
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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30 First Date Fails Where Everything Went To Sh*t

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Dude Texts Wrong Number Thinking It's a Girl, Finds Out It's a Guy, Proceeds With Lusty Persistence Anyways

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12 Atrociously Petty Things People's Exes Took From Them After Breakups

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23 Women Share Creepy Things Guys Are Doing Without Realizing It

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Boyfriend's Meticulously Detailed Rules For Movie Date Divides The Internet

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Girl Asks Guy Out And Lives To Regret It

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Idiot Shamelessly Starts GoFundMe Campaign to Buy GF Engagement Ring, Gets Brutally Roasted

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Girlfriend Savagely Changes All Instagram Captions After She Finds Out She's Being Cheated On

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13 Hilarious Couples With Brilliant Senses of Humor

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6 Embarrassing Things People Caught Their Oblivious Partners Doing

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Girl Texts Her Boyfriend Asking For Paperclip, Hilarious Struggle Ensues

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Woman Gets Invoice From Petty Guy She Ghosted And It Gets Worse

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Enraged Pregnant Woman Refuses To Believe She Texted Wrong Number

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9 Hopeless Creeps Who Will Crush Your Faith In Dating

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11 People Who Are Relieved Their Ex Is An Ex

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22 Young Couples Describe Why They Were Forced to Break Up