

feud neighbors lawn entitlement drama neighborhood yard neighborhood-drama petty entitled Reddit karen entitled people - 37377285

Karen attempts to cut down neighbor's large oak tree because it blocks her view of the sunset: 'She got annoyed and said it's a reasonable request'

You never know what kind of neighbors you're going to get. You might get the ones who feed all the stray cats, turning your street into a constant feline frenzy . Or you might get the Boomers who yell at the neighborhood kids for daring to ride their bikes near their precious sidewalks. But worst of all, you might get the Karens —like this one—who think they're entitled to chop down your tree because it blocks their view of the sunset. This Karen is a new neighbor who just moved across the stre…
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haha neighbors entitlement satisfying neighborhood-drama petty revenge baby boomers entitled Reddit karma entitled people - 37361157

They were trying to take tens of feet of our land': Entitled couple harasses new neighbors over property line, threatens legal action only to discover they're the ones invading

When a young couple moved into their grandparents' home after it had been vacant for a year, they were immediately greeted with drama from their entitled Boomer neighbors. Apparently, the neighbors had gotten a little too comfortable using the vacant yard and weren't happy to lose that extra space. The moment the new owners moved in, the neighbors started harassing them, claiming they were invading their property and even threatening legal action. But the best part of the story is, after gettin…
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Entitled boomer gets owned when authorities take gas station clerk's side in a battle of $50 worth of pennies, resulting in the gas station clerk ending up on top

‘But it's legal tender’: Boomer tries to pay for gas with $50 in pennies but gas station clerk refuses, so he throws a fit and coughs up $50 bill when the cops take clerk's side

"Too lazy to take a trip to the bank to throw them into a machine but willing to carry around an entire backpack full of pennies..."
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Selfish brother thinks he's entitled to all of his sister's time despite babysitting his children at no cost for years, decides to put her foot down and win in the end

Family is split after woman refuses to babysit for selfish brother after giving him three years of free childcare, decides to puts her studies and free time first: ‘I stood my ground’

Entitlement runs deep.
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Karen gets put in her place when she picks the wrong battle with a beloved homeless man integrated in the community, authorities decide she's the problem and take his side

‘Justice served’: Park Karen berates homeless man loved by many in the community, calls the authorities on him but they decide Karen's entitlement is the real problem

"After she left, some people in the park came over and gave Tim some food and drinks, just to show support."
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family drama decorum aita entitlement sibling rivalry sisters siblings entitled family family feud family sister entitled people - 37287941

30-year old woman wonders if she's wrong for kicking entitled 26-year-old sister's family out of her home after they lost theirs in Hurricane Helene: 'She's trying to play the guilt game'

Supporting family in times of need is something you do out of love and a sense of familial obligation to that person—but even that has its limits. Although the person being supported might be in a hard place, it's still on them not to make their host too hard done by; you can't just go around making demands and being wildly entitled about everything in someone else's home. As someone who has uniquely been in this situation and forced to stay with family in a similar situation after a flooded ho…
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Family of Karens hog the building elevator, neighbor makes sure they stop on every floor: 'They don't know it was me'

Family of Karens hog the building elevator, neighbor makes sure they stop on every floor: 'They don't know it was me'

It's time to discuss elevator decorum. If you have a neighbor who refuses to hold the elevator for others or who takes too much time hogging the space, thereby actively inconveniencing everyone else, you very well may relate to this individual's experience. This Redditor has an upstairs Karen of a neighbor who would consistently take up to half an hour hogging the elevator and getting her family and belongings in and out, making it impossible for anyone else to make use of it. Finally, the orig…
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neighbors entitlement driveway work homeowner neighborhood-drama parenting entitled Reddit mom karen son parking - 37113605

'She called ME pathetic': Entitled Karen and son park in homeowner’s driveway, blocking her from getting in after work and claiming they’d only be a few minutes

After a long, exhausting day of work, the last thing anyone wants is another annoyance to keep them from going home and rotting on the couch. Imagine pulling into your street, just wanting to park, get inside, and finally relax—only to find someone else's car sitting in your driveway. That's exactly what happened to this homeowner. She came home after a tiring day, only to be blocked from her own property by an entitled Karen and her son, who had parked in her driveway without a second thought.…
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employee entitlement job retail karen-customer work coworkers petty revenge cashier workplace entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 37113349

'Traumatizing her the way she did my coworkers and I still makes me smile years later': Entitled customer who always makes a scene gets a taste of her own medicine from retail employee at her workplace

If you've ever worked in retail , you know the struggle of dealing with that one customer. You know, the one who always has a complaint, never waits patiently and somehow manages to make every shopping trip into a full-blown scene. For this employee, that customer was this entitled Karen who made it her mission to cause chaos to him and his coworkers every time she walked into the store. She'd yell, she'd argue, and she'd make everyone's day a whole lot worse. Just because she could. But fate h…
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Micromanaging Karen gets bested by pest control worker when he takes out a tape measure and gives her exactly what she asked for

‘My patience was nearly gone’: Pest control worker embarrasses micromanaging Karen who insisted on precise measurements for a yard spray, humorously complies with a tape measure

He gave her exactly what she asked for.
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feud neighbors gardening lawn plants entitlement drama neighborhood garden yard neighborhood-drama baby boomers boomers entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 37096453

Entitled Boomer demands neighbor's plants so he can put them in his garden: 'Just dig out yours and put it in my yard'

You never really know what kind of neighbor you're going to get until it's too late. For some, it's a friendly wave and a chat over the fence, but for others, it's dealing with an entitled Boomer who thinks he's owed your plants. That's right—one woman found herself in the middle of peak neighbor drama when her Boomer neighbor demanded she dig up her own garden and hand over the plants just so he could spruce up his yard. You've got to hand it to him for the sheer audacity. Not only did he ask…
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Entitled landlord attempts to pin $5600 of damages on innocent tenant, so they enact petty revenge to make sure no other tenants have to deal with his shadiness

Landlord tries to falsely pin $5600 of rental damages on tenant after they move out, so they compile evidence from other tenants to prevent landlord from scamming again

"Using the legal background of my fiancé, we send a strongly worded letter building on my input. As a result the landlord paid the deposit in full two weeks later and I never heard back of him."
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FAILS hoa haha neighbors entitlement drama FAIL neighborhood petty revenge entitled people karma entitled reddit thread funny entitled people - 36998149

'I've submitted countless HOA complaints and yet this still keeps happening': Entitled neighbors throw loud parties 3-4 nights a week, frustrated neighbor mows his lawn at 6am every Saturday for 4 years

In a quiet residential neighborhood, one frustrated homeowner had finally reached his breaking point. Despite submitting countless complaints to the HOA about his entitled neighbors throwing loud parties 3-4 nights a week, the noise just wouldn’t stop. He called the cops, filed multiple violations, and even endured a kids' party with a loud MC that went on well into the early morning hours. Finally, after years of sleepless nights and growing frustration, his efforts finally paid off and the pa…
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Karens demand student, studying hard, to move from her table for their convenience and student tells them to get lost, sparking a Karen dispute

‘No, you can't’: Two Karens bother studying student and demand she gives up her table because they refuse to sit in the sun, apparently forgetting inside tables exist

Your inconvenience is not my problem.
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Woman stands firm and says no to free housing after sister’s dream vacation leaves her homeless

Woman stands firm and says no to free housing after sister’s dream vacation leaves her homeless

Your family should always come first in your priorities. Having said that, is it your duty as a family member to encourage and assist them in all of their endeavors, no matter how foolish they may be? The story below is an account of a frustrated sister. The original poster (OP) worked very hard to ensure that she lived in a beautiful house and had a nice life. Her sister, on the other hand, made the decision to travel with her entire fortune and even sold her house to earn the additional cash.…
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 Man kicks out aunt during storm after she criticizes his home, only for her to return seeking shelter

Man kicks out aunt during storm after she criticizes his home, only for her to return seeking shelter

Your devotion ought to always be to your family. Having said that, what would you do if someone in your own family consistently mistreated you? The story below is an account of a frustrated nephew. The original poster (OP) grew up in a fairly traditional setting where the most important rule to abide by is respecting the elderly. Consequently, OP offered his aunt and kids a place to stay when the storm hit as they couldn't find a secure location where they could go. But as soon as they settled…
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