

Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Training a new hire is an important job not only because you are in charge of getting them familiar with their new job and responsibilities, but also because you are their gateway to understanding everything about their new workplace. That means that the way trainers treat new employees, and the way they act around them is going to be all they know of the company at least at the beginning, so you'd think they would want to make a good impression. Not the trainers in this Reddit story, they coul…
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work workplace worker workers employee employees boss manager supervisor pto pto-request vacation denied reddit thread

'My job denied me days off for my wedding': Bride-to-be gets PTO denied for her wedding, stoutly refuses their disapproval

Guess you're going to be short-staffed...
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malicious compliance reddit work workplace intern internship interns supervisor signature waste time employee employees medical doctor working job

'Sure sir, I'll wait': Intern outwits a senior medical practitioner attempting to haze him, wasting 3 hours of his time for a simple signature

Chess not checkers
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20+ Hilarious work fails these employees made on the job: 'I felt like such an idiot'

Have you ever messed up at work before? A lot of us have, whether we let a project slip through the cracks, forgot we had to give a presentation, or even forgot to mute our mics during a video call. We're human; it happens. But what about a fail so bad your coworkers still bring it up years later? Or a work fail so embarrassing you had no choice but to change jobs? These are the kinds of mistakes that become office legends, the stories that get told and retold at every company gathering. Imagin…
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New IT hire forced to take control of the whole system after entire team quits: 'Everyone left the company on my first day'

New IT hire forced to take control of the whole system after entire team quits: 'Everyone left the company on my first day'

Most new hires spend their first day getting an overview of their daily responsibilities and meeting the other members of their team. Unfortunately for this IT worker, that calm, chill first day was taken away from them pretty much instantly. It turns out that on this particular employee's first day, they learned that the company used some obscure and outdated software that would take some time to adjust to and understand. Well, time did not seem to be on their side given the fact that the cowo…
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Entitled coworker demands employee cover her shift, she refuses, but coworker does not take no for an answer: ‘I told the boss you agreed’

Entitled coworker demands employee cover her shift, she refuses, but coworker does not take no for an answer: ‘I told the boss you agreed’

Every employee wants to feel like they can trust their coworkers no matter what. You don't have to be best friends with your coworkers, but knowing you have someone you can turn to when you need to talk, when you need help, or even when you need someone to cover for you, is one of the most important things in a workplace. I initially understood the coworker's request in this Reddit story, for these exact reasons – Her manager didn't approve her time off, and she needed someone to cover her shif…
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work working workplace coworker employee employees job jobs business company true interesting reddit

'Everyone hates me until they need me': 25 Under-appreciated jobs we couldn't survive without

You're due for a dentist appointment. How do I know? Because we are all due for a checkup–we're just procrastinating and pushing the appointment because everyone detests going to the dentist. That is… until we have a raging toothache and can't sleep at night. The dentist will always be the bad guy until we desperately need him,
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'Completing a night's work... was arrogant? Ok, fine': Railroad boss demands employee "play nice" by agreeing to nonsensical plan, employee decides to underperform

'Completing a night's work... was arrogant? Ok, fine': Railroad boss demands employee "play nice" by agreeing to nonsensical plan, employee decides to underperform

Imagine being the person who's the first into the office and last out, yet your boss still isn't happy with your work. That's the rather irritating situation that u/Disastrous-Glove4889 found themself in at their railroad job. They were there to work on a project installing new lightbulbs into train signals, updating them from halogen bulbs to LEDs. Unfortunately, they were working with the boss from h-e-double hockey sticks who was apparently “universally hated.”
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'Lead? I don't even lead myself...': Overworked employee shocked by micromanager's raise denial, criticized for lack of leadership skills

'Lead? I don't even lead myself...': Overworked employee shocked by micromanager's raise denial, criticized for lack of leadership skills

You work hard all year round, expecting your bosses to recognize your aptitude, perseverance, and dedication—only to be severely disappointed. What are your next steps? Do you leave a work where you're not valued and search for better opportunities elsewhere? The story below is an account of a frustrated contractor. Prior to the annual contract review, the original poster (OP) had requested a raise. Her supervisors requested that she provide a synopsis of the reasons she thinks she should recei…
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'That would require Mr. Micro-Management to do some actual work': New manager spies on employees, employees waste two full days of work to spite him

'That would require Mr. Micro-Management to do some actual work': New manager spies on employees, employees waste two full days of work to spite him

You've got to be careful with your words when you're at the workplace , and that's the kind of wisdom that some workers never take to heart. This manager sounds like the exact opposite of a personality hire. He's the guy that's hired for his efficiency and leadership, but apparently he doesn't value morale or even seem to respect his employees . Instead of being the person who attends meetings to give out advice or suggest good ideas, this manager is in the business of shooting down every singl…
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Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Getting hired is one thing, but holding onto the position is quite another. Essentially, the hiring manager uses the data you supply and references from reputable companies to showcase your qualifications and elevate you during the interview process. But now that you have the job you've been wanting, it is up to you to demonstrate your suitability and back up your application. Having said that, I came across a captivating post on Reddit while scrolling through the feed that drew my attention ri…
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'Owner of the restaurant wanted me to "spy"': Undercover restaurant staffer boldly informs owners about what they need to change

'Owner of the restaurant wanted me to "spy"': Undercover restaurant staffer boldly informs owners about what they need to change

The owners of this restaurant couldn't handle the truth! At this establishment, management was trying to figure out how to make their store “more professional and turn some things around.” That's an admirable goal: wanting to make a restaurant a better place for both staffers and customers alike is sure to benefit a business. However, some restaurant owners don't want to take the obvious (and free!) option to figure out what should change. They could ask their hardworking employees and managers…
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26 work posts for the employees who need a meme break to get through the workday (July 3, 2024)

Well, we're at work. Now what? Faced with a daunting pile of tasks on our desks, we find ourselves procrastinating, desperate to do anything else to delay our responsibilities. It's a familiar scenario: you sit down on a Monday morning to tackle that project or report, but somehow, you end up scrolling through anything but work. The clock ticks and your to-do list remains untouched, growing more intimidating by the minute. But what if you could transform this procrastination into a brief, refre…
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'I shut my mouth and planned my revenge': Controller discovers they're being underpaid while boss brings on wife as overpaid consultant

'I shut my mouth and planned my revenge': Controller discovers they're being underpaid while boss brings on wife as overpaid consultant

For this worker, the only thing more infuriating than being underpaid was finding out that others were making much, much more money. In case no one's told you lately, you should discuss your salary with your coworkers. Even when—no, especially when—it's very awkward, you should still bring it up politely. You and your coworkers may benefit from it. If you all know what you're making, you have the ability to question your bosses about your value to the company compared to others. Higher-ups don'…
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'[He] liked to dip his hands into the sugar... the sugar bandit': 20+ Awful employees who made their boss's lives a nightmare

'He left sugar fingerprints on everything...the sugar bandit': 20+ Awful employees who made their boss's lives a nightmare

Bold is the coworker who calls out, then posts their beach day to their Instagram story. Why people do this baffles the mind. Why would you call out of work sick and then go out on the town, leaving a digital footprint behind you? Or worse still, the person goes out to their own workplace, as if their boss will welcome them with a big smile instead of a writeup . The bosses of Reddit decided to reveal the craziest things that their worst employees ever did in response to u/RoryC's question. The…
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‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

In certain situations, managing people might force you to diffuse awkward situations. The topics of discussion could include pay—or lack thereof—and dismissing competent workers due to the financial challenges facing the business. That being stated, how would you react if your manager reprimanded you for discussing your salary with a coworker? The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) spent a significant length of time working for the same company. OP is pai…
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