
common sense

Idiets. Idiets Everywhere.

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Failbook: They Must Not Learn About The Mayflower

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I Was Wondering Why I Got Fired

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Created by mojojojo09

Merriam-Webster Sucks at Seeding

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Created by asanta27

Everyone Knows It's Maryland

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Created by Eisenherz
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FAIL Nation: Elementary School Math FAIL

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Something's Definitely Broken

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Created by Mr_Vice

It's Code For Too Much Guinness

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Created by lnovak550

But That Wasn't The Problem

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Created by SakuraFubuki92

Probably Bad News: We Swear We Aren't Watching You

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Created by desaster

The Apple Fanboy is Born

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Sure is, Picked it up in Diagon Alley

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Created by KitZero

Goodnight, Sun

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Created by DJ_FISTPUMP_69

Intelligence FAIL

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Via niagarafallslive

Solar Flare Ups

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Brooke Doesn't Get It

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Created by Unknown

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