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'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

Do you think the middle child syndrome actually exists? For those of you who might not know, middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are usually excluded, ignored, or even outright neglected because of their birth order. something about being in the middle, after the exciting first child, and before the extra spoiled youngest child, is supposed to feel like you are the least loved one. I am a middle child, I have an older and a younger sister. But personally, and I might even s…
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'You've messed with the wrong guy...': New guy on block gets back at entitled neighbor for confiscating his chickens by calling HOA

'You've messed with the wrong guy...': New guy on block gets back at entitled neighbor for confiscating his chickens by calling HOA

It's important to keep a friendly relationship with your neighbors. Depending on how you play your cards, they could either be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. However, what would happen if your neighbor turned out to be the devil dressed like an angel? This is the story of the new guy on the block. OP moved to a new, developing neighborhood with his lady love. They were ecstatic about starting a new chapter in their lives and moving to their new home. However, things changed when the un…
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‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

You can divide the people of the world into two groups. The first group is people who see their pets as actual family members. People who think twice before they adopt an animal, and seriously consider all the factors of bringing in a pet inside their household. Once they do, that pet gets treated like any other family member, and is loved equally. The second group of people, and I'm sure you can see where I am going with this, are the people who see pets as just another piece of furniture in t…
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 ‘Pretty sure you’re not in the right place’: Entitled customer storms into a random store to complain about the Postal Service then returns a week later to file an 'official' complaint

‘Pretty sure you’re not in the right place’: Entitled customer storms into a random store to complain about the Postal Service then returns a week later to file an 'official' complaint

Some like to complain, while others take pleasure in solving problems. However, for a strange reason, we always encounter the 50% of the population who get their kicks from criticizing and complaining about those around them. The account that follows is the story of an innocent bystander who was the target of an irate customer who was attempting to mail an item through the postal office. At this point, you probably think this is just another typical event. Unfortunately, it probably is. But thi…
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‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

How often do you think one should visit their grandparents? Of course, it depends on how far they live from them, but let us assume they live no more than an hour away. Should they visit once or twice a month, every week, or maybe even a few times a week? Regardless of your answer, this Reddit story might change your perspective on the subject at hand. The OP of the Reddit post wrote about a competition her grandfather decided to secretly hold between all the members of the family. Throughout t…
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'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

Heaven forbid they'll have the same name.
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‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

Do you think friends should loan each other money? Not small amounts like buying each other coffee or lunch, but pay-your-friend's-this-month's-rent kind of money. On the one hand, friends should be there for each other, and feel comfortable enough to ask for help when they need it. On the other hand, big sums of money can cause a lot of tension between two people, no matter how close they are. The thought alone of having to ask a friend for your money back can make anyone feel extremely uncomf…
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'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

Money is never an easy subject to bring up within a family. No matter how close you are to your parents or siblings, talking about salaries, inheritances, or wills will always be awkward. That is why I think as parents, you have to be sensible and honest if you end up in a spot where you have to bring these subjects up. Do not try to sugarcoat anything, but talk to your kids like the adults they probably are. That is the advice I would personally give this person who turned to Reddit for advice…
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Brazen Roommate Tricks Their ‘Friend’ into Paying 2x the Rent Every Month, Gets Caught Redhanded

The heavy hand of retribution falls hardest on a parasitic roommate.
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'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

Workplace bullies are the worst for an obscene amount of reasons. The first is that you couldn't leave even if you wanted to because you came here to work, not to have fun. So either you give in to the bully or lose it and end up losing your job. The story that follows is about an emerging adult who is entering the workforce for the very first time. Unfortunately, OP had to deal with the worst workplace bully I have ever heard of. Nevertheless, as fate would have it, OP saw his chance and seize…
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'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

What type of passenger are you on a long flight? Are you the type who falls asleep as soon as the plane takes off, only waking up when the meal is being served and when the plane lands? Or are you the type that never falls asleep, so you binge-watch an entire TV show while snacking on the complimentary snacks and drinks, and maybe chat a bit with your neighboring passenger? I think it's great that every person can find what to do on a flight in order to relax and enjoy the experience, but the e…
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'He's not your son!': Sister-in-law decides to name her unborn nephew behind the mother's back, family fallout ensues right before Christmas

'He's not your son!': Sister-in-law decides to name her unborn nephew behind the mother's back, family fallout ensues right before Christmas

With every holiday season comes the struggle of spending too much time with your family. Even worse is having to spend too much time with your in-laws. I don't know what it is about in-laws that creates such a universal bad feeling so many people can relate to. And on top of all that, the stress of the holiday season tends to bring another level of conflict into the mix. This year I have convinced my partner to go on a holiday and spend Christmas in a hotel just the two of us because I couldn't…
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'Nothing you say could make me move': Woman goes full ‘mama bear’ when a Karen tries to steal her table at the food court; puts her in her place by standing her ground

'First come, first serve' has been the mantra of many over the decades– in particular, siblings fighting over the shower, kids vying for toys at recess, and cousins loading up their plates at the family buffet. Generally, people tend to respect this little rule we've made for society, but apparently, some folks feel entitled to whatever they want in the world, ignoring the laws that separate humanity from that of the animals.
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'I desperately need my [bonus]': Boss withholds holiday bonuses and throws a Christmas party instead, ignoring the votes of the majority of the office

If you had the choice between a bundle of cash and a cringey office Christmas party, which would you chose? For some, the Christmas bonus means a new set of tires or an in-home heater repair, but to others they'd rather peacock through the workplace, guzzling free cocktails and flaunting their shiniest blazer.
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'Kicking me out was the kindest thing she ever did': 18-year-old gets evicted by his deadbeat mom; gets petty payback with a stink-bomb and moves on to greener pastures

Cool guys don't look at explosions. They blow things up and they walk away. We've all had this notion cemented in our brains since we were allowed to watch our first action movie, dreaming of the day that we could be as cool as James Bond, The Rock, or Denzel Washington. Well, my friends, there are some rare moments when we get to be the ‘cool guy’ in our own life, walking away from a (hypothetical) explosion and into the hall of fame for epic victories.
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'I am pretty sure my CEO has been stealing money': 30+ Employees and students share the dramas people can't stop talking about at their workplaces and schools

'I am pretty sure my CEO has been stealing money': 30+ Employees and students spill the juicy dramas people can't stop talking about

No workplace or school is without some drama, and we've got our popcorn buckets ready as we read these stories. Gossipy places aren't always the nicest to work at, but there will be some great stories. A little bit of drama can spice up any boring Thursday afternoon. Whether it's two coworkers who can't agree on the heat, or the entire office waiting for someone to have a meeting with HR, it certainly breaks up the monotony. I'm fascinated with the story of the office where no one could agree o…
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