

Overworked employee takes up more duties as coworker leaves without notice, only to discover that same coworker got promoted to the position they were both after: ‘I feel betrayed’

Overworked employee takes up more duties as coworker leaves without notice, only to discover that same coworker got promoted to the position they were both after: ‘I feel betrayed’

Every employee wants to prove themselves in their workplace, if not for their own sense of accomplishment, then so they can prove to their managers that they are hard workers and are worthy of future promotions and reinforcement. The problem is, that there is a very thin line between proving your worth and being exploited, and managers love to cross that line in order to get more out of their employees, without having to pay for it. It seems like the employee in this Reddit story has also been…
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teacher teachers son family money pay wage wages education system salary underpaid reddit work working job tradesman craftsman employee working workplace

'Me? $53,000 a year with $70K in student debt': Mom torn between pride and lament when her teacher's salary proves to be <50% of what her teenage son makes as a tradesman

After 12 years of experience, as well as an expensive Master's degree that resulted in $50k in student debt, the original poster of this story could hardly boast about her teaching salary at $25/hour.
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'You need a lesson in etiquette...': Ferry crew kick entitled passenger off ship after his demands caused massive delay, resulting in 24-hour layover

'You need a lesson in etiquette...': Ferry crew kick entitled passenger off ship after his demands caused massive delay, resulting in 24-hour layover

If you want to get what you want rather than what you deserve, there are situations when it is preferable to be wise rather than righteous. The story below is an account of a frustrated car ferry worker. The original post (OP) details a previous interaction with a haughty client. The ship was preparing to set sail on a scorching summer's day. Even though the deck was nearly full and OP lacked the necessary area to carry the freight, he offered to load a little MG, if they didn't mind the strain…
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work workplace boss bosses golden-retriever golden-retriever-boss manager supervisor gen-z funny viral wholesome reaction tiktok

'Golden Retriever' Boss's Reaction Goes Viral When His Gen Z Employee Starts Live Streaming in His Office: 'Your boss is the sweetest'

He's so confused
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pizza parlor pizzas food delivery work pay price price-gouge epic malicious compliance reddit story

'Stakeholders want to bleed us dry? ...Ok': Pizza parlor gets price gouged by 40% by a food delivery company, then they use the company's deliveries as free advertising for far cheaper ‘in-house’ deals, scoring a slew of regulars as a result

While many of us are ashamed of what we would spend to have a minimum wage employee deliver takeout straight to our door during a summer thunderstorm, most of us will happily go online to feed ourselves out of convenience, spending far more for a pizza than any person should.
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server waiter waitress waiter-memes server-memes server-life memes meme relatable restaurant food service-industry meme funny work working worker employee manager work-memes

An Apron Filled With 38 Server Memes for Witty Waiters (and Waitresses) Living Shift to Shift

Walk a mile in these non-slip shoes
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After employee voices his opinions during company meeting, micromanager notifies him he is no longer welcome on the team

After employee voices his opinions during company meeting, micromanager notifies him he is no longer welcome on the team

In the corporate world, there are unwritten rules that need to be adhered to. If, for whatever reason, you decide to deviate from the norm, you should be prepared for the hits that will inevitably come your way. The following story tells the account of the employee who decided to stand up for himself in front of the company's managers. The original poster (OP) had been employed by the same business for a considerable amount of time. Even though he might be very talented in his field, the compan…
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Entitled coworker demands free lunches and rides to work from other employees, they refuse, leading to an office dispute: ‘Who do you think you are?’

Entitled coworker demands free lunches and rides to work from other employees, they refuse, leading to an office dispute: ‘Who do you think you are?’

Being nice to other people can get you really far in life, really fast, all you have to do is treat other people the way that you want to be treated. We're not saying that by simply being nice you will become the next president of The United States, but you can accomplish and get a lot of a respectful attitude towards others. For example, the employee in this Reddit story started her job by acting extremely entitled and demanding. She expected her managers and coworkers to provide her with free…
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'Judith cost the company almost $50k': Assistant manager writes up 80% of her employees, employees unite and refuse to go into work

'Judith cost the company almost $50k': Assistant manager writes up 80% of her employees, employees unite and refuse to go into work

When the chill manager left for a few days , the tyrannical assistant manager was left in charge. I don't think anyone at that company expected her reign to go so badly, as u/koldtee69 explained in their story of malicious compliance . No supervisor is perfect, and they all have their faults. But being a relaxed, chill manager is preferable for most employees you ask. When something goes wrong, you don't want the person who's freaking out to be in charge. You want the person who can take a joke…
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boss antiwork workplace-stories employee bonus job bosses work coworkers mildly infuriating paycheck reddit thread Reddit company in the workplace - 35569157

'I should have known it was too good to be true': Accounting department employee pranks coworkers with fake bonuses, employees realize it's a joke after a week of waiting for direct deposits

Naturally, being told you're receiving a bonus at work is extremely exciting. Anytime you are gifted money for recognition of your hard work and dedication, it is a pleasant surprise and a cause for celebration. But after reading this story, you might want to wait to for physical evidence of that bonus before you go off celebrating and spending it all. This employee from the accounting department decided to play a cruel joke on his coworkers by informing them that they were receiving...
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salary boss antiwork employee drama job work coworkers Horrible Bosses hourly employee reddit thread Reddit company business entitled people employment in the workplace - 35583749

Boss promotes all hourly employees to salary, workers find out 6 months later that he lied: 'Because he was now “salary,” we didn’t see compensation for those extra hours'

It sounds like this boss isn't going to have his job for much longer. These hourly employees work for a nonprofit where they do manual labor outside all day long. Their boss announced to them that they all were being promoted to salaried employees, and the team couldn't have been more excited . Who wouldn't be happy about a promotion? Being salaried means you can finally take PTO time without the guilt of taking a day off for yourself and being unpaid. That's a huge win for the OP (Original Pos…
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Hotel employee cleverly complies with higher ups' demands to never use spare key, leaving millionaire client stranded on biggest event of the year

Hotel employee cleverly complies with higher ups' demands to never use spare key, leaving millionaire client stranded on biggest event of the year

Collaborating with managers is not always easy. There are situations in which workers should quietly submit to commands and obey them with humility, even if doing so might not produce the most favorable results. The story below is an account of a clever hotel employee. The original poster (OP) has worked in the hospitality sector for a considerable amount of time. Even under the best of circumstances, the management overseeing the hotel's day-to-day operations was, at best, subpar. To increase…
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Office Karen picks a fight with coworker for making too many elaborate lunches: 'She doesn't have a right to demand that'

Office Karen picks a fight with coworker for making too many elaborate lunches: 'She doesn't have a right to demand that'

This Karen had the audacity to tell her coworker to stop making great lunches… Of course, the root of this was envy, which is the root of so many office conflicts we have covered here at FAIL Blog. In this instance, however, the Karen coworker was the spouse of another employee at the company, who is on the same team as the coworker who cooks well and often makes extra food for her teammates. It's not that the Karen wanted some of the extra food herself. It's that she felt threatened by her cow…
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'[We] had to evacuate the restaurant': 20+ Biggest workplace mistakes people ever made at their jobs

'[We] had to evacuate the restaurant': 20+ Biggest workplace mistakes people ever made at their jobs

They say that you're the only one who will dwell on your biggest mistakes in life, but these people beg to differ. Some mistakes are so big, so grand in their scale, that they'll follow you around for your whole career! With great power comes great responsibility, which is why a lot of these workplace mess-up stories come from the managers of the world. When you're overseeing employees, working on tight deadlines , and not getting enough sleep due to the stress of your job, the mistakes just ma…
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'Your input has been duly noted...': Employee’s frustration boils over amidst the shackles of workplace political correctness

'Your input has been duly noted...': Employee’s frustration boils over amidst the shackles of workplace political correctness

Some phrases from the business sector become ingrained in our minds forever. You are familiar with those vague proverbs that essentially advise you to get over yourself, but they do so in a polished and professional way. I came onto a post made by a frustrated employee on Reddit while perusing the site. The original poster (OP) goes into great depth to express his displeasure, which helps us as viewers better understand the reason why he has been driven to the point of no return. I felt compell…
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20+ Funny PTO Memes for Employees Ready to Use Their Vacation Days

20+ Funny PTO Memes for Employees Ready to Use Their Vacation Days

You've more than earned that paid time off!
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