
common sense

A collection of the dumbest things that people have ever said.

Dumbest Things People Have Ever Said

Must've been a stirring discussion.
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Bits of common sense that people seemed to learn late in life | seniorTemper 6h feel so dumb but didn't know lamb baby sheep. Reply 581

Bits Of Common Sense People Learned Late In Life

Always a humbling moment.
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FAIL cyclist driving bicycling common sense ridiculous dangerous Video stupid - 98548225

Cyclist Runs Stop Sign And Pitches A Fit After Getting Hit

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Scattergories is Tough

board games common sense typo WoW - 5998889984
Created by kayquinn

Ghost Riding the Whip FAIL

cars common sense crash - 6103429120
Via My Confined Space

Common Sense

common sense - 4954541568
Created by Vladimir

Wow, That Was Fast

books common sense hunger games movies - 6066298112
Created by Unknown

She Saved France From The Flood

common sense history - 6059531520

Hipster Grandma Saw it in 1912

common sense movies pop culture titanic - 6061783552

Point Proven

chivalry common sense dating - 6038715392
Created by Unknown

That Apple Magic

apple common sense technology - 6046785280
Created by ChazD

So How Was This Written?

common sense irony meta stupidity - 6040995072
Created by Unknown

Not Understanding a Reference... Classic

common sense movies stupidity - 6036822272
Created by Unknown

Thinking About Her Reasoning Makes My Head Hurt

common sense time wtf - 6023652864
Created by Growlerz

Hangover Logic

common sense cooking hangover womenamirite - 6027253248
Created by Unknown

Completely Necessary Sign FAIL

common sense irony signs - 6007351808
Created by sirius
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