

entitled dad leaves kids with stranger on airplane

Entitled Dad Leaves Kids On Plane With Stranger, Ends Up Wholesomely

A questionable dad move.
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Dad kicks out disrespectful "cool girl" from daughter's party | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by trway21423 12 hours ago AITA kicking out girl my daughter's sleepover bday party? My (34M) daughter (14F) had sleepover b-day party last saturday, and she invited 5 girls her school. There this one girl she invited who could tell her attitude spoiled brat she rang doorbell, she walked looking down at her phone, didn't greet or my wife, and handed her jacket without even looking up

Dad Kicks Entitled "Cool Girl" Out of Daughter's Birthday

And the internet weighed in.
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10 reddit text images aita for eating cake hiding from wife and kids | thumbnail grey background, slice of cake bottom right, text "Let me introduce you to a marvelous concept: decoy chocolate. You get your super special treat, you buy a large amount of the cheapest chocolate the partner/kids eat. Throw it at them and while the vultures are distracted inhale your treat."

Tired Dad Caught Eating Slice Of Cake Alone In Car, Wife Fumes At Him For Being 'Dramatic'

Next time, destroy the evidence
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aww wholesome dads twitter parenting lol nice dad goofy family daughter funny - 16071429

Wholesome Dads Whose Daughters Gave Them Makeovers

That's some pure, uncut, quality dad behavior right there. This too-wholesome-for-its-own-good twitter thread has dads from all over sharing some potentially unflattering, but highly endearing glamor shots of themselves after their daughters got at them with make-up. For some extra wholesomeness, here are some wholesome memes because everyone deserves a nice break.
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12 reddit text images discussion  | thumbnail grey background with text foreground "Posted by u/AQuietBorderline 8 hours ago 5016 "You Will Work This Dangerous Position Without Training" Leads To "Have Fun Talking To The Union" M" "One Saturday afternoon, Dad came into work when George pulled him aside. "I need you to do me a favor, son...the trash compactor is jammed and I need someone to crawl in and unjam it. You're the smallest of us all so it shouldn't be a problem for you."

Dad Recounts Pre OSHA Days, Bamboozles Boss When Told To Perform Dangerous Task Without Training

Crazy times
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dads dad jokes Memes dad funny - 16013317

Ridiculous Dads Doing Their Thing With the Most Hilarious of Results

Your eyes will roll and your mom will lol.
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A wholesome and hilarious post about a funny dad.

Tumblr Thread: A Wholesome And Hilarious Dad

Lucky kid.
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don't tell your parent stories

People's "Don't Tell Your Mother About This" Moments

Or father. Either one.
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funny stupid dad jokes and puns | Mountains aren't just funny, they are hill areas hilarious photo of blue skies above rocky mountains

Dad Jokes for Everyone's Inner Father Figure

They're a way of life.
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County mower messes with dad's shrubs, so dad ends up taking revenge with rebar | r/ProRevenge u/SwizzleMalarki 1y Join County mower trimmed down our shrubs no reason. Go ahead and try again First time posting reading post on here about neighbor running over poles their yard and reminded this story. Also writing this my phone, so bear with Tl;dr at bottom 7 or 8 my dad planted row shrubs along front property. They started out as scrawny sticks, but fast-forward few years and they were big

County Mower Shreds Dad's Shrubs, Dad Revenges With Rebar

Hard to mow a reinforcing bar.
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funny parenting memes

Parenting Memes For Those Whose Lives Are Over

Good luck out there.
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funny dad jokes

A Minivan-load of Dad-Tier Memes and Puns

Pile in everybody.
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funny family memes about growing up

Family Memes About The Joys Of Domestic Life

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kids won't wear seatbelt and miss flight

Nephews Refuse To Wear Seatbelts, Miss Their Own Flight

Is there even a debate here?
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baseball parenting lol dad foul ball win - 107301121

Dad Catches Foul Ball While Holding Kid

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entitled irresponsible dad borrows car, crashes it and then sells it

Dirtbag Dad Crashes Son's Car And Sells It

Alright, that's like some modern Shakespearean tragedy BS.
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