

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

When faced with an arduous situation, do you cave and give in to an easy solution, or do you stand up, tough as nails, and return fire? The arduous situation in question, from OP's point of view, is that she was about to get caught stealing all the other roommates' stuff. And she had a total meltdown. But let's start from the beginning. As this story is told by u/CharmingUniversity98's point of view, we shall start there. Many years ago, back when OP was in college, they lived with 4 roommates.…
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car-guys car cars vehicle subaru twins matching mistake reddit malicious-compliance reddit-thread rage revenge payback road-rage

'It was one of the most epic epiphanies of his angry life': Guy finds a ding on ‘his’ car, destroys the identical model parked next to it as revenge before realizing he was beating up his own car

They say that guys who are obsessed with cars are the male equivalent of a horse girl. Obsessed with something that's taken over their whole personality, car guys are often a little too protective of their vehicles, which can lead to some spicy parking lot altercations. In this story, one car guy shot himself in the foot (big time) when he misidentified his precious vehicle.
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‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘Kids these days’ is a saying that has been used for centuries to describe the younger generation, who have some serious courage (more than I ever had, to be sure). Kids don't really get the implications of their actions unless they are taught a lesson, and that lesson can come in all shapes and forms. Good parenting is critical to solving recurring issues, such as the one I am about to tell, and luckily the dad in the story understood the assignment. OP began his tale by explaining how two kid…
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‘I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat': Resident uses power outage during storm to get back at outdoorsy neighbor after paying out of pocket for car repair

‘I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat': Resident uses power outage during storm to get back at outdoorsy neighbor after paying out of pocket for car repair

A storm can be your ally if you play your cards right. To be fair, there probably won't be many opportunities to use a storm to your advantage, but never say never. One person, u/Valladian, stumbled upon a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get back at his neighbor, who had committed the very non-neighborly act of denting in OP's car, and then denying he had anything to do with it. See, this neighbor, who for the sake of the story we'll call Chester, had a Jeep, which he used frequently for camp…
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'I called... to tell him the great news, and he loses it': Service advisor tells customer about cheap fix for his car, he insists on an expensive new fuel pump

'I called... to tell him the great news, and he loses it': Service advisor tells customer about cheap fix for his car, he insists on an expensive new fuel pump

Car owners have immense pride over their precious vehicles. People who are into cars get so invested in the details that make their automobile shine, from shiny rims to blackout windows. All of these extras don't come cheap, but for lots of people, their car is their favorite hobby, and they'll pour hundreds or thousands into making it look the best it can be. This person also took a lot of pride in his car , but it's less about love for his vehicle, and more about him thinking he can never be…
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'Throw out your own trash': Guy finds dude's trash bags on his pickup truck, gets even by dumping it inside dude's car

'Throw out your own trash': Guy finds dude's trash bags on his pickup truck, gets even by dumping them inside dude's car

Does anyone else who drives a pickup truck also have to deal with this nonsense? Because this driver seems to frequently get his vehicle confused with some kind of communal dumpster. And no, it's not like there's some misleading design on his pickup truck that would seem to suggest it belongs to a garbage company. For whatever reason, the image of the pickup truck alone seems to conjure the idea of trash in many people's minds. So here's what happened to this driver, who shared his story via th…
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'We eventually found out what Grandpa Kevin had done': Grandfather tries to bond with grandchild, accidentally ruins car's entire brake system

'We eventually found out what Grandpa Kevin had done': Grandfather tries to bond with grandchild, accidentally ruins car's entire brake system

In the same way you can't eat at just anyone's home, you can't let just anyone fix up your car . That's the lesson u/Muchacho1994 learned after letting their grandfather check out their 2005 Chevy Malibu. Spending time with devoted grandparents is the best. They just want to spoil their grandkiddies with presents and food and hugs. It's easy when your grandkids are very young and eager to play with their grandparents. As the kids get older, you have to find new things to bond over, such as a ne…
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'Comply with your own covenants, then': HOA president sends entire neighborhood notices for violations; one resident flips the script

'Comply with your own covenants, then': HOA president sends entire neighborhood notices for violations; one resident flips the script

Housing communities are continuously getting more and more infamous for the unfair, ridiculous rules they enforce, yet ironically, don't apply to themselves. The head of HOA, also known as 'President', gets to write all the rules along with the rest of the board, usually making sure that the rules are in compliance with his or her own personal preferences. I was flabbergasted to read that an HOA president took it upon himself to drive all around u/smocky13's neighborhood, looking to see whose g…
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road-rage driving police highway-patrol ticket speeding speeding-ticket petty-revenge revenge deserved cars

'I've never felt greater satisfaction': Guy gets back at a bad driver by tricking him into going 50mph over the speed limit directly in front of a police speed trap

Road rage is a pretty common emotion to feel when you're driving on the freeway. Contrarily, ‘road vindication’ is something seldom seen and for frequent road ragers, but it certainly would be nice to see some of the bad drivers and muppets you see behind the wheel get a little justice handed to them every now and then. Imagine if every tailgater, swerving, Fast & Furious wannabe got exactly what they deserved right in front of you eyes?
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'They say it's lowering property values': Homeowners share their worst HOA horror stories

'They say it's lowering property values': Homeowners share their worst HOA horror stories

No matter how gorgeous the house is, be careful getting a place where HOAs rule the land. These people are sharing their own cautionary tales in this video below. HOAs, which stands for Home Owner's Associations, are groups of elected individuals who make rules to keep a neighborhood looking its best. However, these can quickly get out of hand. Instead of making common sense rules or helping people in need, HOAs seem to basically exist to make a home owner's life a living nightmare. Once you se…
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'I will call a tow truck if I have to': 20+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (August 17, 2023)

'I will call a tow truck if I have to': 20+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (August 17, 2023)

When you have an annoying few moments , don't let it ruin your whole day. You only have so many minutes in a day, and if you spend it ruminating on something that ticked you off, you're wasting your precious time. Instead, do what these folks did: share your mildly infuriating moment with the internet. Misery loves company, and there's plenty of different infuriating moments that people have brought to the table lately. One that sparked lots of attention was the person who was stuck at a rainy…
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'I do not have to have a driver's license to drive a vehicle': Karen gets stopped by officer in Florida, refuses to show her license

'I do not have to have a driver's license to drive a vehicle': Karen gets stopped by officer in Florida, refuses to show her license

Some people never seem to understand that rules apply to them. It's as if they were never told “no” as a child and have since created some sort of warped alternative reality where their own rules are law and nothing else matters. In some ways, one might seem envious of this way of life. However, it's all fine and good until an authority figure reminds you that this is not La La Land. This is the real world, and in the real world, you need to have a driver's license in order to drive a car. We k…
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'You need to move your car': Couple parks on neighbor's driveway, retort ‘we're not parking here' when asked to move

'You need to move your car': Couple parks on neighbor's driveway, retort ‘we're not parking here' when asked to move

'The apple doesn't fall from the tree' does not only apply to family situations but also to friends. People say that if you look at a person's friends, you'll know who they are, but that isn't always the case. See, even when you are lucky enough to land a house with good neighbors, their guests aren't always so polite. In this case, u/cycloscott dealt with the usual, run-of-the-mill Karen, after finding his entire driveway blocked thanks to her and her husband parking their car on it. OP approa…
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Cops stop driver for traffic violation, he tears up his own cash

'You're gonna...make this even worse for yourself?': Cops stop driver for traffic violation, driver tears up his own cash

This guy had an interesting reaction to being pulled over by police . As police officers approached this dude's vehicle, they informed him that he was about to get a ticket. The price of the ticket is a mere $10, which is probably the cheapest ticket I've ever heard of. But nevertheless, this guy began to freak out, all while the passenger next to him stares ahead in silence. There's no amount of cash that's worth tearing up for this reason. However, the driver justifies the decision by insisti…
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The Top 24 Mildly Infuriating Flops for the Weekend

The Top 24 Mildly Infuriating Flops for the Weekend

I want to find a cave far, far away, and live in it.
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'City folk come at the farmer': Tractor-driving farmer quits plowing snow from neighbors' yard after neighbor tells him 'do it later, or not at all'

'City folk come at the farmer': Tractor-driving farmer quits plowing snow from neighbors' yard after neighbor tells him 'do it later, or not at all'

A new guy in town learned to be careful what he asks for from his neighbors . As u/Doriantalus shared, they grew up on a dariy farm, where they have a typical farm lifestyle . That means waking up at the crack of dawn to start farm chores — cows need to be fed and milked at specific times of day, so it's important that the farmers are consistent. The OP's dad sounds like a really nice guy. OP writes that each winter, he would wake up before chore time — around 3 AM — in order to plow every neig…
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