

boss antiwork employee satisfying drama job bosses work coworkers petty revenge entitled people karma Horrible Bosses entitled company business entitled people employment - 35564037

'You owe me money!': Employee wrongfully fired for missing shift he requested off months in advance, causes a scene when entitled boss withholds final paycheck

This entitled boss got the karma she deserved. She spent most of her time bragging to her hourly employees about how rich she is, including being upset that her 3.5 million dollar house 'only' sold for 3.3 million, complaining that her daughter totaled her luxury car only to buy her a brand new one immediately, and so on. Well, the OP (original poster) worked as a chef at her fancy restaurant. He was struggling financially, as he and his girlfriend lived in a small apartment and were expecting…
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'Open can of sardines [was] left in the office fridge overnight': 25 Workplaces that are mildly infuriating

'Open can of sardines [was] left in the office fridge overnight': 25 Workplaces that are mildly infuriating

No workplace is perfect, but a few of these offices have some fatal flaws. For example, if your office temperature is constantly set to a toasty 78 degrees, the employees aren't going to be doing their best work. They're going to be constantly searching for a cooler spot to work from. Heat makes people irritable and impatient, so it's odd that a company would insist that their employees can't touch the thermostat to cool off a bit. Other employees are dealing with some chronic food theft . It's…
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'I've been waiting all day for coffee and you dropped the ball again': Office owners repeatedly ask female employee to make coffee for the entire office

'I've been waiting all day for coffee and you dropped the ball again': Office owners repeatedly ask female employee to make coffee for the entire office

It's an eternal question at any office: who makes the coffee, and who replaces it when the pot has run empty? Every workplace has its own coffee culture. All of the employees need some form of caffeine, whether it's the classic bean juice or energy drinks or tea. And at a lot of workplaces, high-end espresso machines and coffee machines are touted as a perk for employees. If your workplace has single-serve K-cup coffee makers, this problem solves itself. But if not, someone has to keep a pot of…
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‘Trust me…’: Boss defends employees from client's unreasonable demands, securing over $100,000 in compensation for company and staff

‘Trust me…’: Boss defends employees from client's unreasonable demands, securing over $100,000 in compensation for company and staff

Working in the notoriously ruthless corporate world, you need a manager who is supportive and caring and who will always look out for your best interests. The story that follows tells the tale of a clever worker. The narrative of what happened to one of his close friends is told by the original poster (OP). The friend has worked at the same company for a long time. Before the trend of hybrid work, the friend's boss allowed the staff to work five days a month in the office and the rest of the we…
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'I can’t help but feel a little bit guilty': Rare plant aficionado confiscates office plants from coworkers

'I can’t help but feel a little bit guilty': Rare plant aficionado confiscates office plants from coworkers

This person isn't sure how to feel about their office plants suddenly being redistributed by their coworkers. The plant people of the world, those with green thumbs , often develop a close bond with their plants. They're living things that thrive with sunlight and water, and unlike pets, they don't need constant attention. You can give your plant a name and talk to it, which is apparently good for the little sprout. If you're especially good at keeping your plants alive and thriving, it becomes…
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'[Boss] gave me the power to cancel his vacation plans': 10+ Dramatic instant karma stories

'[Boss] gave me the power to cancel his vacation plans': 10+ Dramatic instant karma stories

You don't have to believe in karma to appreciate the sentiment of it. What goes around comes around, and if you do good things, maybe good things will come back around to you. Next up, this retail worker shared what happened when they got even with a few of their worst customers, writing, “ Feeling a spirit of pettiness overtake me, I fill the cart with M&Ms.”
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reddit tech support karen karens malicious compliance work working employee employees worker funny company satisfying story tedious troubleshooting clocking-in patient

Patient tech support guy outmaneuvers a tedious Karen who insists he explain every single step of troubleshooting: '[So] I explain the obvious'

Never underestimate the patience of an hourly employee.
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blue collar employee boss hilarious antiwork jobs employee job relatable memes work memes work coworkers customers funny memes workday company funny in the workplace - 35467781

29 work posts for the employees who need a meme break to get through the workday

It's been a long day, and it's only the beginning of the week. There's no way bosses can expect their employees to maintain undivided attention all day long while still expecting them to produce top-notch work. Everyone needs a break once in a while. Whether you're having lunch in the break room, hiding in the bathroom, or tucked away in your cubicle, you need to recharge to get through the rest of the day. So why not recharge in the best way possible? Take a little meme break.
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'I'm surprised we didn't all quit that day': 20+ Fast food workers share what happened on their worst day of work

'I'm surprised we didn't all quit that day': 20+ Fast food workers share what happened on their worst day of work

When you're working in fast food, not a day goes by without some kind of customer shenanigans . You can head into work in the most peaceful mood, ready to do your best and provide quality customer service, and yet by the end of your shift, the customers will have sapped all of your patience. That's because a lot of fast food customers have the attitude that their order is the most important thing in the whole world. I know, they're hungry, but it's more than hunger: entitlement will have them g…
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  City council demands man remove grass from home and the neighboring road or pay the price, man cleverly complies making matters worse

City council demands man remove grass from home and the neighboring road or pay the price, man cleverly complies making matters worse

The responsibilities associated with homeownership are numerous. Each person completes the chores on their list, knowing that doing so will enhance their own quality of life, even though the list may seem long and never-ending to some. However, how would you respond if the city council gave you a challenging task and threatened to punish you for not completing it? Would you defend what is rightfully yours, or would you submit out of fear? According to the original poster (OP), his in-laws have…
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customer service employee entitlement drama job malicious compliance server work coworkers customers restaurant entitled reddit thread waitress Reddit company entitled people in the workplace - 35484165

'I completely ignored the fact that most of their table is now taken over with little dishes of ranch': Impatient customer asks 4 workers for more ranch, petty server maliciously compiles

Servers have to deal with it all. Mainly irritated customers. Whether it's dinner rush, the kitchen is backed up, or you are dealing with a Karen customer, you have to know how to maintain your composure, even in the most ridiculous of situations. In this story, a server is dealing with an impatient customer who wants more ranch (why is it always ranch?). The server heard his request the first time but still had multiple other tables to check on. She had a system going, and she'd get the impa...
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'[I'm] not doing... extra beyond my work hours': Employee openly plays on their phone in front of boss after boss refuses to let them leave early

'[I'm] not doing... extra beyond my work hours': Employee openly plays on their phone in front of boss after boss refuses to let them leave early

Every workplace has that one person who's a stickler for the rules and can take the fun out of any situation. Up next, these home installation workers have seen a thing or two during house visits, like one person who was surprised when “A chicken walks out of the back room.”
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management boss antiwork jobs good advice employee employment-discussion manager job work coworkers askreddit reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 35483141

27 Jobs that are much less enjoyable than employees expected: 'Working in a small company that likes to think they are a big company will destroy the fiber of your being'

The grass always seems greener on the other side. But the truth is, that's not always the case. Sometimes, we can be going through a tough time at work and find ourselves questioning if this is really the right industry for us. When we're young, we're told we can be anything we want, and there are so many professions out there that sound interesting—doctors, vets, teachers, chefs, etc. But then, once you get into the field, it's not as glorious as you were hoping.
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'All right. I know one of you took the wheels off my chair': Office of engineers embarks on pranking spree

'All right. I know one of you took the wheels off my chair': Office of engineers embarks on pranking spree

So many pranks and so little time. Having an office full of good-natured coworkers who can take a joke makes the work week fly by. Some workplaces prank each other more than others, though, like the employees of u/Apatheric_Anger's place of employment. They wrote that since the pay was low, morale was raised every time someone played a prank. I'm sure that pranking higher-ups was especially common in an atmosphere like that. The employee writes that “few were immune to pranks." Next up, tweets…
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social work teacher teachers classroom class boss bosses work worker employee employees job business company pay payout check osha reported karma malicious compliance

Social worker sacked for complaining to OSHA, still gets paid a salary for 10 years after getting forgotten entirely: ‘They still paid her and she kept quiet’

Karmic payout
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pallet pallets loading load unload truck work workplace employee malicious compliance temp server waiter waitress elderly manager boss supervisor company business

'That's not my job': Supervisor demands that a temp waiter unload heavy drink pallets from a truck, they maliciously comply by offloading each bottle one by one

Pallets may be heavy, but so is the weight of anti-authority malicious compliance
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