
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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19 Tweets About Marriage That Sum It Up Beautifully

Awesome Uber driver live-tweets a crazy night out with a girl who got ghosted by mean guy.

Amazing Uber Driver Live-Tweets Crazy Night With Girl Who Got Ghosted By Guy

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Outright Ludicrous Tinder Conversations That Left People Speechless

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Couple's Extra Awkward Public Breakup Makes Twitter Cringe Hard

Girl comes on super strong to a guy on the dating app, Bumble, and he responds with hilariously insensitive remark.

Bumble Chick Comes On Strong With Romance, And Guy Has Savage Response

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Girl's Response To Guy's Will You Be My Girlfriend Note Is A+ Savagery

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10 Ridiculous Ways People Failed To NOT Screw Up Their Dates

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37 People Share What They Label As Cheating In Relationships

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This Unsupportive Religious Aunt Will Make You Cry Secular Tears

Tinder Bot

This Might Be The Dumbest Tinder Bot The Internet's Seen Yet

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Girl's Crazy Boyfriend Bombards Guy With Series Of WTF Texts

Guy texts girl super nice conversation and proves that modern romance isn't dead.

Guy Wins Chick Over With Nice And Super Clever Texts

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Guy's Ex Has Ridiculous Overreaction To Him Not Helping Her Out

Funny DMs of the wrong number.

26 Comical Conversations That Could't Have Played Out Any Worse If People Tried

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10 Women Share Most Painfully Obvious Signs Their Boyfriends Have Missed

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Infuriating Conversation Will Make You Ask “How Did Dating Come to This?”