant, brand-new television that he had ordered. But when OP received a response from the seller confi…
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‘It's your duty as a brother’: Privileged parents attempt to take advantage of their son to give their preferred child financial independence

‘It's your duty as a brother’: Privileged parents attempt to take advantage of their son to give their preferred child financial independence

Families are supposed to be your pillar of support, your safe haven, your anchor. But in actuality, not every family is the idealized, Hallmark-movie type of family. How would you react if your family simply wanted you to be there to maintain their opulent way of life? The story that follows is an account of a frustrated son. There has always been tension between the Original Poster (OP) and his parents. But as OP grew older and more mature, the relationship grew increasingly strained and the r…
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utilities entitlement drama house text messages Invalid Argument rent bills texting roommates entitled people - 25062405

Woman calls out entitled roommate for demanding $50 extra for utilities after using microwave 3 times in 1 week: 'You are literally home all day long'

To make matters even worse, the woman already pays $500 more in rent and fully covers the cost of Wi-Fi for the two. However, her entitled roommate still asked for more money, saying that the original poster (OP) deserves to pay more because the OP makes more money than her.
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 ‘Get off your high horse’: Condescending teen claims to be better than the hardworking door-to-door salespeople, employee teaches young teen a lesson in humility

‘Get off your high horse’: Condescending teen claims to be better than the hardworking door-to-door salespeople, employee teaches young teen a lesson in humility

While not all occupations are ideal, they enable you to pay your bills and make ends meet, therefore we should never criticize someone based solely on their line of work. Most likely, every diligent person strives to support both themselves and their family. So, how would you respond if a young, entitled employee willingly showed up for work and declared that the job was not worth his time and effort? The story that follows is the tale of a grumpy yet diligent worker. An arrogant adolescent who…
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'I said no...': Demanding dude approaches passenger on flight to switch seats so he can sit with his wife, dispute follows after passenger refuses

'I said no...': Demanding dude approaches passenger on flight to switch seats so he can sit with his wife, dispute follows after passenger refuses

When organizing a trip, there are many factors to take into account. The list is endless and includes the hotel, the vehicle to collect you from the airport, the various activities, and the restaurants. But despite their evident importance, the flights are an important component that is occasionally overlooked. The flights and seats you book should be carefully considered when making travel plans, as they have the power to make or break the remainder of your trip. The story that follows is an a…
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employee hotel entitlement refund front desk caught in the act tales from the front desk hotel room entitled people - 24146437

'How is your phone charger in here if you haven't entered the room?': Entitled man demands refund for hotel room that he claimed he didn't use

Every so often, an entitled hotel guest comes along, thinking they can outsmart the front desk manager. However, time and time again, their schemes fail. It seems they underestimate the experience of hotel employees who have truly seen it all. In this particular incident, an entitled guy attempted to rent a room for two hours and then sought a refund, insisting he never used the room. The irony was that the bed was left unmade, and he had forgotten his phone charger in the room. Not the most su…
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