
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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Woman Tweets 20 Hilariously Crazy Things Her Boyfriend Sleep Talks

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14 Guys Who Skipped Formalities and Went Straight Into Creep Mode

People Spill the Beans on the Weirdest and Most WTF First Dates They Ever Had

28 People Spill the Beans on the Weirdest and Most WTF First Dates They Ever Had

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Guy Catches Girlfriend Cheating And Takes Savage Selfie-Ridden Revenge

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Guy Hits Side Chick With Ruthless Curve Ball of a Good Night Text

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17 Failed Proposals That Went Horribly Wrong

10 people that tried to pawn off terrible stories about picking up chicks on social media.

10 Stories So Blatantly Fabricated About Picking Up Chicks That They'll Paralyze You With Cringe

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17 Unfaithful Cheaters Reveal How Their Confessions Went

Pettiest Reasons People Ended Relationships - Girl wore the same deodorant as his mother

20 of the Pettiest Reasons People Ended Relationships

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Women Share Things They Do When They Want You To Ask Them Out

Trolling Match On Tinder

Guy Trolls His Match On Tinder, Pretends He's On the Run From Cops, Hilarity Ensues

Woman on Tinder with no legs goes viral for her hilarious and awesome bio.

Woman On Tinder With No Legs Goes Viral For Hilariously Amazing Bio

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20 Things Couples Do That Make Each Other Cringe

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Brave Airport Lady Brutally Shuts Down Her Boyfriend's Job Request

Guy tries to make another girl jealous through texting conversation by pretending that he has a girlfriend and it backfires.

Idiot Pretends to Have Girlfriend to Make Another Chick Jealous and It Backfires Horribly

Tinder Full House

Guy on Tinder Puts His Cards out There, Reveals He's a Definite Full House