

 Man kicks out aunt during storm after she criticizes his home, only for her to return seeking shelter

Man kicks out aunt during storm after she criticizes his home, only for her to return seeking shelter

Your devotion ought to always be to your family. Having said that, what would you do if someone in your own family consistently mistreated you? The story below is an account of a frustrated nephew. The original poster (OP) grew up in a fairly traditional setting where the most important rule to abide by is respecting the elderly. Consequently, OP offered his aunt and kids a place to stay when the storm hit as they couldn't find a secure location where they could go. But as soon as they settled…
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Employee is told to ‘start looking for a new job’ by entitled boss, boss tries to take it back but employee has already found a unicorn job position

Entitled boss tells employee to find another job in the heat of the moment, tries to backtrack but employee maliciously complies and leaves dumpster fire business

"‘Per our conversation on (that date), you advised me to find other employment so I did.’"
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Entitled mom texts and drives into a man's new car, sparking a traffic dispute and resulting in her speeding off without taking the blame

Texting driver with no license plates strikes man's new car and falsely accuses him of running a red light, speeds off without exchanging insurance information

"She said ‘No way. I was texting, and just as I put down my phone, the light was green.’"
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Arrogant teacher confronts entitled student who boasts of his superior knowledge, making him look like a fool in front of entire class

Arrogant teacher confronts entitled student who boasts of his superior knowledge, making him look like a fool in front of entire class

In this world, there are two kinds of people: those who get their kicks from being the teacher's favorite and those who could care less about how they appear in the classroom. The story below is of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) was required to attend a training session with his colleagues. Even though OP had already completed a course that was identical to what his bosses mandated, he nevertheless eagerly participated. That being said, despite his regular attendance, he made a…
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Underpaid employee humiliated by micromanaging boss for repeatedly wearing the same clothes to the office

Underpaid employee humiliated by micromanaging boss for repeatedly wearing the same clothes to the office

There are times when a less lucrative job with excellent chances for advancement is preferable. However, deciding to accept such a role carries a number of disadvantages of its own. The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) started a new job recently. However, despite all of the fantastic learning opportunities, the salary is really low. OP did not consider this a problem, even though it meant she could not afford premium labels or to spend money on a ton of…
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Entitled Karen gets owned after she assumes she is ‘The Most Important Person on the Plane’, fellow passenger retaliates in an "everybody clapped‘ moment

‘First class Karen‘ goes haywire when other passengers share the overhead bin above her seat, fellow traveler amusingly retaliates with one sentence

"I'm just going back to my seat in row 2 so I can grab my water bottle and backpack. Like 10 other people, I have been in first class with you for this flight."
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Entitled parents threaten to sue daughter despite her years of generosity and free housing over $3 rent increase, sparking a fierce family conflict

Entitled parents threaten to sue daughter despite her years of generosity and free housing over $3 rent increase, sparking a fierce family conflict

Your family should come first at all times. But is there ever a moment when you have to put your wants and needs ahead of the needs of those around you? The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter. Because she was forced to mature at a young age, the original poster (OP) never got to enjoy her childhood. OP has been working since she turned sixteen to support her family. But once she finished high school, her parents couldn't afford their mortgage, and since she wasn't helping them o…
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Man is fed up with entitled neighbors' notion that their neighborhood streets are reserved for children, he can barely drive down a road without children sitting in the street

Entitled neighbors release Facebook PSA claiming ‘the streets are [their] children's playground’, man is fed up when he is at a constant stop driving in his neighborhood

"Children and toddlers run the roads here, and the parents encourage it."
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Entitled Karen follows and accuses woman of stealing, loss prevention lets woman know and the Boomer tries to get her in trouble again

‘Weird’ Karen follows and falsely accuses woman of shoplifting at a hardware store, loss prevention employee chews Karen out: ‘She followed me like a hawk’

Then she tried again a few minutes later.
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terrible coworkers antiwork hr entitlement drama job work coworkers Office borrow social media workplace entitled clothes creativity in the workplace Reddit company karma entitled people - 36807173

Entitled coworker DMs employee asking to borrow clothes for financial reasons, takes over a year to return them: 'She acted like she forgot'

An employee recently shared how their entitled coworker slid into their DMs asking to borrow clothes for her sister's wedding so that she could save some money. The employee was new at the company and had barely known this coworker for barely a month, but thinking she was doing a good deed, she agreed to let her borrow one outfit. Now she's using this story to warn others to not befriend their coworkers on social media.
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'Everything is my fault to him': Employee walks out, leaving business in chaos after micromanager unfairly blames him for mistakes made by trainee

'Everything is my fault to him': Employee walks out, leaving business in chaos after micromanager unfairly blames him for mistakes made by trainee

Dealing with clients is not a simple undertaking. That being stated, how would you react if your micromanaging employer followed you around the office all day long? The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) worked in customer service for a considerable amount of time. As a result, one might think he was immune to the everyday chaos. But when his boss reprimanded him twice in one day for things he hadn't even done, it became too much for him to handle, and…
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HOA board member gets karmic justice for micromanaging homeowner's basketball hoop placement: ‘I want it in writing’

HOA board threatens to fine homeowner $20/day for a standing basketball hoop, so he ‘digs around in the HOA covenants’ and uses their written rules against them

"Every once in a while, I move the hoop to the center of my driveway, just before the President of the HOA gets home from work. . ."
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karens ipads school child entitlement ipad mothers karen put in her place mother reddit karen motherhood sad but true entitled people karma karens in the wild School of FAIL entitled r-entitled karen story karma karen children entitled people - 36804613

Mother goes on rampage after her iPad is stolen from her car during school pick-up, says it's the school's fault despite her having not locked her car off school premises

"I’m just baffled at the entitlement of wanting everyone else to pay for her ridiculous mistakes."
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Entitled Karen can't do math and demands extra money on top of the rounded-up sum of $5 the server gives her, threatens to report the server

‘I was genuinely dumbfounded’: Server rounds up customer's change to $5 because they had no coins, entitled Karen demands her 15¢ even after being given extra money back

"Draw pictures and illustrations and have her count out the number of apples and bananas."
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Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

It's commonly believed that it's improper to mix business and pleasure. However, what would you say if, after all of your effort, your sibling refused to compensate you for your labor and time? The story below is an account of a frustrated brother. For a living, the original poster (OP) remodels houses. So when his brother asked whether he would be willing to refurbish his house, he immediately said yes. OP even gave his brother a discount in exchange for his devotion and good name. However, th…
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After dumping rubbish in  shopping cart, a resentful customer takes action against the entitled litterbug by shoving the trash back in her car

After dumping rubbish in shopping cart, a resentful customer takes action against the entitled litterbug by shoving the trash back in her car

Those who think they are above the law and can never do anything wrong are the worst kind of people. The story that follows is from a disgruntled onlooker. A few years back, the original poster (OP) and her spouse visited Disney World in Orlando for a brief three-day stay. While they were there, they decided to visit Costco and pick up on a few supplies. Instead of the trip to Costco being just another ordinary day, OP was left speechless by the time her husband finished the shopping. Basically…
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