
teacher teachers teacher-stories school back-to-school parents parenting parenting-fail mom father mother dad principal elementary

'Parents are unbelievably delusional': Teachers share out-of-pocket requests from the parents of their students

'No, you can't use your vacation time': Worker takes 7,200 hours of vacation time after job insists he work on holidays for decades

'No, you can't use your vacation time': Worker takes 7,200 hours of vacation time after job insists he work on holidays for decades

'Don't bring my husband into this': Airline passenger told to move seats by a mother, flight attendant takes mother's side

'Don't bring my husband into this': Airline passenger told to move seats by a mother, flight attendant takes mother's side

'HOA came down to our house to personally ask us to remove the sign': Family devises HOA workaround to avoid 24-hour sign rule

'HOA came down to our house to personally ask us to remove the sign': Family devises clever HOA workaround to avoid 24-hour sign rule

'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's devices, makes himself late for work

'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's electronics, only to have the punishment backfire on him

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

'I ask the dad a few more times if he's sure': Diner asks for burger with 'everything' on it

'I ask the dad a few more times if he's sure': Diner ignores waiter's questions, demands burger with 'everything' on it

'None of my business': Son avoids dad's chores after dad tells him 'it's your responsibility'

'None of my business': Son ignores dad's chores after dad tells him 'it's your responsibility'

dad dads parents parent neighbor rival neighbors petty revenge reddit story permit building planting-trees trees gardening

'They blocked out the sunlight to our neighbor's property': Determined dad plants trees to get back at his neighbor after they snub his building permit

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

'[I] covered my father's whole house in ants': Guy's plan to get back at Dad for being too controlling backfires, attracting colonies of ants

'[I] covered my father's whole house in ants': Guy's plan to get back at Dad for being too controlling backfires, attracting colonies of ants

'The airport is a lawless place': 20+ airport and travel memes, tweets, and mishaps

'The airport is a lawless place': 20+ airport and travel memes, tweets, and mishaps

family drama aita relationship-drama parenting-stories parenting dad workplace family Reddit Parenting Fail parents - 21042181

'I was gone for about 30 minutes': Dad gets put in his place for ditching dinner party to take son to McDonald's

'I knew triplets named Cinnamon, Rosemary, and Paprika': 25 Cringeworthy Baby Names

'I knew triplets named Cinnamon, Rosemary, and Paprika': 25 Bizarre Baby Names