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Update: 'I used up every sheet of paper in our 14-story building': Writer agrees to "print out the internet" at entitled boss's request

You don't always get the chance to go absolutely crazy at your job, and this person decided to embrace it. They were told to print a frankly absurd amount of papers out, and they did it with gusto. Up next, read about this worker who discovered that their company punished them in exactly the same way whether they were 3 minutes late or 3 hours late, saying, “ No reasons for being late are accepted .”
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Incompetent employee gets what he deserves when he's booted from his company for slacking off, coworkers get back at him by simply doing their jobs

‘Enough was enough’: Long-time ‘deadweight employee’ is finally exposed after he takes a vacation and his team's efficiency skyrockets, is booted from the company as a result

”Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself."
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Employee forced to retire without warning, sends final message to former coworkers who are furious on her behalf: 'I don't want to, but I have to'

After decades of dedication, this employee was blindsided by an unexpected meeting with her boss. Without any prior warning, she was given an ultimatum: retire or take severance. Either way, she was to be out of the office by next Monday. Shocked and hurt, she left the meeting feeling like she had no choice. Her coworkers, who had no idea what was happening, were confused when she suddenly left, so she decided to send them a heartfelt message explaining the situation. She told them, "I don't wa…
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Arrogant boss gets ultimate karma when he picks on fresh new grad through sipping on a strong, piping-hot cup of joe he demanded the new grad to make for him

‘No BS degree in coffee making’: New grad is berated by boss for having a college degree and is demanded to be on office coffee duty, so he retaliates ‘strong[ly] but bitter[ly]’

Want some coffee? No problem.
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Burnt-out employee requests PTO and management threatens to fire him, so he finds a better job and quits the old one, demanding all of his unused PTO days be paid in his last paycheck

‘As you wish’: Overworked employee requests PTO for vacation and messy management threatens to fire him, so he quits and demands all PTO days be paid in his last paycheck

"Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it."
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boss school employee fired satisfying job empowerment phd revenge work coworkers thesis empowering college - 37256965

'I decided to turn this setback into something positive': Employee gets fired without warning, goes back to school and dedicates his entire doctoral thesis to ex-boss out of spite

Getting fired without warning can feel like the ultimate setback, but for one employee, it turned out to be the push he didn’t know he needed. After being unexpectedly let go, he decided to make a major life change—going back to law school and shifting his entire career path. While the firing stung at first, it gave him the motivation to pursue something new, and now he’s happier than ever in his new profession. But here’s where the story gets a little spicy: when it came time to write his doct…
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'If it's not in writing, it didn't happen': Micromanager tries to schedule meeting with employee after hours, gets HR involved, employee fires back with receipts

'If it's not in writing, it didn't happen': Micromanager tries to schedule meeting with employee after hours, gets HR involved, employee fires back with receipts

Being asked to stay late for more work is always a tricky situation. The truth of the matter is, despite any social pressures that might infer otherwise, there needs to be a legitimate incentive for the employee who has been asked to stay late to justify the practice. If not, the employee has every right to decline said request. In fact, even if there is such an incentive, they should still have the right to decline, as working late is not expressly part of their contract. Here, we have a worke…
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 'Everyone is invited but me': Employee gets excluded from company dinner, decides to crash the event instead of inquiring boss about the missing invitation

'Everyone is invited but me': Employee gets excluded from company dinner, decides to crash the event instead of inquiring boss about the missing invitation

Nobody likes to be forgotten or left behind, whether on purpose or by total accident. When someone you know is organizing an event, and you find out you are not invited, even if it was unintentional, it is such an awkward conversation to have, that you often don't know how to approach it. What are you even supposed to say? “Hey, was I not invited because you don't want me there, or did you just completely forget I existed?” However, if something like that does happen to you, it is still better…
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 boss workplace-stories jobs job hiring manager bosses new hire work coworkers Memes hiring workplace resume resumes

'The guy who pushed past me... just arrived for an interview with me': 20+ Memes for job candidates who can't figure out why they keep getting rejected

If you're struggling to land a new job , just consider: it could be going so much worse for you! No one ever said it'd be easy to get hired for a new job . Even when you're trying your very hardest, you might just not be the employee that the hiring manager is looking for. You may have to apply to hundreds of jobs before getting an interview, so then the pressure to perform well is on. When that interview arrives, you want to be at your very best. Lots of people will research the company, pract…
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories

'Give me a solid contract with triple the pay and I'll come back': Boss bluffs about firing employee, employee accepts and leaves workplace in a panic

We're all replaceable in the workplace, never forget that. No matter how good you are at your job, your boss could decide to give you the boot tomorrow, and by the next week, they'll have a replacement doing the exact same job as you. After that, read about the call center rep who got back at an entitled customer, revealing, “[She] got frustrated and asked to speak with ANYONE else .”
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Employee discovers coworker is taking credit for her work, she informs boss, only to be told off for not being a team player: ‘I don't understand corporate culture anymore’

Employee discovers coworker is taking credit for her work, she informs boss, only to be told off for not being a team player: ‘I don't understand corporate culture anymore’

Imagine being a hardworking employee who truly puts in the work, only to find out that someone else in the office is claiming credit for your hard work. What would you do in this situation? Naturally, if you have proof that a coworker is taking credit for work they didn't do, the best thing to do is talk to your boss about it, and ask them to step in. However, this story might suggest that asking your boss for help might not be the right call. The employee in this Reddit story turned to her man…
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work workplace coworker coworkers new hire sales it tech electronics ruined funny arrogant deserved justice karma employee employees boss manager supervisor working ceo job business company drama

Clueless sales rep tries to circumvent the IT support crew claiming he 'knows what he's doing', then he single-handedly destroys all of the electronics on their floor: 'He really went all out'

A transplant from the sales floor thought that he could out-IT the tech team.
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startup ceo ceos boss work worker employee employees job business company fired quit slides delete karma deserved justice project lol funny

'Make your own': CEO fires the one employee who knows how to manage their 3 largest clients, ending up in a tailspin after they delete all of their work on their way out

Startups... amirite?
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories Late

'No reasons for being late are accepted': Workers discover their company punishes them the same way no matter how late they are, employees start missing hours of work

How does your work handle latenesses ? Each workplace treats them differently. At some jobs where you clock in , such as those in the retail sector, being even a minute or two late is grounds for a write-up. Those bosses expect you to be there at your start time on the dot: no exceptions! Even if traffic is bad or your kid is sick, they don't care. They just want you there on time, with zero exceptions. However, some office jobs are way more relaxed about this kind of thing. It's normal for som…
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'Have I ruined my career?': Employee stops eating lunch with coworkers, sparking ridiculous feud with office Karen

'Have I ruined my career?': Employee stops eating lunch with coworkers, sparking ridiculous feud with office Karen

Every employee needs to draw their boundaries with coworkers. Sometimes, you get along with folks well enough that you're more than fine hanging out outside the office. However, other employees prefer a strict separation between work and life, and regardless of how other people think or feel about it, that decision needs to be respected. Here , we have an employee who had to draw their own boundaries within the work day itself. After a year of spending lunch with coworkers in the break room, he…
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 boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance bosses work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit lunch workplace coworker malicious compliance reddit

'I'm cracking up at the audacity': Workers collaborate to humiliate boss in front of CEO after he takes away their lunch break

This boss was left with an embarrassing predicament, but he has no one to blame but himself. Employees who aren't hungry are better workers, that's just a fact . You probably know the feeling of skipping breakfast and feeling groggy all morning, only to wake up after your lunch break and power through the rest of your day. When you're hungry, you can get headaches or wooziness, which isn't going to help you focus on your work. If all you can do is daydream about hamburgers, you're not going to…
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