
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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25 Ballsy Tinder Moves That Kind of Worked, Sometimes

Emotionally manipulative guy overreacts in crazy texting rant with girl he hasn't even met yet.

Emotionally Manipulative Guy Overreacts In Crazy Text Exchange With Girl Out Of Nowhere

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25 Risky Tinder Moves That Sort of Worked, Sometimes

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12 Heartless People Share How To End A Relationship In 4 Words

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10 Times Tinder Made Us Laugh While Weeping For Humanity

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Wholesome Interaction With Stranger Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Guy Trolls Strangers By Texting Them He's Breaking Up With Them and the Results are Fantastic

Guy Trolls Strangers By Texting Them He's Breaking Up With Them and the Results are Fantastic

People tweet stories of their worst first dates.

20 People Tweet Their Worst First Dates

Girl matches with a cow on Tinder and absolute ridiculousness ensues in their conversation.

Girl Matches With Cow On Tinder And Udder Ridiculousness Ensues

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10 Of The Shallowest Reasons People Ended Relationships

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Guy Threatens His Cheating Girlfriend's Partner, Ends Up Being The Scared One

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14 Women Share The Struggles Of Having Insecure Boyfriends

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12 Exes Share the Most Pathetic Ways Their Partners Tried and Failed to Win 'Em Back

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26 Of The Biggest WTF Dating Experiences People Ever Had

Clever guy wickedly trolls girl on Tinder with a string of very funny puns about limes.

Clever Dude Wickedly Trolls Girl on Tinder With String of Lime Puns

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People Use Kanye West's Dating Advice On Their Exes And It Backfires Hilariously Terribly