

'He tells us we are trying to nickel and dime him': Autobody workers add oil to customer's car for a small fee, internet divided over the customers' reaction

'He tells us we are trying to nickel and dime him': Auto body workers add oil to customer's car for a small fee, internet divided over the customers' reaction

These auto body workers were surprised that one customer was throwing a fit over a pretty minimal fee … it was just $5. Depending on who you ask, $5 could be almost no money, or it could be quite a lot. If you're trying to buy a meal for your whole family with $5, it won't get you very far. But if you've lost your wallet and a bus ticket home costs $3, that crumpled $5 bill in your pocket is a life saver. Plus, in the grand scheme of things, spending an extra $5 at an auto body shop is just a d…
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'They folded quickly': Car dealership tells doctor she can't test drive a vehicle without her husband

'They folded quickly': Car dealership tells doctor she can't test drive a vehicle without her husband

This doctor was trying to buy a car , but she ran into an infuriating issue at the dealership. Buying a new car is a huge decision. You have to think about everything you'll be doing with your new vehicle, from taking the kids to soccer practice to loading up the truck with groceries and everything in between. Will you be filling your car with friends to go off-roading, or do you mainly just drive to the mall or the library? There are a lot of questions to ask yourself… but “Am I allowed to tes…
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car cars police ticket driving traffic tickets highway driver merge reckless violation petty revenge reddit thread tow-truck tow towing emergency

'My truck's over 20,000 pounds... prepare for revenge': Reckless driver gets a $2,000 ticket after failing to let a tow truck merge

One of the first things you learn in driving school is how to merge. Shortly after you learn which pedals make the car go and which pedals make the car stop, you learn the tried-and-true method of merging, fondly called “The Zipper”. However, once we're released onto the roads of the real world, oftentimes, people forget the you-go-I-go flow of traffic, forgetting entirely how to merge like a civilized driver.
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'I spent hundreds of unnecessary dollars in oil changes': Man finds out his car's odometer was set to kilometers instead of miles 7 years after he bought it

New fear unlocked. So, this man bought a used car about seven years ago. Everything checked out, the car ran great, and all of the paperwork was in order. The only peculiar thing he noticed was that he was putting "miles" on the car pretty fast, but he didn't think much of it because he drove a lot and took a lot of weekend trips. Fast forward SEVEN years when he took the car into the shop. After arguing with the technician about how many miles were on the car, the OP uncovered the truth.
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'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

Being a military spouse is a big deal to some people. Their husband or wife joins the military, and in order to go with them, they travel to whichever base their spouse happens to be stationed at. It can oftentimes be a lonely life. So the military spouses become a tight-knit group. After all, who else can you spend time with while you're at the base? Maybe that's why so many military spouses take their partner's ranking so seriously. They think that because their husband or wife is an official…
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‘I got my first official parking ticket’: Bewildered Philly drivers share the hilarity of the parking situations in their neighborhoods

‘I got my first official parking ticket’: Bewildered Philly drivers share the hilarity of the parking situations in their neighborhoods

Sometimes you get so annoyed you just have to laugh, and Philly drivers know this feeling so well. Driving in major cities is a special kind of nerve wracking. Most of us learn to drive by navigating back roads and highways. People tend to obey the laws here, and if you pick a remote enough area, you can have plenty of space to practice. In a city, though, it's like the rules just don't apply half the time. It's all about what you can get away with. Just tell that to the person whose car is roc…
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'Ex-wife told me to remove all my stuff from her storage unit. So I did': Guy takes washer, dryer, and car from cheating ex after she demands they take all their belongings out of storage

'Ex-wife told me to remove all my stuff from her storage unit. So I did': Guy takes washer, dryer, and car from cheating ex after she demands they take all their belongings out of storage

Breakups are the worst —just ask this person. Falling in love is magical, that's why it's called the honeymoon phase. Couples get to know each other and discover endless things to love about each other. The honeymoon phase doesn't last forever, though. Life goes on and things get complicated and the next thing you know, the relationship is on the rocks. Not every romance is meant to last forever---some only last for a few seasons. This guy also had the unfortunate revelation that his wife was c…
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'I parked in their space... somebody else got jealous and tattled to HR': IT worker conspires with their boss to snag a good parking spot through malicious compliance

This company's HR department has nothing better to do than make up creative punishments for their employees. Human Resources is supposed to be there for employees, or so they say. But, repeat after me: HR is there to protect the company , not the individual employees. They're there to protect the company from legal issues that could arise from things employees do, which is why HR is able to hire and fire people as they wish. No matter how great the HR is at your company, in the long run, they w…
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'My colleagues found it hilarious': Worker faces 'worst case scenario' during storm, takes eight hours to get to work

'My colleagues found it hilarious': Worker faces 'worst case scenario' during storm, takes eight hours to get to work

Some bosses don't trust their employees to work remotely, even when it's a necessity. This is especially true if the boss is a micromanager. They can't stand to let their employees have any autonomy over their days. If they let their workers do their jobs remotely, how will they know if their employees are actually working? Sure, they might get all their work done (or even be extra productive!), but if the boss can't make sure they're working exactly eight hours, they won't like the remote-work…
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'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

When you work with someone for 40 hours per week, you get to know all their habits, whether you want to or not. You learn that one person likes to play music out loud, or that another person has a love of strong-smelling foods that leaves the break room smelling rank. Other people got too close with their coworkers , and suffered the consequences, like one person who's been begging their coworker to give them back the money they owe. Their coworker is posting their extravagant weekend plans all…
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'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

'It's obviously the spot that everyone wants': Worker with injured knee questions if they're wrong for taking the parking spot their pregnant coworker keeps requesting

This person is not going to be making many friends at their office place. Every now and again, there's a post made to r/AmItheA******, and none of the commenters can agree on who's wrong in the scenario. This is one of those tales. U/NeopolitanGuy1 sparked the debate with their story about a parking space. Every workplace has at least one “good spot,” which is usually close to the entrance. It'll be hard to get that spot, though, because it'll be taken by whichever early bird gets to the office…
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'He's complaining to me he's overdrawn...not my problem dude': Repair shop refuses customer's credit card payment, then realizes his mistake

'He's complaining to me he's overdrawn...not my problem dude': Repair shop refuses customer's credit card payment, then realizes his mistake

This person told a tale of their car repair debacle from 20 years ago, and you can tell it's an old story because they discovered the repair shop using a phone book. A real phone book! What a delightful throwback! For those of you who don't know, a phone book was a very big and heavy book with hundreds of pages. The white pages listed the numbers of people, and the yellow pages listed the numbers for businesses. It wasn't just numbers, either, it usually listed addresses too. Having your phone…
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'This gave my neighbors their temporary victory': Couple complains that neighbor's truck blocks their view, neighbor organizes plan to get them back

'This gave my neighbors their temporary victory': Couple complains that neighbor's truck blocks their view, neighbor organizes plan to get them back

Some people don't know how to pick their battles, like these next door neighbors . U/PipeOrganTransplant shared their neighborhood drama , which all started with a hedge. The OP loves their forsythia hedge, while the neighbors think it blocks their view . But the rules and regulations around them state that the neighbors can't do anything about the plants. So instead, they got creative, and tried to find other ways to bring the OP down a peg. There are some people in life that you just can't pl…
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'The final straw was when she borrowed my car [and] caused 1000$ worth of damage': Student gets even with nightmare roommate by messing with the music library on his laptop

'The final straw was when she borrowed my car [and] caused $1000 worth of damage': Student gets even with nightmare roommate by messing with the music library on her laptop

Most young people make naive decisions when it comes to who they choose to live with. Personally, I've been known to make this mistake. Even when you have the slightest hesitation when the idea of living together presents itself, you go through a process of self-denial where you essentially convince yourself that the two of you are a perfect cohabitating match, but the reality is that not all great friends make great roommates, and sometimes living together can become the beginning of the end o…
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‘They all lifted the car… successfully moving it to the CENTER of the road’: Parking thief gets taught a lesson after stealing a college girl's spot

There are a few things in life that can make any driver enraged beyond reason: DMV appointments, losing your keys when you're running late, and having someone blatantly steal your assigned parking spot. Particularly when you have a car in the city, your parking spot in a crucial lifeline connected to your sanity– if that delicate balance is disrupted, rage-mode gets engaged.
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'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

No one is going to have a better “bad haircut story” than this dude. Imagine: you go to get a haircut, and as you're sitting in the chair, a car races into the establishment, crashing just feet away from you! The dude in the video doesn't have to wonder, because it happened to him while this hairdresser was giving him a trim. As you can check out in this wild video below, a 90-year-old woman the driver behind the chaos. She reportedly hit a different car while leaving a fast food restaurant. Th…
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